Prosperity Park, on 15 June 2013 - 07:46 AM, said:
How many thousands of Gamers have only played MechAssault and not any MechWarrior titles? How many of us core players are going to quit when we still get to play in 1st-person matches? (Hint: Not one "core customer" is going to quit simply because other people in other matches are playing in 3PV). Heck, 1st person gets an entire gamemode to itself, specifically for the core players.
Adding 3PV to this game WILL draw more customers, there is absolutely no denying that. There are people who prefer to play 3PV games and that's what they are going to play. DO NOT dismiss them as "inferior" customers who would merely sully this game's pristine habitat. Adding more customers is what we want. More customers means more exposure, which means more customers... which all means more money and a better game.
I would like to hear one good argument about how adding 3PV will have a significant detrimental effect on this game. Everybody just screams "waiting queues!" but we also know that Matchmaking thresholds can be adjusted at liberty, and adding 3PV will add more players to the playerbase. The people who yell "Wall haxs! Looking around corners!" have to consider that a match of all 3PV players presents no advantages to anyone on the field (they all have the same perspective -> no advantages to anyone), and every single Mercenary contract will be fought 1PV vs 1PV (which, as we have established already, gives nobody an advantage).
When they start making balance changes based on what happens in 3rd person you will see the folly. They wont have seperate values for 3rd person and 1st person. When they find out that 3rd person turned the game into nothing but camping crest humpers, and then make changes to the game to fix that, 1st person will also suffer.
3rd person changes everything about this game, and it will have a huge impact on design and balance features. which because 3rd person is "normal" mode, all design and balance changes will reflect 3rd person.
Scenario. I wonder what is around that corner?
1PV I guess ill peek out and see, risking getting shot or seen.
3PV Nothing there, but I better not move because there could be a guy peeking like I am, and if I do move, he will have the complete advantage of lining up his shot as he comes out of cover and drilling me.
Scenario. Poptarting
1PV I gotta jump and spot the enemy and line up my shot as I come down.
3PV I already spotted the enemy, now I line up my shot before i jump, and then jump and let him have it.
Scenario, A light mech or something faster than you is fighting you.
1PV oh crap he just went behind me, which way did he go back there, how should I attempt to engage, Giving the advantage to the light that flanked.
3PV Ok light, you got behind me, but I can see you back there, and know exactly where to angle and reverse etc to get you.
Scenario, Start of the match, no one has engaged in combat
1PV, where are they?????????? We need to flank or do something. Atleast I know that if They can see me, I can see them.
3PV I'll just find a high point on the map and use my 3rd person view to see below me and at an angle in the distance.
Picture all that hill fighting where the enemy is right next to you on the other side of the hill, but you dont know the exacts, only now you will always know where they are. Think Caustic/Alpine/tourm, Those maps will now allow you to pick at your enemies if you have the height advantage, without showing yourself, and letting you line up your shots before ever leaving cover.
These all have an effect on how the game is played, and creates a completely different game.
Edited by Braggart, 15 June 2013 - 08:30 AM.