Splitpin, on 12 June 2013 - 02:23 PM, said:
Yes, that's exactly what we've been trying to communicate to them since closed beta: The heat system is broken. It does not work. This is evidenced in the high-heat alpha game-play we see today, and further evidenced by the proposed band-aid fix in the OP.
They need to re-work it, and luckily it's not that complicated of a fix (in theory):
1. Drastically lower the heat cap (by as much as half)
2. Drastically raise heat dissipation (by as much as double)
3. Optionally lower the heat cap increase from both single and double heat-sinks.
That should take care of the high-heat mess we're in, and the solution to the pin-point damage problem is also (in theory, if not in practice; it'll take some coding) easy:
1. Rework all ballistics to fire in bursts of about 1 second, just like energy weapons.
2. Rework the PPC as a beam weapon, since that's what it's supposed to be.
These two major fixes will eliminate both high-heat alphas and pin-point damage in one fell stroke, and I'm confident PGI could pull it off in good time before release, leaving them with a game in a much better state, closer to its BattleTech roots, and much, much easier to balance. It'll also increase the skill needed to play the game when you'd need to also hold ballistics on target to do your full damage, like we have to with energy weapons currently.