Viktor Drake, on 22 June 2013 - 09:08 AM, said:
Well there is a simple answer to the reason why QDs are appearing less often. It has been about a week now and the new has worn off. This cycyle happens with every new mech.
Also I kinda hope the QD keeps it poor reputation. That way when people see me in my QD, they will ignore or understimate the mech and die horribly hehe.
I like them so much and perform so well in them that I think this will be the first time I will be keeping all three variants in my stable (usually just pick my favorite and sell the rest).
While the newness may be wearing off, I still see no shortage of Jagermechs and Highlanders in the game, at least at the PUG level, this is months after the "new" would have worn off. Both bring something unique to the table and are properly scaled, IMHO. Meanwhile, I might see 1 Trenchbucket a week, even with LRM's viable again - and the Trenchbucket is another badly oversized mech.
Keep in mind, my only real complaint with the Quickdraw is the size, and I'm grumbling about it because this is not the first time it's happened and PGI really needs to get on the ball about this problem - for those who like the Quickdraw, more power to you and good luck!
Edited by oldradagast, 23 June 2013 - 05:46 AM.