Atm AC/20, PPCs and Gaussrifles are much to close to the TT rules imo. Reading the novels especially ACs are not really firing a single shell, but most of the time they fire a burst of shells.
If you read up on AC/20s on sarna it says:
"The Autocannon is a direct-fire ballistic weapon, firing HEAP (High-Explosive Armor-Piercing) rounds at targets either singly or in bursts.
Different manufacturers and models of autocannons have different calibers (25mm-203mm) and rates of fire. Due to this, autocannons are grouped into generic "classes" of autocannons with common damage ratings, with Autocannon/20s doing massive damage while having very short range.
An example of the rating system: the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon is a 150mm weapon firing ten shells per "round" while the Chemjet Gun is a 185mm weapon firing much slower, and causing higher damage per shell. Despite their differences, both are classified as Autocannon/20s due to their damage output."
"...PPCs fire a concentrated stream of protons or ions at a target, causing damage through both thermal and kinetic energy...."
Only the Gaussrifle really fires single Canonballs:
"...the Gauss Rifle utilizes a series of electromagnets to propel slugs of ferrous nickel-iron alloy at extremely high velocities..."
So my solution would be to recreate ACs to fire bursts instead of single bullets, this would spread the damage a bit, similar to lasers that need to be aimed on target for their entire duration to do a good amount of damage. Same modification could be done to PPCs, so that they also apply their full damage on a single hitlocation only if you manage to stay on target (maybe the PPC should applay its damage a bit faster than the lasers). Regarding the Gaussrifle - half the damage and double its RoF.
This way we can have more Dakka, while adding skill to the game - as keeping your crosshair on target is definately more dificult, if you need to do it for a longer period of time - and we add fun to the game by getting a greater time to kill which means, people can stay in a game for longer, as they are not being Alpha'd to death in a single volley anymore. This would be much more enjoyable, especially as getting into a game and getting into contact with the enemy already takes quite a lot of time and being alpha'd to death at the first glimpse of the enemy can be rather frustrating (PS2 has a very quick TTK but you respawn within 10 seconds, so no big deal).
PS: I know, I put this into another thread, also - but I think an individual post might get more attention - also added a poll
Now I updated this suggestion with a picture:

This would also add much more variety! I kinda find it boring, that there are these classes of AC/20, AC/10, AC/5 and AC/2, but it is understandable form the point of making a manageable game, without going through the roof with all the different weaopons, especially for a tabletop game - when you look at Warhammer 40k for example, especially for beginners the huge amount of rules regarding all the different weapons is painful, and playing takes way too long, because people have to look up the rules all the time. Keeping it simple is good for a tabletop game.
Computers though can easily cope with huge amounts of different rules - so that we actually can include all the different manufacturers and the diversity of weaponry that there actually exists in the universe of 'Mechwarrior!
This adds a lot of depth to the gameplay and gets it closer to an RPG. With adding manufacturers you could also add stuff like availability - as manufacturers sometimes only produce for certain empires. This would add to the complexity of the upcomming community warfare and would have quite an impact on the choice, which empire to fight for..
Adding pictures of hitpattern/hit groups for the chemjet:
Picture one - difference between only upper actuator and upper + lower actuator:

Dual Chemjet Hitpattern/Hitgroup on Jaegermech:

These are just rough proposals on how to work out recoil - to work against the effect of recoil you need to move the reticule with the mouse into the opposite direction of course - this might need practice regarding the availability of upper/lower arm actuators, type of mech (bigger mechs might have stronger actuators) and type of weapon (bigger damage per shell = more recoil).
The range might be 100m and these patterns only happen without any readjusting with the mouse.
Edited by Schrottfrosch, 30 June 2013 - 09:14 AM.