Rhent, on 15 July 2013 - 09:34 PM, said:
I highly hope that Piranha will allow players to set the chainfire delay in options. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy the buff.
I'm hoping that they actually thought about the firing delay and will be adding it in but its not listed in the command chair post.
First of all, you seem to be under the impression that there is something magical about macros that requires special hardware. This isn't true. You can hook into any windows process and inject mouse events from software. And everyone can run software. I think AutoHotKey is one of the more popular ones, but there are likely many out there. They don't provide an uneven advantage because everyone has equal access. On top of that, this is a mech simulator; don't you think mechwarriors would customize their IO to the weapon systems to suit their needs? My advice is that you educate yourself about how to use these types of things (if you think they are so powerful) and see for yourself firsthand what they may or may not bring to the table. Here's a link to autohotkey: http://www.autohotkey.com/