Koniving, on 16 July 2013 - 10:34 AM, said:
Heh. Well, actually didn't think it so dumb. We need to reduce pinpoint damage. They won't go for cone of fires or anything that "removes skill" in exchange for "dice rolls" and lucky guesses. So up to 10 and a minimum of 7 damage where you hit, with the rest 'splashing' nearby doesn't really sound that bad.
im on kons side BUTTTTTTT now that firing more then 3 has been nerfed, should they really find a way to weaken them in all cases?? just saying might be to late for this nerf, and also if you hit a destroyed component like a leg would the splash damage portion ignore the damage reduction of the destroyed limb before transferring to another area??
iv always though it would be nice if they found a way to make it so that the less you have (max 3) the better heat and damage wise each ppc would be (think if you had 3 each would do 15 damage while having 6 meant each does 5-7 damage), so there would still be a benefit to using more then 3, it just get more and more wasteful
okay so i KIND OF want them to boost 3 ppcs on an awesome, i always thought it would be awesome to pilot an awesome with 3 heavy duty energy cannons but only 3 is just soooo weak and borderlines to hot :/ (makes me think of energy based artillery but its to weak to be artillery)