S3dition, on 16 July 2013 - 02:33 PM, said:
Are you really suggesting that it's impossible for someone to figure out that firing too many weapons at once generates more heat, but they'll quickly figure out, say, lrms getting destroyed because their missile doors are blown off? Or that having heat sinks in their legs cools them faster when in water? Seriously, how are people going to figure that out without someone telling them? Yeah, if someone looks up "dah ubberz buildz" on the internet and tries to copy it (but a new player can't anyway, since they have to grind the cbills), they're going to die horribly now. Of course, if they figured that out then they probably read enough to know its a bad idea.
You know another game that's completely un-intuitive and about to fail? World of Tanks... even though wargaming.net is rolling in cash right now. Seriously, you can get 1 shot by a tank which has a gun with less penetration than you have armor. Invisible tanks can hit you as a full camo TD when you can't see them (technically impossible according to the item/skill descriptors). Yeah, they're rolling in money and they started without so much as a tutorial.
It's pretty obvious to everyone reading your posts that you don't have any real grasp of the situation. I didn't say it was impossible, I said it almost was. To everyone with a brain this is clearly an exaggeration that means it would be very difficult or take a lot of time.
Things like having your weapons destroyed when your arms/torsos are destroyed makes perfect sense and is completely intuitive. It's very simple and easy to figure out. Having weapons destroyed because armor is stripped is less intuitive, but at the moment you die so fast once you lose armor in a location it doesn't really have that much effect on the game, and you can tell after a while "Oh, once my armor is gone, sometimes my weapons are destroyed before the body part is." That part of the game is conveyed to the player through gameplay pretty well.
Having heat sinks be more effective in water is completely irrelevant since SHS are complete garbage, and the effect is pretty marginal anyway. Incidentally, the fact that SHS are worthless is something that newer players can figure out pretty quickly if they look at their cooling ratio, but the fact that DHS in your engine cool 2.0 and everywhere else cools 1.4 is completely stupid and unintuitive.
Your WoT example is also irrelevant because those are things that don't show up to new players. The game teaches you its mechanics as you play it. There are edge cases at higher levels, but it's not a system like in MWO where a new player could buy a Jaeger with their cadet bonus, put one AC20 on it and do fine, and then put a second AC20 on it and overheat constantly for seemingly no reason.
S3dition, on 16 July 2013 - 02:54 PM, said:
As compared to a... completely unexplained mechanic? Seriously, you're saying it's counter intuitive because you don't agree with it, not because you can actually prove it's less intuitive than anything else in the battletech universe. "Hey, fired my lasers and my ammo blew up! lolz!"
It's incredible how little you understand. The point isn't that unexplained mechanics (in the sense that there isn't literally a manual you are forced to read about the feature before you can start playing) are bad, it's that unexplained mechanics that the game doesn't convey to you through the gameplay are bad.