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Project Phoenix Leaked

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#1241 Jarvis Lancaster


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:53 AM

View PostDurant Carlyle, on 27 June 2013 - 11:31 PM, said:

Predicting Phoenix Package II:

Phoenix Hawk

View PostIntruder, on 28 June 2013 - 01:35 AM, said:

I think I'll wait for Phonenix 2.

Might take a while if you consider how long in between founders and this one took. plus, who says there will be more phoenix? I figured this is a promo for the game's release (think phoenix; rising from the ashes; born again, etc. ) and if there are any more packages following it will be called something like 'Project Adversary' and usher in the clan invasion. spending any more time with the inner sphere tech is only going to add insult to injury (hey guys, 1:1 time scale! the real invasion will be long since over by the time we see the first clan mech)

#1242 Nauht


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:02 AM

View PostGenewen, on 28 June 2013 - 01:41 AM, said:

No? Coz omnimech and we don't get a clan invasion in the foreseeable future.

Clans are scheduled six months after release. They've already got the clan mechs planned. I don't remember which are the light, medium and assault ones. All I saw was Timberwolf, Timberwolf, Timberwolf and Timberwolf.


They were not skipped, they are not available. You should read up about Reseen vs. Unseen.

Except that that all of them are now reseen. Well the ones that matter - Marauder/warhammer.

I've no doubt they'll be next and I'll be buying them as a package too. I hope they'll be in a package. You get really good value with packages v normal hero purchases.

#1243 Genewen


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:16 AM

View PostNauht, on 28 June 2013 - 02:02 AM, said:

Clans are scheduled six months after release. They've already got the clan mechs planned. I don't remember which are the light, medium and assault ones. All I saw was Timberwolf, Timberwolf, Timberwolf and Timberwolf.

When talking about PGI, anything but "next week" is beyond the foreseeable future. And even within that timeframe, things might suddenly change a lot.


Except that that all of them are now reseen. Well the ones that matter - Marauder/warhammer.

I've no doubt they'll be next and I'll be buying them as a package too. I hope they'll be in a package. You get really good value with packages v normal hero purchases.

Totally wrong. A lot of Macross/Harmony Gold mechs remain unseen. That includes the Marauder and Warhammer.
The full list of Unseen is: Archer, Longbow, Rifleman, Warhammer, Wasp, Stinger, Phoenix Hawk, Crusader, Marauder, Stinger LAM, Wasp LAM and Phoenix Hawk LAM.
All of those are a No-Go until Harmony Gold changes its mind, which is unlikely.

Edited by Genewen, 28 June 2013 - 02:17 AM.

#1244 Stormwolf


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:17 AM

View PostThorn Hallis, on 28 June 2013 - 12:57 AM, said:

Anyone else first thought the Thunderbolt would be a Summoner?

The Summoner doesn't exactly scream unseen/reseen.

It's like comparing a Thug to a Prefect.

#1245 Nauht


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:18 AM

View PostGenewen, on 28 June 2013 - 02:16 AM, said:

When talking about PGI, anything but "next week" is beyond the foreseeable future. And even within that timeframe, things might suddenly change a lot.

Totally wrong. A lot of Macross/Harmony Gold mechs remain unseen. That includes the Marauder and Warhammer.
The full list of Unseen is: Archer, Longbow, Rifleman, Warhammer, Wasp, Stinger, Phoenix Hawk, Crusader, Marauder, Stinger LAM, Wasp LAM and Phoenix Hawk LAM.
All of those are a No-Go until Harmony Gold changes its mind, which is unlikely.


#1246 Capt Danger Awesome


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:19 AM

I don't know about anyone else, but i for one am ecstatic that you can get these variants early and that all the poor smelly peasants have to wait to get their grubby little hands on them...

Take my $80 PGI... you totally deserve it for reviving my favorite game of all time and continuing to make it cool...

Bring on the clanners!! ... and PVE.

#1247 Genewen


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:24 AM

View PostNauht, on 28 June 2013 - 02:18 AM, said:

Gotta step your game up:

This is the the case until today. No HG mechs are licensed. Period.

#1248 White Bear 84


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:25 AM

View PostNauht, on 28 June 2013 - 02:02 AM, said:

All I saw was Timberwolf, Timberwolf, Timberwolf and Timberwolf.

You mean Madcat? ;) :)

#1249 Nauht


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:44 AM

View PostGenewen, on 28 June 2013 - 02:24 AM, said:

Gotta step your game up:

This is the the case until today. No HG mechs are licensed. Period.

Hmm.. my understanding is that they're all now reseen as they have new models for the names. The actual names weren't copyrighted.

So we have these for the reseen Marauder and Warhammer - and they still can't be used? We'll have to see if that's the case. PGI have been very quiet up until now with the release of these mechs so I wouldnt' be surprised for PP2.

Posted Image Posted Image

#1250 stjobe


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:58 AM

Only problems with those two designs are that they're just not Marauders or Warhammers. They're also fugly as all hell.

#1251 Butane9000


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:59 AM

View PostIce Cream Mech, on 27 June 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:

Here's Ice Cream Mech's (IMHO) overview of the Phoenix Dessert:

I'm serving a 20 ton, a 55 ton, a 65 ton and a ~80 ton Frozen Mech Treats.

Multiply those tons by 75 MC per ton, then .004 cents per MC (by the 29.95 for 6500MC package.)

Break that down to:

$6 Locust

$16.50 Shadow Hawk

$19.50 Thunder Bolt

$24 BattleMaster.

Totaling $66 for 4 Mechs with 30% bonus.

I also give you premium time and other perks for $14.

I'm all for these tasty treats, except the freezer could break down by October and it would all melt.

I'll likely pass this deal.

The Battlemaster is 85 Tons.

#1252 Nauht


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:04 AM

View Poststjobe, on 28 June 2013 - 02:58 AM, said:

Only problems with those two designs are that they're just not Marauders or Warhammers. They're also fugly as all hell.

Lol I agree with you but I'd still prefer to play them in MWO than nothing at all. I'm sure the MWOified versions will look more like the original than those pics... if not they'd still probably look wicked.

Well at least the concept art by Alex will.

#1253 Xeno Phalcon


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:23 AM

View PostAzzras, on 27 June 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

Even if they charged $5 bucks per (which you can't argue isn't an unreasonable price), still would be more than $14. Heck, even if they only charged $2 per mech, regardless of tonnage, it would still cost more to buy them. AND you would still have to get the 'Mech bays to hold them.

I actually thought about that after posting but was too tired at the time to come back and fix it, Few months back said about $5-$7 a mech made more sense in terms of standard variants. Phoenix package prices are fine IMO even though its a little dirty to have it set up as bigger mech access = bigger package price.

For normal mechs (IE none heroic/champion/ProPho) the MC price conversion is just silly, a Commando 1B Costs 1.6M C-bills or 680MC (about $4 or $5 bucks) while a Atlas K being the most expensive mech currently in game at 13.6M C-bills or 5,480MC which is about $20-$25 bucks. Now thats just outright silly something as tiny as the commando should be closer to about $2-$3 and the Atlas should be more along the lines of $10-12 TOPS even with them throwing in the occasional (bad) 30% off sale for trial mechs its still just not worth it, You would still be paying over $17 for a Atlas K.

Basically all around the ProPho packs are a better deal then ANYTHING offered in the past, trumping all 30% trial mech sales and even the rare hero mech sale gets stomped by this one. Hopefully with UI 2.0 these sort of deals will become standard (IE trial mechs becoming a package deal allowing you to get three variants of one of the trial mechs and mech bays to support them maybe with other goodies like a week of premium time or some of the basic colors included. A new player wouldn't be opposed to forking up $20 for say three hunchback variants, three mech bays and a week of premium time).


Do with your money as you see fit. I am not trying to persuade you in any way, but I see this as a good deal.

My wife is busy doing as she sees fit with it. :D

#1254 Scav3ng3r


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:34 AM

View PostIce Cream Mech, on 27 June 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:

Here's Ice Cream Mech's (IMHO) overview of the Phoenix Dessert: I'm serving a 20 ton, a 55 ton, a 65 ton and a ~80 ton Frozen Mech Treats. Multiply those tons by 75 MC per ton, then .004 cents per MC (by the 29.95 for 6500MC package.) Break that down to: $6 Locust $16.50 Shadow Hawk $19.50 Thunder Bolt $24 BattleMaster. Totaling $66 for 4 Mechs with 30% bonus. I also give you premium time and other perks for $14. I'm all for these tasty treats, except the freezer could break down by October and it would all melt. I'll likely pass this deal.

Lets see.... Battlemaster is 85 tons, not that that changes much in your calculations, however....

You missed the 2 variants for each mech (3x4=12) So thats 12 mechs you are getting.

You also missed the, each mech comes with it's own mech bay, so 12x1=12 so thats 12 mech bays, 9 of which will be filled with mechs you can sell, so thats 2700 MC right there.

So with all that you missed, you still going to stand by your

View PostIce Cream Mech, on 27 June 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:

Totaling $66 for 4 Mechs with 30% bonus. I also give you premium time and other perks for $14.

Edit: Somehow managed to double post in a single post! lawl.

Edited by Scav3ng3r, 28 June 2013 - 03:35 AM.

#1255 stjobe


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:44 AM

View PostNauht, on 28 June 2013 - 03:04 AM, said:

Lol I agree with you but I'd still prefer to play them in MWO than nothing at all. I'm sure the MWOified versions will look more like the original than those pics... if not they'd still probably look wicked.

Well at least the concept art by Alex will.

And that's why we won't see them. If they look even remotely like the Macross designs, Harmony Gold will take PGI to court, ordering a shutdown of the game.

And a Marauder that doesn't look remotely like a Marauder is... well, it's not a Marauder, is it?

#1256 Smokeyjedi


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:58 AM

View PostNauht, on 27 June 2013 - 06:45 PM, said:

Nah they're still there and people still complaining (rightly so).

It's just most here know that there's a difference and that Project Phoenix is totally separated from those issues.

The ones that can't grasp that simple concept usually sees those problems as being permanent and that PGI aren't working on them even as I'm typing this and try to use Project Phoenix as some type of leverage, not comprehending that once the offer goes it's gone for good.

So the only one that will lose out is the person that doesnt buy (and wants to) for reasons that are separate from Phoenix and that will probably be fixed in the next few months.

My point is that there after a flash in the pan, few people sink the money to preorder......some join the game due to this incentive, just to find shotty netcode, and terribad optimization so thier half decent game rig now needs a CPU + GPU to lift this PIG, and oh yeah 20$ more to buy a mech that will take a punch, and live if they are wating for Pheonix.

#1257 3Xtr3m3


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:06 AM

The elephant in the room that no one seems to mention is WHY are these mechs so cheap?

My take is : As nice as it is to have these mechs in game, they will be be the wheat before the scythe that is the first wave of clan mechs.

Pick four clan mechs, one from each weight class, include all the perks of this package, and I will give you odds the price tag on THAT package will be over $100. Maybe even double . $160 and people will snap it up.

#1258 Nauht


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:30 AM

View Post3Xtr3m3, on 28 June 2013 - 04:06 AM, said:

The elephant in the room that no one seems to mention is WHY are these mechs so cheap?

My take is : As nice as it is to have these mechs in game, they will be be the wheat before the scythe that is the first wave of clan mechs.

Pick four clan mechs, one from each weight class, include all the perks of this package, and I will give you odds the price tag on THAT package will be over $100. Maybe even double . $160 and people will snap it up.

Every mech will be wheat when the clans come... not just them but at least we have some old iconic IS mechs to play with.

And you're probably right about clan packages. I know I'll be buying them in packages if they represent value similar to this.

Edited by Nauht, 28 June 2013 - 04:33 AM.

#1259 3Xtr3m3


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:48 AM

And you're probably right about clan packages. I know I'll be buying them in packages if they represent value similar to this

Which is my point, They won't be this good of a value.

Four unique OMNI's, with FF and Endo skeletons built in. and longer cooler running weapons, and faster engines, and so on and so on.
PGI is NOT going to sell them any where near this cheap. You want them? Buddy you gonna PAY for them .

The Phoenix Project mechs are in one word,

Definition of OBSOLETE

a : no longer in use or no longer useful <an obsolete word>
b : of a kind or style no longer current : old-fashioned <an obsolete technology>

of a plant or animal part : indistinct or imperfect as compared with a corresponding part in related organisms : vestigial
ob·so·lete·ly adverb
ob·so·lete·ness noun

Edited by 3Xtr3m3, 28 June 2013 - 04:49 AM.

#1260 Nauht


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:49 AM

View Post3Xtr3m3, on 28 June 2013 - 04:45 AM, said:

And you're probably right about clan packages. I know I'll be buying them in packages if they represent value similar to this

Which is my point, They won't be this good of a value.

Four unique OMNI's, with FF and Endo skeletons built in. and longer cooler running weapons, and faster engines, and so on and so on.
PGI is NOT going to sell them any where near this cheap. You want them? Buddy you gonna PAY for them .

Sorry I mean relative value packages. Of course the clan packages will be more expensive than this but if they give relative value like these packages I'll be buyign them.

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