Most frustrating experience for me happened yesterday. Managed to get behind an unaware Catapult with my splatcat and unleashed 3 full salvos of 5 SRM6 on his STANDING, MOTIONLESS back from point blank. What is that, 150 damage? On the back of a standing (then barely moving) Catapult and all I got has been to bring its internal to yellow. Even if he had 30 armor on his back (and we know it did not), I think it is safe to say it registered a maximum of 50 of my 150 damage. Probably way less, like 30.
Same happened later, I was driving an AC40 Jagermech and slammed 3 shells into a standing Blackjack. Potentially 120 damage, nothing happened :/
Problem with this stuff is that I am sure it is hard to recreate it. PGI seem to play their 20 daily matches, have a pretty smooth experience, and call ******** on our claims.
I can safely testify that 98% of my shots register normally. But that 2% that does not makes me wanna quit, badly. Makes everything you've done in that match up to that point completely useless. Pointless.
EDIT: My ping is stable on 120ms. Not the fastest ever since I am from Europe but I am on optic fiber and it's definitely very stable. There was no particular motion going on, both mechs were pretty much standing, so no I was not lagging.
Edited by Lefteye, 02 July 2013 - 02:23 AM.