Vimeous, on 26 June 2013 - 02:00 AM, said:
I am also having HSR issues since the last patch. Symptoms for me are:
- PPC hits on my mech do damage but give me no feedback (e.g. mech doesn't rock), no noise, no visual effects (e.g. PPC lightning). Often leads to death where I've not kept a by-the-second vigil on the paperdoll graphics
- PPC shots from enemy mechs at range now rarely have the visual effects visible from the target. It's more like a gauss shot than a ball of lightning.
- Tried my twin-ppc Stalker and graphical effects originate 5-10m in front of the mech no longer from the barrel on the arms
The best description to how it feels is a little bit like Halo Reach or COD BOII where in-game death is no longer predictable based on the available evidence such as remaining armour, positioning or cover.
The first bug has been there since HSR was first implemented.
Can confirm the second point. It used to be better before they upped the speed. Has always been a streak effect but now it's some disjointed flickering. I think they're just so fast, the effect doesn't render properly.
Third item is something I've noticed too from a 3rd party POV. Again, I think the PPC projectile is moving too fast for the engine to render properly.