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Experiencing Alternated Steamrolling?

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Poll: Do you regulary experience a tick-ock, win-loss, Steamroll Experience (86 member(s) have cast votes)

Well do you?

  1. Every match is an alternating Steamroll in my favour or against (38 votes [44.19%])

    Percentage of vote: 44.19%

  2. I regularly expirence fights that are evenly balanced (16 votes [18.60%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.60%

  3. I experience an even distribution of fair fights and steamrolls (32 votes [37.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 37.21%

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#1 Immitem


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 11:31 PM

Something that has become very, very noticeable over the past couple of weeks are the alternating steamroll matches. I will win one match with only one or two people on my team dead followed by a match in which I live long enough to realise that I am 2v8. The immediate next match is a polar-opposite win with no losses! The followup is absolute defeat.

Is my ELO really in such a strange spot that the flawless victories I experience catapult me so high up the ladder that I compete against vastly superior players only to be shot down in devistating defeat to fight inferior opponents only to rocket up again in the very next match?

Is everyone experiencing this bizarre phenomenom or is this par for course for pugs?

Edited by Immitem, 09 June 2013 - 03:13 AM.

#2 ArmandTulsen


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 11:41 PM

It's not just you. It happens very frequently to me. One match you think you're an ace pilot, and then the next you get taken to school.

#3 PEEFsmash


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 11:45 PM

This game is a game of momentum, and it is easy for situations to get out of control. Because of this, I consider any match that results in at least 3 deaths on each side to be close. Matches like this happen regularly.

#4 Sephlock


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Posted 08 June 2013 - 11:57 PM

View PostPEEFsmash, on 08 June 2013 - 11:45 PM, said:

This game is a game of momentum, and it is easy for situations to get out of control. Because of this, I consider any match that results in at least 3 deaths on each side to be close. Matches like this happen regularly.
^ This. Also I've found that at random times, gremlins will plague my teammates and I'll find that most of them died after dealing only 20 damage (suggesting that their weapons all simultaneously malfunctioned after a shot or two).

#5 Immitem


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 12:12 AM

View PostSephlock, on 08 June 2013 - 11:57 PM, said:

^ This. Also I've found that at random times, gremlins will plague my teammates and I'll find that most of them died after dealing only 20 damage (suggesting that their weapons all simultaneously malfunctioned after a shot or two).

Something that I was wanting to add but could not figure out how to articulate it into the OP as weird as it sounds was in many of the stomp matches the losing side had 3 to 4 mechs of all weight classes that did less than 50 damage. How or why this is and how it plays in with a yo-yoing ELO (if that is even the problem) I am not sure but the reason I find it so interesting is that it is always alternating. Always a total win followed by a devistating loss followed by a total win and each time there are those 3-4 jokers on the losing team who did like 30 damage. (Since I never recorded the numbers there is always room for a reasonable margine of error)

There is the occasional close game but that is like once every other day and interestingly enough my W/L is a perfect even.

Edited by Immitem, 09 June 2013 - 12:13 AM.

#6 Snowhawk


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 01:17 AM

View PostSephlock, on 08 June 2013 - 11:57 PM, said:

^ This. Also I've found that at random times, gremlins will plague my teammates and I'll find that most of them died after dealing only 20 damage...

Just imagine... there would be a tonnage-limit and the only two assaults in your team are dealing under 40 damage..... what a waste of tonnage :lol: (recently I saw 2 Highlanders who have managed this....)

#7 Kyynele


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 01:43 AM

I just got out from a match in River City, where our side had 4 trials - 2x RS, 1x 4P and 1x 5D (the spider disconnected instantly). The other side had a 4 person premade of BJ-1Xs accompanied by obviously non-trial assaults such as Heavy Metal.

Guess how that turned out.

I don't know what happened, seems like all the games I get to now are full of trial mechs. And it's not fun to have them on either side.

Spot the trial mechs:

Posted Image

#8 El Bandito


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 01:47 AM

50-50 for me. Half the matches are steamrolls and another half is about even.

Edited by El Bandito, 09 June 2013 - 01:47 AM.

#9 Bloody Moon


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 02:05 AM

I usually get decent games, except in the off hours.

#10 w0rm


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 02:46 AM

Depends from day to day. Some days its just steamrolls after steamrolls (in both directions; ~80% in favor to my team). On other days every match is a intense fight to the teeth (with nearly 50:50 win/loss ratio)

Edited by w0rm, 09 June 2013 - 03:01 AM.

#11 BigMekkUrDakka


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 03:06 AM

add some more poll options if u can please, like "i have equal amounts of both"

#12 Tennex


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 03:14 AM

steamrolling tends to always happen. its the nature of no respawn.

the first team to get a kill makes it a 8vs7 and has an easier time getting another kill and making it a 8vs6... and so on

Edited by Tennex, 09 June 2013 - 03:14 AM.

#13 Zerberus


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 03:16 AM

View PostKyynele, on 09 June 2013 - 01:43 AM, said:

I just got out from a match in River City, where our side had 4 trials - 2x RS, 1x 4P and 1x 5D (the spider disconnected instantly).

I may be in the minority (though certainly not alone) , but my 4P and RS are currently painted basic green just so that people think they are trial mechs and thereby underestimate them until they suddenly rip someone`s side torso off. There is bo better camoflage for an experinced player than to have the enemy team ignore you becasue they think you`re a noob.

Things are not always as they seem. B)

BTW, you may need another cup of coffee to wake up, as in the posted screenshot


the 4P was on the other team (your had a 4SP), and there were no blackjacks at all in that match. You sure you upped the right screenie? :lol:

Edited by Zerberus, 09 June 2013 - 03:24 AM.

#14 Sephlock


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 03:19 AM

In the >50 damage cases, I'm pretty sure what happens is either:

1: The teammate walked out into the open and got PPC/Gaussed or LRMed to death and frantically fired off his weapons at max range trying to get any points he could.

2: The teammate rounded the corner into a firing squad.

What bothers me is not that this happens, but that they follow each other like lemmings*.

*Fun fact, real lemmings don't actually do that. Those Disney ppl drove those poor lemmings to their deaths for the camera :lol:.

#15 Zerberus


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 04:21 AM

View PostSephlock, on 09 June 2013 - 03:19 AM, said:

*Fun fact, real lemmings don't actually do that. Those Disney ppl drove those poor lemmings to their deaths for the camera B).

Actually, I think DMA design and Psygnosis are more to blame than disney, thoiugh White Wilderness was definitel the beginning... :lol:

Edited by Zerberus, 09 June 2013 - 04:22 AM.

#16 Victor Morson


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 04:32 AM

When PUGs finally get VOIP so they can, at the very least, try to prime targets it will fix a lot of this.

Playing MW:O without voice effectively against people that have it has been a joke from day 1, and everybody knows it.

#17 Vassago Rain


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 06:02 AM

90% of my matches are steamrolls in either direction.

#18 BootHands


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 06:33 AM

I disagree with the premise that a steamroll isn't a fair fight. There are plenty of fair steamrolls, where someone, or several people screw up and throw a match. There is nothing wrong with that.

Last night, I played a game, where the first thing that happened, was two lights on the enemy team going for a quick cap ran into a wall of assault mechs and got obliterated before they could get away (which is what happens when you're dumb enough to play a light without JJs imo), immediately making the game am 8v6. There was nothing unfair about that. It was player error on the enemy side that was taken advantage of.

The enemy team after that point had no lights, so our lights could pretty much run around shooting enemy heavies and assaults in the back and the game snowballed from there, because this is a very snowball-y game.

At no point was anything not "fair".

Edited by BootHands, 09 June 2013 - 06:33 AM.

#19 armyof1


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 06:40 AM

Matches that end with 8-4 or more even are about 20% of the matches I'm in, the others are rolls back and forth that more often than not end 8-2 or less even than that. It's no wonder I'm getting a bit bored with the game as the really exciting, even games happen so seldom.

Edited by armyof1, 09 June 2013 - 06:43 AM.

#20 Ozric


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Posted 09 June 2013 - 07:02 AM

The matchmaker has gone insane. That's the only thing I've come up with.

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