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Project Phoenix Leaked

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#1261 3Xtr3m3


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:53 AM

me too

#1262 Ari Dian


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:16 AM

View PostIce Cream Mech, on 27 June 2013 - 06:20 PM, said:

Here's Ice Cream Mech's (IMHO) overview of the Phoenix Dessert:

I'm serving a 20 ton, a 55 ton, a 65 ton and a ~80 ton Frozen Mech Treats.

Multiply those tons by 75 MC per ton, then .004 cents per MC (by the 29.95 for 6500MC package.)

Break that down to:

$6 Locust

$16.50 Shadow Hawk

$19.50 Thunder Bolt

$24 BattleMaster.

Totaling $66 for 4 Mechs with 30% bonus.

I also give you premium time and other perks for $14.

I'm all for these tasty treats, except the freezer could break down by October and it would all melt.

I'll likely pass this deal.

Well, dont buy it if you dont want / ignore 80% of the deal.
You see only the 4 mechs. But this is not all. If you just ignore these, or dont want these, the deal is nothing for you. Point.

I see 12 mechs + bays + premium time in this (and yes, i ignore the cockpit items and the badge as well, because i dont care for it). And find it fair. So everyone should decide by themself if they want to buy it or not.

#1263 Elizander


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:28 AM

View PostRattlehead NZ, on 27 June 2013 - 08:10 AM, said:

If they added an MC bonus to the people who buy it in the first week im sure the people sitting on the fence would fall to the right side :D

And can't wait to see how the next 2 look.

Sadly adding MC adds to the 'float' meaning this 'product' will affect revenue of future releases due to the MC that people can sit on. I am sure they have data on how Founders have kept their MC for a long time.

They couldn't do this for Founders because they did not have enough content then. They do now so it's better overall to sell this pack without MC so that when they release something new in the future, you will buy MC for that instead of using up stocked up credits.

It's not evil but it's wise business practice to keep things simple like that.

#1264 DeeSaster


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:32 AM

To all the "but Clan Mechs will stomp Project Phoenix Mechs....RIPOFF!!1!"-guys:

Clan Mechs will show up 6 month after release, so in late March 2014. Project Phoenix Mechs will show up in your inventory mid october. Lots of time to play the crap out of them...even your purchased premium time will have run out. Probably just in time to get the Clan Mech Package.

#1265 SgtMagor


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 05:36 AM

did someone mention Clan mechs where is that Kodiak!

#1266 John MatriX82


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:01 AM

As I said elsewhere I don't like 2 out of those 4 offered mechs, so I think PGI could sell more stuff with intermediate tiers with less PT and less medallions than the following tier, but giving the ability to chose mechs.

Like 30$ chose 1 mech (light, medium, heavy only, no Battlemaster to chose from), no pt, no faction medallion
-50$ chose 2 mechs freely, get some pt (for early buy), 1 faction medallion
-70$ chose 3 mechs, you get some PT (+ something more for early buy) and 2 faction medallion

Like it is now, I'm not going to buy anything with this configuration, because I look after only to the SH and the BM and I don't want to deal with the TB and especially with the Locust at all.

Or I hope they'll rethink the above after some time and add the mid-tiers.

Edited by John MatriX82, 28 June 2013 - 06:05 AM.

#1267 Mason Grimm

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:02 AM

For those of you hoping, like I am, the Marauder and Archer and Warhammer eventually make an appearance.

From Russ Bullocks own mouth (paraphrasing the NGNG podcast)

"There are a couple others there that people are wondering about... Wolverine and Griffin... yeah those are possibilities now and they might happen". In my opinion that is a pretty good chance of YES. Perhaps in Project Phoenix II, Son of Project Phoenix or "The Phoenix Strikes Back" even "Return of the Phoenix"! (shrugs)

Now in regards to the other mechs (the Archer, Rifleman, Marauder, etc. etc. etc.)

"Battletech and Mechwarrior owns the names and descriptions of those mechs. The only thing they didn't own was the original 1980s line art drawings. They are separated into three categories and two of them we were able to work with".

I believe he means "Crusher Joe", "Dougram" and "Macross" as being the three categories. The two they were able to work with are Crusher Joe and Dougram.

"Everyone is gonna wanna talk about the Macross ones; the Rifleman the Marauder. Our stance, at Piranha, is that those mechs would be in the same situation as the Dougram and the Crusher Joe ones that we've done. We own the names and the descriptions but Harmony Gold and the Macross guys are still very active with the Robotech brand, there might be a movie, so they are much more aggressive and much more you know... whatever... I won't get in to it. We don't know if we wanna go there yet. Never say never but do not hold your breath lets be grateful for what we have".

For me personally? I would spend 100$ on a pack with those mechs in it, not because I like all of them but because I would love to have those mechs back in our universe and that is what my money would be going towards. That being said I can appreciate the headaches Russ, and the rest of the team, have had in bringing us what they have thus far. If we never see the Marauder, Warhammer, Archer etc it would be a tragedy but I realize that everything that can be done is being done in regards to acquiring them. I thanked Russ via text on behalf of all of us fans. You're welcome.

My own personal feelings? I will never support Harmony Gold or Macross nor any product or movie they manage to get funding for as my own silly form of protest. Why? Because, HG being as litigious as they are, is the reason I can't pilot my P.O.S, substandard chassis Marauder or the iconic Archer. In my little universe that means their business impinges upon my life and, as a consumer, that makes them an active combatant and the enemy.

If they change their views then I will change mine.

#1268 3Xtr3m3


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:08 AM

some quick copy pasting from Sarna.
IS vs Clan
Phoenix Project mechs versus possible Clan package contents

name-------------weight-----------cbill cost------------battle value(s)

Locust------------20tons---------1,512,400 (1.0) 356[4]


Fire Moth (Dasher)--------------4,208,800 (1.0) 982[2] BV (2.0) 1,057[3]1,251[4]

Fire Moth => 3x Locust

Shadow Hawk----55 tons-------4,539,382 (1.0) 918 BV (2.0) 1,064[2][3]

Stormcrow (Ryoken)-----------14,771,112 (1.0) 1,911[2] BV (2.0) 2,073[1][3]

Stormcrow => 2x or 3x Shadow Hawk

Thunderbolt----65 tons-------- 5,413,760 (1.0) 1,015 BV (2.0) 1,335[3][4]


Hellbringer (Loki)---------------19,074,687 (1.0) 2,178[2] BV (2.0) 2,711[3] 2,654[4]

Hellbringer => 2x Thunderbolt

BattleMaster-----85 tons--------8,501,243 (1.0) 1,212[3] BV (2.0) 1,519[4][5]


Warhawk (Masakari)-----------26,425,323 (1.0) 2,632[2] BV (2.0) 3,194[1][3]

Warhawk => 2x BattleMaster

Any way you look at it The clan mechs will twice as effective as the IS mechs. (Like you didn't know that already).
So a similiar Clan package SHOULD be twice the cost of this package.

#1269 Adridos


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:10 AM

View PostMason Grimm, on 28 June 2013 - 06:02 AM, said:

My own personal feelings? I will never support Harmony Gold or Macross nor any product or movie they manage to get funding for as my own silly form of protest. Why? Because, HG being as litigious as they are, is the reason I can't pilot my P.O.S, substandard chassis Marauder or the iconic Archer. In my little universe that means their business impinges upon my life and, as a consumer, that makes them an active combatant and the enemy.

That's nice, but their toys are the only way BTech players can get the minis outside of massively overpirced oldies on Amazon and the like.

I mean, just look at the recent Kickstarter they've made.... how many of those people remember and are fans of the show to want a TT game out of it and how many were just BTech fans who wanted the minis?

They won't change their stance on the issue.

#1270 3Xtr3m3


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:12 AM

So grab these and be grateful you can buy these long loved mechs at this cheap price and start saving those pennys for the $160 price tag on the clan package.

Just sayin' :D

#1271 Mason Grimm

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:18 AM

View PostAdridos, on 28 June 2013 - 06:10 AM, said:

That's nice, but their toys are the only way BTech players can get the minis outside of massively overpirced oldies on Amazon and the like.

I mean, just look at the recent Kickstarter they've made.... how many of those people remember and are fans of the show to want a TT game out of it and how many were just BTech fans who wanted the minis?

They won't change their stance on the issue.

Any mini that I have purchased I have done so off eBay or directly from other players. Even my Marauder model kit was something that I purchased off eBay and it wasn't as expensive as one would think. That money doesn't go to Harmony Gold (again) but to the person who originally bought it or received it as a gift or whatever.

I've also grown to like the Reseen mini thanks to IronWindMetals. At first I didn't like the Marauder reseen sculpt but I grew to love it as I played it and now own three of them (2 Marauder and a Marauder II). The same goes for the Archer reseen.

They may never change their stance (shrugs) but there will be one less person supporting their product. While that may not even account for a raindrop in their total revenue stream if you put enough raindrops together that adds up. Not everyone will compromise their values and beliefs just because they want something "now".

As a point of clarification; I am not suggesting that PGI utilize the original "Unseen" Officers Glaug Pod or whatever it is called. In fact I would rather they didn't; much as I love the look. Use the Reseen art or have Alex do some magic and get even newer and better PGI owned artwork. I've seen a sketch Alex did for the Marauder and I think it would be an amazing foundation to build off of.

#1272 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:23 AM

View Post3Xtr3m3, on 28 June 2013 - 04:48 AM, said:

And you're probably right about clan packages. I know I'll be buying them in packages if they represent value similar to this

Which is my point, They won't be this good of a value.

Four unique OMNI's, with FF and Endo skeletons built in. and longer cooler running weapons, and faster engines, and so on and so on.
PGI is NOT going to sell them any where near this cheap. You want them? Buddy you gonna PAY for them .

The Phoenix Project mechs are in one word,

Definition of OBSOLETE

a : no longer in use or no longer useful <an obsolete word>
b : of a kind or style no longer current : old-fashioned <an obsolete technology>

of a plant or animal part : indistinct or imperfect as compared with a corresponding part in related organisms : vestigial
ob·so·lete·ly adverb
ob·so·lete·ness noun

BAH! Not everyone wants to play a clan test tube baby you know. The clans and their fancy omnimechs can go ****** themselves as far as I'm concerned. I _like_ my Inner Sphere mechs and I'll stick with them. Only clan mech I ever liked the look of was the Vulture, and even that does not stack up next to the classics of my 3025 days.

Don't assume everyone's a clan fan just salivating at the thought of playing clanmechs, because we're not. Some of us are stubborn, old farts set in our ways and not about to change our minds at this point. :D

Edited by Steinar Bergstol, 28 June 2013 - 06:30 AM.

#1273 Max OConnor


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:30 AM

View PostSteinar Bergstol, on 28 June 2013 - 06:23 AM, said:

BAH! Not everyone wants to play a clan test tube baby you know. The clans and their fancy omnimechs can go ****** themselves as far as I'm concerned. I _like_ my Inner Sphere mechs and I'll stick with them. Only clan mech I ever liked the look of was the Vulture, and even that does not stack up next to the classics of my 3025 days.

Don't assume everyone's a clan fan just salivating at the thought of playing clanmechs, because we're not.

DANG RIGHT!!!!!!, Us old school codgers need to learn these dang kids how it was back in the day. We didn't have double strength heat sinks or CASE and we LIKED it that way. I had to pilot my mech uphill both ways to the battlefield and I blew up when I got there......... :D

#1274 Mason Grimm

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:35 AM

View Postmaxoconnor, on 28 June 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:

DANG RIGHT!!!!!!, Us old school codgers need to learn these dang kids how it was back in the day. We didn't have double strength heat sinks or CASE and we LIKED it that way. I had to pilot my mech uphill both ways to the battlefield and I blew up when I got there......... :D


#1275 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:37 AM

View Postmaxoconnor, on 28 June 2013 - 06:30 AM, said:

DANG RIGHT!!!!!!, Us old school codgers need to learn these dang kids how it was back in the day. We didn't have double strength heat sinks or CASE and we LIKED it that way. I had to pilot my mech uphill both ways to the battlefield and I blew up when I got there......... :wacko:

You actually _piloted_ your mech to the battlefield? LUXURY! I had to _carry_ it! That's right! I had to _carry_ my 65 ton Thunderbolt to the battle! Uphill both ways IN A SNOWSTORM! BAREFOOT! And did you ever hear me complain about it? Never did, nope! :D

#1276 Magik0012


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:40 AM

View PostSteinar Bergstol, on 28 June 2013 - 06:37 AM, said:

You actually _piloted_ your mech to the battlefield? LUXURY! I had to _carry_ it! That's right! I had to _carry_ my 65 ton Thunderbolt to the battle! Uphill both ways IN A SNOWSTORM! BAREFOOT! And did you ever hear me complain about it? Never did, nope! :D

And you tell the young pilots of today that.. and they wont believe you..

#1277 Ngamok


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:43 AM

View PostDurant Carlyle, on 27 June 2013 - 11:31 PM, said:


So much for the people who said "We will never see those 'Mechs in game."

Predicting Phoenix Package II:

Phoenix Hawk

Locust looks a wee bit funky, but Shadow Hawk and Thunderbolt are easily recognizable. Battlemaster's silhouette looks classic too. Just from the artwork and stats posted, looks like Locust will get the most playing time from me, with Thunderbolt coming in second.

Good luck with Harmony Gold on those.

View PostJack Starborn, on 28 June 2013 - 12:29 AM, said:

Locust will die faster than commando. Mark my words.

So will the Flea as they are both 20 tons. It's more of a challenge for some people to play mechs that are like this. I will play both of them and master one variant just because.

View PostIntruder, on 28 June 2013 - 01:35 AM, said:

I think I'll wait for Phonenix 2.

I never really liked the Shadow Hawk and Thunderbolt (nasty mishmash of weapons), the Locust was the best Light but is a bit pointless in MWO and the Battlemaster was not my favourite Assault. In any case the price tiers are horrendously business-driven rather than appealing to me as a customer.

I'd have perhaps considered the Battlemaster alone...

Bring on the Marauder, Warhammer, Rifleman, Archer, Phoenix Hawk, Griffin, Wolverine - basically anything from the original lineup of that you skipped here!

Like I said, Harmony Gold owns these and these guys are lawsuit happy for Macross.

#1278 Adridos


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:46 AM

View PostMagik0012, on 28 June 2013 - 06:40 AM, said:

And you tell the young pilots of today that.. and they wont believe you..

...and for a very good reson. :D

#1279 Ngamok


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:50 AM

View PostNauht, on 28 June 2013 - 02:18 AM, said:

Incorrect. When was that published? 2003. When did Harmony Gold sue? 2009. Guess what.

#1280 Max OConnor


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:53 AM

View PostSteinar Bergstol, on 28 June 2013 - 06:37 AM, said:

You actually _piloted_ your mech to the battlefield? LUXURY! I had to _carry_ it! That's right! I had to _carry_ my 65 ton Thunderbolt to the battle! Uphill both ways IN A SNOWSTORM! BAREFOOT! And did you ever hear me complain about it? Never did, nope! :D

Oh how I dreamed of carrying my mech barefoot in a snowstorm uphill!!! You lucky B@$**d!!
My drill sergent KILLED me before he would even let me in the cockpit each day. Most days I was strapped to the outside because we didn't have replacement armor.....
Often I ended up throwing my AC shells by hand at the enemy and by GOD thats how we liked it too!!!

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