ObsidianSpectre, on 11 June 2013 - 11:16 AM, said:
The heat penalty system described is pretty much exactly what I understood it to be when it was first discussed. I still think it's a bad idea. You're heaping complexity on an already complex system, this is a very inelegant solution, and it's going to bring a bunch of problems down the road if it gets implemented.
Balance the weapons individually so you don't need the heat penalty system. Any balance problems you see with boating weapons are just the balance problems with the individual weapons, but exaggerated from having a bunch of them.
I really don't understand PGI's regular reluctance to address balance problems directly. Why do we keep seeming to go the Rube Goldberg route of game balance?
While I am not a huge fan of the system as proposed, I'd like to offer a counter point to your statement that it's just a problem with the individual weapons. While I understand your objection to complexity on complexity, there's an important factor that this is addressing that is not and *cannot* be addressed by adjusting individual weapons>
Synergies. Basically what weapon systems work well together. On table top I might say that a mix of energy missile and ballistic weapons synergize well to give flexible firepower and varied ranges along with heat management. For example consider the atlas with the AC20, the SRM6, and the lasers. In the resource material this is an excellent mech, but in that configuration it is just not very compelling.
In this game these weapons have the problem that they need very different aiming to hit your target. It's better now with HSR but hitting a fast moving target with the AC20 the lasers and the SRM requires you to aim at 3 different places and for different durations of time!
In effect combining weapons that are not exact copies of the same thing has a *negative synergy* in that it makes the mech that much harder to use to its full potential. This is not an issue of it being better if you play better, it's just a flat out harder to use situation.
This is why it is necessary to put this bandage on to penalize copies of the same weapon.
I would prefer hit randomization when any weapons are fired as a group but hey, I'll take what I can get.
AndyHill, on 16 June 2013 - 10:51 AM, said:
And that's why we need a mechanism that takes as much cheese out of boating as possible. I don't see how 45 point alpha from mediums is not a gameplay problem if long battles are the goal. The predominantly medium match would probably be even faster than the current assault-heavy one with more emphasis on instant pinpoint alphas.
Also, boating small lasers is definitely an issue, that light and small weapons are not supposed to give so much pinpoint alpha. I believe the pinpoint alphas are the thing preventing any kind of proper weapon balancing and they should be taken care of for all combinations, not just the current flavor of the day. Because those will keep coming and coming longer and harder than any game designer can try to balance.
I agree with your sentiment and would love to see the game switch to a hit allocation system. The more skilled players will still hit more often, since you still have to hit the enemy model, but this way pinpoint focused weapons and 6xerppc builds wouldn't be 1 shotting enemies outside of the very very rare head hits.
This would also fix the problem of artwork based imbalance where some mechs like the awesome are suicide if they throw in an XL engine, while others like the catapult can use them with impunity.
I'd also like the devs to look into what a clan mech packing 2 ultra AC 20's (e.g. hunchback IIc?) can do to game balance.
Edited by Tolkien, 16 June 2013 - 02:37 PM.