MeiSooHaityu, on 21 June 2013 - 05:53 AM, said:
Although I don't entirely disagree with the idea that the QUickdraw is a bit tall, this screen shot needs to have some context. The screen shots are of two mech (Catapault and Cataphract) that have low mounted cockpits (especially the Catapult). Both mechs have cockpits in the center of the CT. The Quickdraw has a head and therefore the cockpit is mounted at the absolute top of the mech.
Again, I have seen the scaling and I do think it is a bit big, but then again, when comparing the Quickdraw to other mechs, it should look over their cockpit due to the position of it's cockpit.
Problem with this logic is that the head still counts as CT in this game. The QKD is simply taller than those mechs. I mean seriously, it's practically looking over the top of the CTF. The Catapult has big raised-up launchers, so it is about the same height. BUT IT'S THE SAME HEIGHT with the launchers, not taller. We're saying the QKD can be taller because it has a head, but applying that logic to Cents and Trebs has led to huge mechs, compared to the Hunchback which has a "head" as well AND has a giant cannon shoulder. Sorry, the QKD is too big.