Victor Morson, on 14 June 2013 - 10:14 PM, said:
I've said it before but I'll say it again, they need to open a dialogue with the best teams in the game right now and take their input as the most valuable. They understand the game. Yes, you might be worried about offending the PUGs PGI, but they want a balanced game too, even if they have horrible ideas of how to balance it. I'm sure they'd be happy if great players help steer your future decisions in the long run.
I agree wholeheartedly........Listen up Brian/Paul.......Keep the forums open for the whiners and ineffectuals...but please start contacting the top end players and listen to there feedback. For a competitive game, the only people whos opinions matter are those at the top. What happens in normal play isnt of much concern, because its casual.
Sorry for all of the rest of you, but thats how it is. Take LoL for an example....makes a ton of money, only the top teams meta has any impact on play. LoL is where MWO dreams it could be.