Tarzilman, on 12 July 2013 - 08:24 AM, said:
Uhm, yeah. Ha ha, nice dude. Maybe, you forgot, this is a game?
That just means the penalty of failure is not death. Thus, one has the opportunity to make mistakes and learn from them.
Why you would get enjoyment out of a shooter where you are not killing things is beyond me.
You were the kid who went to a steak house with his parents and ordered the grilled cheese all the time, weren't you?
Jakob Knight, on 12 July 2013 - 08:35 AM, said:
Would you say that making the DRG-1N hardpoints such that it's arm could only carry a single AC/5, AC/2, or Machine Gun, the Torso missile launcher an LRM10 or LRM5, and the arm and torso were limited to either a single Medium Laser, Small Laser, or Flamer each would improve the number of times you would see people use this mech? Because this is what you are advocating at it's core, and the flaw in the argument that limitation enhances diversity.
Limitation, by definition, opposes diversity because it limits what you can do. Thus, it channels people into specific niches and encourages conformity. If you want diversity, you -remove- limitation, not increase it. Having the only limitation on that DRG-1N be what its weight and critical spaces allow would have many, many different versions of the Dragon on the battlefield, rather than it being discarded because the limitations make it undesirable and too restricted to use.
Ultimately, even if we instituted a full removal of all customization, players would still use the battlemechs that offer the most of what they want, and this would simply mean only seeing many of one or two mech models that offer that more than others. You would see only Atlas', Catapults, Jagermechs, Jenners, and Spiders on the battlefields, with everything else discarded. The only way to prevent players from gravitating to whatever mech they felt offered the best of what they wanted would be to remove the choice of mech they piloted from them altogether.
This is why I oppose this idea. It does not work.
MechWarrior 3 is an interesting example of what happens when you don't embrace restriction.
MechWarrior 4, I believe, had it the most correct in terms of balancing restriction and customization. It wasn't perfect - but many of the chassis had a personality that allowed you to play and experiment with it while keeping it from abusing the weapons that were more challenging to balance within a world of limitless customization.
The reason the current system is so broken is because 2 medium lasers can become 2PPCs (and, arguably, should, depending upon what mech you're using and what your play style is), while a PPC cannot become 2 or 3 medium lasers.
Drawing inspiration from Mech4 with a bit of ingenuity and common sense, one can enable you to put a few medium lasers in the arms of the K2 while preserving the distinctiveness of mechs like the Nova and Super Nova (I can only imagine the PPC spam that would come out of those mechs.... not to mention, the Nova comes packaged with a 84-point alpha assuming we're going with TT values, here).
I mean... we could play with a completely unrestricted mechlab. 3-gauss highlanders will be fun to deal with using SRM-60 stalkers or 12 medium pulse laser cataphracts.
I mean... it opens up more opportunities to turn what you're in into some kind of counter to whatever the meta tends to be... but, I'm not sure it really works to improve the overall game experience over the woes of the current hardpoint system.
Though the variant system is kind of annoying. Only a few variants really have distinction - the recent Victor being among the worst offenders.