List of ways to curb high pinpoint alpha mechs which I think make the game play boring. aka peek-a-boo style in no particular order:
Option A: Weapon limit Proposed in the first post of the old thread. Firing a large or many large weapons trips a .5 second timer that must be waited before firing another volley. The limit I proposed was 1 ac20 1 gauss 2 ppc 3 LL 6 laser weapons except SL tag and flamers. Using anything under the limit can be used in conjunction with weapons that start the .5 second time. eg. atlas-K 2 erLL 1 gauss and lrm 20, could alpha strike just fine as the gauss would start the .5 second timer, but since 2 LL is under the 3LL limit they can be fired together with no penalty. Lrms are unaffected by the proposal so they will act exactly as they currently do.
Pros:Would eliminate mechs using 40 or 60 damage builds that are 100% pinpoint. Also makes many of the stock mech's load outs make sense. Keeps the option to bring more than the limit with very little penalty, making the "cheese" builds effective still. Makes chain fire's wait of .5 seconds mean something.
Cons:Not very newb friendly as it has many rules. Also this limitation is completely pulled out of thin air for the sake of game play.
Option B: Hard point restrictions
Pros: Would hard limit all mechs so they can only bring the amount of large weapons that the chassis will allow for. Previous mechwarrior games have used it in the past and they were pretty fun.
Cons: The main problem with hard point restrictions is that it is very opinion based and I fear that we will end up with much less variety of mechs on the battlefield.
Option C: Capacitor restrictions
Pros: Works much like option A in that it softly nerfs the alpha strikes of certain builds. Lore friendly.
Cons:Lore ends up not nerfing ac20 jeagers to my knowledge. Stock mechs like the battlemaster might be nerfed as well as it uses many energy weapons.
Option D: Overhaul the heating system
Pros: There are many who have said that this is the thing to do. Here are some that posted in the older thread.
Eric darkstar Marr's proposal based on table top:
Koniving's proposal based on realism:
Cons: This option is my first choice as well, however it would require alot of work by the devs and change the game completely. I would worry that after a major heat change the game might not be as much fun. There is no way to test it without setting it all up first.
Option E:Change convergence to nerf certain weapons.
Pros:This is very similar to proposal A as well, but instead of stopping people from firing for .5 seconds it would harm the aiming if too many weapons are fired at once.
Cons:My main problem with this is that if it isnt a very harsh aiming impairment then mechs at medium range would be hit by a possible high pinpoint alpha still. It would not really affect ac20 jeagers if it is too lax. In the end it doesnt end up very newb friendly just like option A as it would be a circumstantial effect to firing too many of something at once.
Option F: Overhaul the convergence.
Pros:Weapon boating builds would have a harder time pinpointing specific locations. Can be tweaked to reward lighter mech's convergence speeds.
DocBach's proposal:
Cons: This change would reward the defensive team as they can stand still and wait for the enemy to come to them. Also over watch would become a huge part of the game. Changes the peek-a-boo style gameplay to a full on sniper style game play making it harder to charge a high pinpoint alpha build, but easier to attack one that is moving or flanked.
Edited by jollyrancher1, 08 July 2013 - 07:54 AM.