After numerous trips to Sarna instead of reaching over to the bookshelf and flipping through the books that are Right There i came to the conclusion that i needed to write this stuff down so others could read it (an ironically novel concept, as I'm sure you understand).
I therefore decided to make this list of who produces what, for those who are also want to know if they need to raid their neighbor's borders for a mech of their choice, and don't want to make a trip over to their own bookshelves (I feel your pain).
There are three notes to remember:
1) this is a list of where these mechs are produced, not if they are later sold to another faction (the Spider for example is produced in the FWL but is almost exclusively sold to the Dracs).
2) i have kept the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns separate, despite the two faction's fleeting merger at the moment. I did this mainly so you would know who borders who.
3) Some mechs are produced by multinational corporations, and i placed a faction based on what planet the mech is actually produced at.
All information here is thanks to, and contributions from viewers like you. Thank you.
Capellan Confederation
Flea Light-20 tons
Locust Light-20 tons
Raven Light-35 tons
Vindicator Medium-45 tons
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
Wolverine Medium-55 tons
Catapult Heavy-65 tons
Thunderbolt Heavy-65 tons
Cataphract Heavy-70 tons
Victor Assault-80 tons
Battlemaster Assault-85 tons
Stalker Assault-85 tons
Highlander Assault-90 tons
(Remember Laio also produces the Legendary Urbie, which we have yet to see but always know is there... lurking behind Capellan borders)
Draconis Combine
Jenner Light-35 tons
Panther Light-35 tons
Hunchback Medium-50 tons*
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Kintaro Medium-55 tons
Wolverine Medium-55 tons
Dragon Heavy-60 tons
Catapult Heavy-65 tons
Jagermech Heavy-65 tons
Victor Assault-80 tons
Battlemaster Assault-85 tons
Atlas Assault-100 tons
(I think that it is worth noting that the Dracs have two factories for the Atlas, just sayin')
Federated Suns
Locust Light-20 tons
Blackjack Medium-45 tons
Centurion Medium-50 tons
Enforcer Medium-50 tons
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Kintaro Medium-55 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
Wolverine Medium-55 tons
Jagermech Heavy-65 tons
Cataphract Heavy-70 tons
Victor Assault-80 tons
Atlas Assault-100 tons
(While Corean Enterprises make the Centurion on New Avalon, they do not make the Cent's counterpart the Trebuchet for the Federated Suns)
Lyran Commonwealth
Locust Light-20 tons
Commando Light-25 tons
Firestarter Light-35 tons
Hunchback Medium-50 tons
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
Thunderbolt Heavy-65 tons
Grasshopper Heavy-70 tons
Zeus Assault-80 tons
Battlemaster Assault-85 tons
Stalker Assault-85 tons
Highlander Assault-90 tons
Banshee Assault-95 tons
Atlas Assault-100 tons
(As it should be, the Lyrans produce the most assault mechs. They have 2 Battlemaster plants, and will add a third in 3053. Also, congrats on getting your workhorse scout mech, the Zeus.)
Free Worlds League
Flea Light-20 tons
Locust Light-20 tons
Spider Light-30 tons
Cicada Medium-40 tons
Centurion Medium-50 tons
Hunchback Medium-50 tons
Trebuchet Medium-50 tons
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
Wolverine Medium-55 tons
Quickdraw Heavy-60 tons
Orion Heavy-75 tons
Awesome Assault-80 tons
Stalker Assault-85 tons
(Thankfully the FWL seems to be a fairly mercantile faction. Otherwise they would have the Quickdraw over the rest of us like a Trebuchet on some Awesome mechs, like the Orion
Free Rasalhague Republic
Panther Light-35 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
(On behalf of the FRR, I would like to apologize to the dracs for promptly losing all three of the Panther factories you guys gave us when the clans invaded. Sad Panther.)
Magistracy of Canopus
Locust Light-20 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
St Ives Compact
Blackjack Medium-45 tons
Victor Assault-80 tons
(On a single planet they have five major mech and ship yards, production including several variants of the fabled Warhammer. No wonder they were able to secede from the Capellans.)
Taurian Concordat
Locust Light-20 tons
Commando Light-25 tons
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
Thunderbolt Heavy-65 tons
Spider Light-30 tons
Kintaro Medium-55 tons
*I am pretty sure the Draconis Combine manufactures this mech, considering its popularity in the DCMS; however Komiyaba/Nissan General Industries is not assigned to any planet)
Atlas Assault-100 tons
Yori 'Mech Works: (on Al Na'ir) Draconis Combine
Defiance Industries: (on Hesperus II) Lyran Commonwealth
Independence Weaponry: (on Quentin) Federated Suns, Draconis Combine
Robinson Standard BattleWorks: (on Robinson) Federated Suns
Awesome Assault-80 tons
Technicron Manufacturing: (on Savannah, Tongatapu) Free Worlds League
Irian BattleMechs Unlimited: (on Irian) Free Worlds League
Banshee Assault-95 tons
Defiance Industries: (on Hesperus II, Kwangjong-ni) Lyran Commonwealth
Star League Weapons Research (on Kwangjong-ni) Rim Worlds Republic - Plant fell into disuse after the Lyrans took the world (the plant was built underwater?!) and isn't active again until Jihad era.
*note* as far as i can tell, all variants of the mech besides the 5S are retrofits of the initial five thousand produced, and as such are not actually produced by their originating factions. The Banshee is one of the mechs that has a production line disabled in the Jihad era however, so it is safe to assume that the plant on Hesperus II is actually producing new 5S's in this period.
Battlemaster Assault-85 tons
Hollis Industries: (on Corey, destroyed in 2nd Succession War) Capellan Confederation
Blankenburg Technologies: (on Soul) Draconis Combine
Earthwerks Incorporated: (on Keystone) Capellan Confederation
J.B. BattleMechs Incorporated: (on Storfors, Incorporated 3053) Lyran Commonwealth
Red Devil Industries: (on Pandora) Lyran Commonwealth, (Post 3067) Clan Jade Falcon (even clanners use tech level 1 battlemasters it seems)
Trellshire Heavy Industries: (on Twycross) Lyran Commonwealth
Blackjack Medium-45 tons
GM: (on New Valencia) Federated Suns
Ceres Metals Industries: (on St Ives) St Ives Compact
Cataphract Heavy-70 tons
Earthwerks Incorporated: (on Grand Base, Tikonov, latter destroyed in 4th Succession War) Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns
Catapult Heavy-65 tons
Hollis Incorporated: (on Corey) Captured briefly by nearly everyone, Capellan Confederation
Yori 'Mech Works: (on Al Na'ir) Draconis Combine
Centurion Medium-50 tons
Corean Enterprises: (on Ramen II, destroyed 1st Succession War) Free Worlds League, (on New Avalon) Federated Suns
Jalastar Aerospace, (on Panpour) Federated Suns
Cicada Medium-40 tons
HartfordCo Industries: (Bryant, plant destroyed in the 2nd Succession War) Planet was later owned by Capellan Confederation and currently by the Lyran side of the Federated Commonwealth- some 200 years after ceasing production.
Gibson Federated BattleMechs: (on Gibson) Free Worlds League
Commando Light-25 tons
Coventry Metal Works: (on Coventry) Lyran Commonwealth
Vandenberg Mechanized Industries: (on Illiushin) Taurian Concordat
Dragon Heavy-60 tons
Luthien Armor Works: (on Luthien) Draconis Combine
Enforcer Medium-50 tons
Achernar Battlemechs: (on New Avalon) Federated Suns
Kallon Industries: (on Talon) Federated Suns
Firestarter Light-35 tons
Argile Technologies: (on Skye) Lyran Commonwealth
Coventry Metal Works: (on Coventry) Lyran Commonwealth
*note* the omni version of this mech is undergoing production on Luthien (Dracs) at this period, but will not be fielded until 3056. The FS9-O is actually a 45 ton medium omni-mech, and costs more than a brand new AS7-D.
Flea Light-20 tons
Earthwerks Limited: (on Asuncion, Bernardo) Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League
Earthwerks Limited: (on Victoria) Capellan Confederation
Grasshopper Heavy-70 tons
Lantren Corperation (on Bryant) Lyran Commonwealth
(It would appear this is the only plant to produce the mech up to the current date, which includes a destroyed and rebuilt production line. Other companies listed as producing the mech will not begin production until the mid 3060s)
Griffin Medium-55 tons
Brigadier Corporation: (on Oliver) Free Worlds League, Lyran Commonwealth
Defiance Industries: (on Hesperus II) Lyran Commonwealth
Earthwerks Incorporated: (on Keystone) Free Worlds League
Earthwerks Incorporated: (on Grand Base) Capellan Confederation
Kallon Industries: (on Wernke) Federated Suns
Vanderburg Mechanized Industries: (on Illiushin) Taurian Concordat
Victory Industries: (on Marduk) Federated Suns, Draconis Combine
Highlander Assault-90 tons
Hollis Industries: (on Corey, destroyed in 2nd Succession War) Capellan Confederation
StarCorps Industries: (on Son Hoa) Lyran Commonwealth
Hunchback Medium-50 tons
Coventry Metal Works: (on Coventry) Lyran Commonwealth
Kali Yama Weapons Industries: (on Kalidasa) Free Worlds League
Komiyaba/Nissan General Industries: Unknown (presumedly Draconis Combine)
Norse-Storm BattleMechs: (on Loxley) Lyran Commonwealth
Jagermech Heavy-65 tons
Kallon Industries: (on Werke-Talon) Federated Suns
Independence Weaponry, (on Quentin) Federated Suns, Draconis Combine
Jenner Light-35 tons
Diplan 'Mechyards: (on Ozawa, destroyed in the 1st Succession War) Draconis Combine
Luthien Armor Works: (on Abiy Adi, Luthien, New Samarkand) Draconis Combine
Kintaro Medium-55 tons
General Dynamics: (on Ozawa) Draconis Combine, Federated Suns
General Mechanics: (on Mars) ComStar
Locust Light-20 tons
Bergan Industries: (on Ares) Capellan Confederation
Achernar BattleMechs: (on New Avalon) Federated Suns
Corean Enterprises: (on Stewart) Free Worlds League
Defiance Industries: (on Furillo) Lyran Commonwealth,
Gibson Federated BattleMechs: (on Gibson) Free Worlds League
Majesty Metals and Manufacturing: (on Conopus IV, Dunianshire) Magistracy of Canopus
Pinard Protectorates Limited: (on MacLeod's Land) Taurian Concordat
Taurus Territorial Industries: (on Taurus) Taurian Concordat
Orion Heavy-75 tons
Kali Yama Weapons Industries: (on Kendall) Free Worlds League
Kali Yama - Alphard Trading Corporation: (on Kendall) Free Worlds League
Panther Light-35 tons
Alshain Weapons: (on Alshain) Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic
Alshain Weapons: (on Jarett) Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic
Alshain Weapons: (on New Oslo) Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic
Alshain Weapons: (on Tok Do) Draconis Combine
Wakazashi Enterprises: (on New Samarkand) Draconis Combine
Quickdraw Heavy-60 tons
Technicron Manufacturing: (on Savannah) Free Worlds League
Raven Light-35 tons
Hellespont 'Mech Works: (on Sian) Capellan Confederation
Shadowhawk Medium-55 tons
Lang Industries Incorporated: (on Caph) Federated Suns, Capellan Confederation (planet changed hands a few times)
Earthwerks Incorporated: (on Calloway VI) Free Worlds League, (on Grand Base) Capellan Confederation
Majesty Metals and Manufacturing: (on Canopus IV, Dunianshire) Magistracy of Canopus
Odin Manufacturing, (on Orestes) Lyran Commonwealth, (briefly) Draconis Combine, Free Rasalhague Republic
Vandenberg Mechanized Industries: (on Illiushin) Taurian Concordat
Spider Light-30 tons
Newhart Interstellar Industries Limited: Unknown (either New Earth or Thorin, destroyed between the 1st and 2nd Succession Wars)
Nimakachi Fusion Products Limited: (on Tematagi, Lapida II) Free Worlds League
Krupp Armament Works: (on Terra) No faction
Stalker Assault-85 tons
Triad Technologies, Unknown
Irian BattleMechs Unlimited: (on Shiro III) Capellan Confederation, Free Worlds League
Trellshire Heavy Industries: (on Twycross) Lyran Commonwealth
Thunderbolt Heavy-65 tons
Earthwerks Incorporated: (on Keystone, Tikonov, later destroyed in 4th Succession War) Capellan Confederation
Olivetti Weaponry: (on Sudeten) Lyran Commonwealth
Taurus Territorial Industries: (on Taurus) Taurian Concordat
Trebuchet Medium-50 tons
Corean Enterprises: (on Stewart) Free Worlds League
Kali Yama Weapons Industries: (on Kalidasa) Free Worlds League
Irian BattleMechs Unlimited: (on Irian) Free Worlds League
Victor Assault-80 tons
HildCo Interplanetary: (on St Ives) Capellan Commonwealth, St Ives Compact
Independence Weaponry: (on Quentin) Federated Suns, Draconis Combine
Tao 'Mechworks: (on Styk) Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns
GM: (on New Valencia) Federated Suns
Vindicator Medium-45 tons
Ceres Metals Industries (on Capella) Capellan Confederation
Ceres Metals Industries (on St Ives) Capellan Confederation, St Ives Compact (Note, this plant was retooled to produce the Bkackjack rather than the Vindicator after it changed hands)
Wolverine Medium-55 tons
Gibson Federated Battlemechs (on Gibson) Free Worlds League
Kallon Industries: (on Nanking) Capellan Confederation, Federated Suns
Kallon Industries: (Thermopolis) Free Worlds League
Victory Industries: (on Marduk) Federated Suns, Draconis Combine
Zeus Assault-80 tons
Defiance Industries (on Furillo) Lyran Commonwealth
Defiance Industries (on Hesperus II) Lyran Commonwealth
Defiance Industries (on Kwangjong-ni) Lyran Commonwealth
I will try to update this list as new mechs are released. If you have any comments or additional material, please let me know!
Edit 10/25/14 added the Resistance pack mechs. Yeeee-haw!
Edited by Enervation, 25 October 2014 - 09:44 AM.