xDeityx, on 10 June 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:
This totally depends on the context. Is the person making a valid point and people are saying to him "talk to us again when your Elo is higher?" Then those people are just shooting themselves in the foot. Not everyone behaves this way.
Are they saying "come talk to us when your Elo is higher" to a person making an invalid point that obviously stems from his perspective as an unskilled player? Good! They can also explain why to him and do a little teaching in the process.
There are good people out there, I like to think I'm one of them. (I remember doing a lot of firefighting in the forums and sitting in the TS the night MWO went OB..spreading experience and telling people how to work around things..)
I also refused to group up with more 4 players for the first week of OB until MM Phase 1 came in, so as NOT to be a part of the 8man newbie trollstomper squads.. often resulting in my facing them as a pug.. and getting stomped.
However the amount of venom and epeen on the internet is staggering, and at an educated guess (this *IS* the internet) I'd say the venom and epeen far outweigh the helpful people.
If there's 3 college professors outside your door, but right beside them are 300 teenage vandals/thugs.. do you really want to open the door if you don't have to?
xDeityx, on 10 June 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:
I don't see that those examples you gave are immediately dismissable (the first one at least; I don't understand the second). What if someone did get an Atlas cored in one shot by LRM10s? If that person's Elo is really high I would want to investigate that further because I could trust that person not to be confused by the game mechanics. If that person's Elo is very low, I could probably save time and just assume that they didn't see their own blood red torso.
1: An experienced person would investigate getting cored by an LRM10 further, before making a forum post about it.
2: He was demanding (essentially brackets like we already have) in a misspelled, non-formatted ragepost about pilots doing newbie things.
xDeityx, on 10 June 2013 - 11:28 AM, said:
I don't think that's a reason to give up though. I think if we had public Elos back when ECM was first rolled out it would have been much harder for PGI to ignore all the top-level players saying what a bad implementation the hard-counter was. You could probably have seen that the people defending ECM weren't that skilled if they didn't understand how broken it was in that metagame.
If we'd actually gotten to talk about it, perhaps. But I refer to the first point.
Chavette, on 10 June 2013 - 11:33 AM, said:
Name the time and I'll join
I don't have specific times I play.. but if I see you on TS3 (NA server) when I get on there I'll link up.
Soy, on 10 June 2013 - 11:33 AM, said:
Livewyr, you're the one that would only send texts in TS, don't look at me bro, I'm down to talk about anything. Obvsly.
You do not talk to me like that with my mohawk. But if you feel like grouping, I'm game, I will crush those puny warriors with my hand.
Btw you should've seen one guys PM earlier, he was livid. I seriously think I cut into his work productivity today, that's probably only thing I feel bad about regarding this thread.
ps - get on ******* comstar na and lets all kill people together WHILE we post our responses and not talk about it over voice. that'd be tight
I send texts if the person is in Lobby (no voice) or is in a group already so they can respond at leisure and not be interrupted.
And yes, I would imagine your posts do gather some angry attention.