Kyynele, on 09 June 2013 - 01:43 AM, said:
I just got out from a match in River City, where our side had 4 trials - 2x RS, 1x 4P and 1x 5D (the spider disconnected instantly).
I may be in the minority (though certainly not alone) , but my 4P and RS are currently painted basic green just so that people think they are trial mechs and thereby underestimate them until they suddenly rip someone`s side torso off. There is bo better camoflage for an experinced player than to have the enemy team ignore you becasue they think you`re a noob.
Things are not always as they seem.
BTW, you may need another cup of coffee to wake up, as in the posted screenshot
the 4P was on the other team (your had a 4SP), and there were no blackjacks at all in that match. You sure you upped the right screenie?
Edited by Zerberus, 09 June 2013 - 03:24 AM.