I Want A Battlemaster. I Have To Pay $80 Or Wait Until January 22Nd?
Posted 27 June 2013 - 11:33 PM
A: For those who do not Buy a Project Phoenix Package - The Standard Variants release schedule is currently set as:
Oct 15, 2013: Locust
Nov 20, 2013: Shadowhawk
Dec 18, 2013: Thunderbolt
Jan 22, 2014: Battlemaster
There would be a 99 day difference between someone who purchases a PP package and a player who doesn't.
I am not saying it's P2W or complaining about any aspect of the game, just asking for a clarification if this is the case. It seems like it is the case.
Suppose I am not much interested in buying the other 'mechs, but just want a Battlemaster. I don't seem to have the option to purchase *only* the Battlemaster set, or even just the hero Battlemaster.
If that is the case, it would be really great to see *why* that is the case.
That said, if this ends up being one of the better Assaults, the game would be sort of "pay for an advantage that lasts 99 days" but I'm not trying to get into that.
My main point and main question is why is the only tier that gets a Battlemaster $80, and why is its C-Bill and MC version so much further out than the other 'Mechs?
Posted 27 June 2013 - 11:39 PM
You're paying to get a mech ahead of its early release schedule. PGI understood that the Assault would be the most valued by consumers, so they had the Locust, Shadow Hawk, and Thunderbolt take it hostage.
If you're the kind of person who only plays assaults and would purchase the mechs with cash anyway, then 80$ is a good deal if you scrap the stuff you dont use.
However so far the Phoenix variants (the one with Cbill and Loyalty boosts) have all had very bad hard points. I suggest waiting for the actual mech release if this continues to be the case for the Battlemaster.
Also they are not hero mechs, they are like founders, eventual hero mechs will be released.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:09 AM
ryoma, on 27 June 2013 - 11:39 PM, said:
You're paying to get a mech ahead of its early release schedule. PGI understood that the Assault would be the most valued by consumers, so they had the Locust, Shadow Hawk, and Thunderbolt take it hostage.
If you're the kind of person who only plays assaults and would purchase the mechs with cash anyway, then 80$ is a good deal if you scrap the stuff you dont use.
However so far the Phoenix variants (the one with Cbill and Loyalty boosts) have all had very bad hard points. I suggest waiting for the actual mech release if this continues to be the case for the Battlemaster.
Also they are not hero mechs, they are like founders, eventual hero mechs will be released.
If it follows the plan then no heroes for these mechs for a veeery long time. PGI stated that the founder mechs will be the last to receive named heroes so I'd expect those before we get named Phoenix heroes... so a loooong way off.
And OP, yes that's their schedule. I think the question is - have you got the patience to wait until January for your normal variant Battlemaster? Lots of companies put out limited release options before general public release. Up to you to decide whether you want to wait or not.
And no, you're not entitled to it early if that's the schedule the company has put out.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:51 AM
Life is unfair.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 06:47 AM
As was was the "early" release of the heavy Metal prior to the regular Highlander..
This is how a free to play game should be making money, considering that there aren't that many micro-transactions possible in a Mechwarrior game (once you have a mech you love and a few paints you don't really need much else).
For example, I paid £60 for my founder's pack, and haven't had to spend a penny since - I still have almost 3k of my Founder's MCs, all my Premium time still banked, over 30 mechs, paints, camos, cockpit gear, and a bankroll approaching 200mil...
What are the company possibly going to get out of people like me who use their resources almost every day, but have put nothing into the game (other than my sparkling personality

Posted 28 June 2013 - 08:22 AM
Volume, on 27 June 2013 - 11:33 PM, said:
A: For those who do not Buy a Project Phoenix Package - The Standard Variants release schedule is currently set as:
Oct 15, 2013: Locust
Nov 20, 2013: Shadowhawk
Dec 18, 2013: Thunderbolt
Jan 22, 2014: Battlemaster
There would be a 99 day difference between someone who purchases a PP package and a player who doesn't.
I am not saying it's P2W or complaining about any aspect of the game, just asking for a clarification if this is the case. It seems like it is the case.
Suppose I am not much interested in buying the other 'mechs, but just want a Battlemaster. I don't seem to have the option to purchase *only* the Battlemaster set, or even just the hero Battlemaster.
If that is the case, it would be really great to see *why* that is the case.
That said, if this ends up being one of the better Assaults, the game would be sort of "pay for an advantage that lasts 99 days" but I'm not trying to get into that.
My main point and main question is why is the only tier that gets a Battlemaster $80, and why is its C-Bill and MC version so much further out than the other 'Mechs?
Well thats the package I'm afraid its just like the founders package just as the founders had to deside which mechs they were going to get and if they felt they could justify spending out for virtual toys.
Having not had a MW game for years I wanted it to happen and shelled out for the full package, it is what it is and as myself and many other here have found out, its extremely rare for things to change no matter how unfair you might think it is
Posted 28 June 2013 - 08:29 AM
Volume, on 27 June 2013 - 11:33 PM, said:
A: For those who do not Buy a Project Phoenix Package - The Standard Variants release schedule is currently set as:
Oct 15, 2013: Locust
Nov 20, 2013: Shadowhawk
Dec 18, 2013: Thunderbolt
Jan 22, 2014: Battlemaster
There would be a 99 day difference between someone who purchases a PP package and a player who doesn't.
I am not saying it's P2W or complaining about any aspect of the game, just asking for a clarification if this is the case. It seems like it is the case.
Suppose I am not much interested in buying the other 'mechs, but just want a Battlemaster. I don't seem to have the option to purchase *only* the Battlemaster set, or even just the hero Battlemaster.
If that is the case, it would be really great to see *why* that is the case.
That said, if this ends up being one of the better Assaults, the game would be sort of "pay for an advantage that lasts 99 days" but I'm not trying to get into that.
My main point and main question is why is the only tier that gets a Battlemaster $80, and why is its C-Bill and MC version so much further out than the other 'Mechs?
OH look its this thread again.
Seriously, you wrote your ENTIRE OP, and you can't figure out why the overlord tier is the only one with the battlemaster? That's some fine work you did there, Lou.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 09:56 AM
That's the impression I'm getting and , that's horse-hockey.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 10:55 AM
schneider9000, on 28 June 2013 - 09:56 AM, said:
That's the impression I'm getting and , that's horse-hockey.
They've said repeatedly in the past that they have more mechs ready than what is currently available. I also assume it takes far less time to make a mech than it does to make a map as seen by the giant dissertation that was posted a few days ago on penny arcade.
Hell, I bet with 80% certaintly they have the first 4 clan mechs ready or near ready but the giant cluster that would cause releasing them.....
Edited by hammerreborn, 28 June 2013 - 10:56 AM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:44 PM
Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:51 PM
To answer the text in the post: Money.
Edited by Rofl, 28 June 2013 - 12:51 PM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:17 PM
schneider9000, on 28 June 2013 - 09:56 AM, said:
That's the impression I'm getting and , that's horse-hockey.
I am not sure how a release schedule is making Battletech less and less fun other than maybe being excited about a mech but being bumbed you can't unwrap it before Christmas.
As far the game, well they have to make money or we don't have a game so their create incentives. They offer a package like this that gives people the option to "shortcut" to their favorite mech. People not willing to wait will buy the package. PGI makes money, PGI uses money to pay employees, turn on lights, keep computers running.....DESIGN NEW MAPS, NEW MECH, etc.
As far as the one mech per month release schedule, I have to admit I have always felt that was bunk. They release one per month to keep people playing which they are waiting for their new mech to release. This also allows them to make more money off hero mechs because they can drop the hero variant of a new mech prior to the release of the standard variant. All those not patient will by the hero (exactly what I did with Heavy Metal).
Personally the fact they got the QD out in place of the Orion so fast, even before the concept art came out, leads me to fully believe they probably have at least a dozen mechs ready and waiting.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 03:56 PM
Right guys?
Absolutely godamn disgusting. Not only are they not allowing you to pick your mech. Which the Founder's program did. They are holding CONTENT back for the sake of BLEEDING Overtards of their money. So the rest of us have to enjoy a game lacking 4 mechs worth of time and resources and effort so PGI can suck the life out of a few more suckers.
Efforts and resources that could and SHOULD be going into making the damn game. The one that has been in perpetual Beta for a year now. Despite them making butt loads of chas every step of the way. Know isn't it funny? Most games never see a cent until they actually are finished. Not MWO. It seems to get by just fine and pull a pretty penny while dragging its feet. A game that could have been done 6 months ago is still a half-assed mess because they know they can make their money now. On the heads of a few {Noble MechWarriors} who can't keep it in their damn wallets.
Edited by Huge, 28 June 2013 - 04:00 PM.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:04 PM
ryoma, on 27 June 2013 - 11:39 PM, said:
ryoma, on 27 June 2013 - 11:39 PM, said:
Hrm, uh...again...
ryoma, on 27 June 2013 - 11:39 PM, said:
Damn, for some reason I can't read past this part. Some kind of mental block or something?
Posted 28 June 2013 - 04:07 PM
Volume, on 27 June 2013 - 11:33 PM, said:
I'm thinking you have an equal chance of having 99 days to say "Whew, I almost bought that thing". I think I'd rather have the 99 days to figure out how squishy it is. I learned my lesson on the Legendary.
Posted 28 June 2013 - 08:16 PM
my main gripe is all the other stuff that still needs fixing.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 07:45 AM
Huge, on 28 June 2013 - 03:56 PM, said:
Right guys?
Absolutely godamn disgusting. Not only are they not allowing you to pick your mech. Which the Founder's program did. They are holding CONTENT back for the sake of BLEEDING Overtards of their money. So the rest of us have to enjoy a game lacking 4 mechs worth of time and resources and effort so PGI can suck the life out of a few more suckers.
Efforts and resources that could and SHOULD be going into making the damn game. The one that has been in perpetual Beta for a year now. Despite them making butt loads of chas every step of the way. Know isn't it funny? Most games never see a cent until they actually are finished. Not MWO. It seems to get by just fine and pull a pretty penny while dragging its feet. A game that could have been done 6 months ago is still a half-assed mess because they know they can make their money now. On the heads of a few {Noble MechWarriors} who can't keep it in their damn wallets.
And what would you know about design and monetisation? please enlighten us because you seem to know exactly what they should do, you dont seem to grasp that this game is FREE and they need to make money somehow.
i am really sick of this attitude that PGI knows nothing about business because some neckbeard on the internet said so, they know what they are doing let me explain.
they are not holding back anything, they are making money of their creations some people really want the battle master so they though 'oo we can make money off this, oh but its a assault I KNOW put up a pay wall for it and reward them heavily for doing so, thus we dont unbalance the game and everyone is happy' its called supply and demand dude, its how business work.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 09:32 AM
Xtrekker, on 28 June 2013 - 04:07 PM, said:
I'm thinking you have an equal chance of having 99 days to say "Whew, I almost bought that thing". I think I'd rather have the 99 days to figure out how squishy it is. I learned my lesson on the Legendary.
^^^^^ this. If you can't tell if it's P2W or P2L in advance, you are P2"get 99 days early".
I'm still on the fence. I haven't even bought a Misery and I have enough XP on two Stalkers to insta-Elite because I'm waiting for it to go on sale. 120 days of premium, 4 complete mech sets, and a dozen bays is fairly tempting (but a Locust?)...
Posted 29 June 2013 - 10:53 AM
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