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Letter To The Mwo Community.

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#21 Zphyr


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 05:18 PM

Unfortunately language moderation seems non-existent in this game. Too often, random insults would be hurled around (although GGs are way more common), just because they can. Taunting the other team may be "in spirit" but more than that should not be so easily tolerated. I understand that some rude words might be just a lighthearted joke, but too much is too much.

One has to learn how to swallow or ignore foul languages in any online gaming community, that's for sure, but some decency is and should be expected. I am not a MWO newbie, just in case someone tries to shut me up because "you are new". I have been around MWO for over a year, and IMHO we are getting more and more immature attitudes. Yes, we are far from the worst but should we be happy about that? That there are worse communities? Can we not be good instead of "not as bad"? I speak of the few immature people, not the majority. Most are usually quite nice.

We can do better and it can start small. As an example, I am a woman and often use voicecomm, so my teammates know my gender. A couple of them would sometimes joke-taunt any one I kill with "You got killed by a girl". While it is in no way an insult, I sometimes have to ask them to refrain saying that because someone may take that seriously - no idea why, nowadays, but got enough over-the-top answers in return to know that. Be a little more considerate and, as a whole, we may enjoy this game more. We do not need racial/sexual/whatever-slurs to feel like we are playing an online game.

But then that's just hoping in vain. It won't get better any time soon. *sigh*

#22 Kenyon Burguess


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 09:10 PM

View PostTycho von Gagern, on 18 July 2013 - 02:16 PM, said:

Geist Null goes on to imply that one month is not long enough to decide that this is a community with bad manners, and that Stewart Orland hasn't done enough here to earn the right to criticize the community. More or less an Ad Hominem attack, it implies that nothing is wrong with the quality of ingame conversation; the fault is with Stewart Orland. A new player comes in and tells you what he sees; you tell him if he wants to leave, then he should get out. Yeah, so lots of room for growth and self-development, there, Geist Null. Awesome business model, too: Tell new players who offer criticism to shut up and accept or leave.

To Geist Null and others who say that you have to play a long time and get good before you can appreciate what is right or wrong with the in-game behavior of MWO, I suggest that the opposite is true. If you've only been here a month, you're probably not very good at working the game yet, and are probably the brunt of a lot of acerbic commentary, commentary that people like Geist Null don't get. Because they're so. Damn. Good.

I don't know why people keep saying the OT has something to do with these forums...

It is clear that Mr. Orland is talking about in-game behavior, which can be pretty gross. Mr. Orland is not the first to notice...


Keep telling yourself it's not a problem.

I called him on not joining the community, and then condemning it. I didn't defend bad language ingame, nor did I wave my epeen in anyones face. before spewing a latin term and writing up a post like that, you might want to take the time to read before hitting the quote button.

#23 Fat Amy


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 09:46 PM

This is not a problem.

I play at leat a hour a day and not even once I was attacked by other people (while I noticed some hostilities between others).

When you experience this kind of aggression so frequently, it might say more about yourself than the others.

#24 Loc Nar


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 09:56 PM

>3200 matches and I've seen little to none of this nonsense FWIW. Sorry to hear you have had such a negative experience thus far.

#25 Magicbullet141


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:53 AM

View Post3Xtr3m3, on 17 July 2013 - 03:57 PM, said:

....people laying their lives on the line every day for others (and often losing their lives. ex. the 19 firefighters in AZ)...

Too bad those guys died in vain, for no reason. They were not really protecting anything out there in the middle of nowhere. Let the fires burn, there'll be less brush to burn for next year.

#26 Smitti


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 03:48 AM

I've been playing for five or so months now, and it's only been the last month that I've really noticed any kind of antisocial behaviour, but in this month I have seen quite a bit, and also been on the receiving end of some pretty vicious stuff.

One instance: racial slurs and abuse being spat at me immediately prior to a crippling barrage of friendly fire. None of this was warranted as the match had only just begun and I'd not said anything in chat. The culprit then proceeded to do this to several other teammates, costing us the match and ruining our(my) fun for the next ten or so minutes.

Subsequently I reported the behaviour and hopefully it was dealt with appropriately.

Being a tradesman I have a very thick skin (most definitely necessary in that environment) and insulting language does SF-A, but I have never been so irritated by other people's online conduct in terms of team-killing and generally disruptive behaviour, that can (and often does) ruin the fun for fifteen others in the match. Where's the fun and satisfaction in decimating an opposing team who are already down to half strength thanks to some cheese stabbing them all in the back? Let alone BEING on that team of legged, armed and generally crippled poor sods with no rear armour and half their weapons shot off. That blows, you know you've lost from the get-go.

There will always be a few idiots ruining it anywhere you go, it's unavoidable. It is just a shame that (to me at least) there seem to be more than normal on MWO at this current time. Ignore them or report them (revenge is sweet, after all), just please don't let them ruin this game for you, you're only letting them win.

In my mind, all the players who act like this (in game and on forums) are just pimply-faced, scrawny basement-monkeys who are so enraged about their own pathetic loserly existence that all they can do is rage on teh interwebz like the wannabe keyboard warriors that they are, where nothing can really happen to them.

In general reality, if you behave in such a disrespectful manner like that, you end up bloody.

But whenever I'm online and pimple-basement-keyboard-monkey calls me this or that or says I suck, I just remember I'm successful, young, have a beautiful wife, two fantastic kids, great job that pays stupid money and all the other things in life that matter, so whatever he/she/it says just isn't relevant.

Sorry for the rant...

TL;DR: If wankers want to be wankers, yes it can be unpleasant, but sticks and stones etc, and they're all sub-human basement monkeys anyway while you're living the dream as a proverbial rock star. Hey, at least you have a concept of appropriate moral conduct, right? Winning!

Just report 'em.

Edited by Smittiferous, 19 July 2013 - 03:58 AM.

#27 Exoth3rmic


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 05:08 AM

If you surround yourself with a good group of people to play with, which requires a bit of pro-active behaviour, you can largely ignore everything else that grates about the game.

You'll also meet other like minded teams across the field of battle in skrims and leagues where, in general, most groups are well behaved.

You've got to really love mechs to stomach the solo que pure lone wolf for any real length of time.

#28 3rdworld


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 06:04 AM

I guess it is just me.

But I couldn't care less what people say online. My skin is pretty thick, and I have probably been called worse by better. And likewise I couldn't care less what people I am never going to meet or ever talk to, think of me.

Heck I even laugh at insults directed at me if they are clever enough.

Edited by 3rdworld, 19 July 2013 - 06:05 AM.

#29 B0oN


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 06:12 AM

Have seen meaner communities than this and have seen better behaved communities than this.
And yea, sometimes the insulters are even genuinely inventive and they lure a laugh out of my pretty grumpy self.

Maybe look at it that way : All those people are just 0 & 1, literally code, nothing more :ph34r:

#30 Fat Amy


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 10:48 AM

Well, come to think about it, people around here are pretty mean. They always call me fat...

#31 SmithMPBT


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:04 AM

I'm sure theres openings in the Friendship is Magic guild in "My Little Ponies Online". You might be able to isolate yourselves there from all these misbehaving teen boys in MWO. :ph34r:

#32 Schrottfrosch


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:05 AM

"plays a wargame"

"is upset about hostilities"

maybe those bullies are just roleplaying? - but tbh - dude it is a game - I every now and then played a card or a tabletop game where I absolutely hated that dude playing against me, but thats the game - it is also about exploring your feelings when losing/winning in RL-situations. I bet with 99.9% you can have a nice beer after any game in any pub - even if you do not like beer. And the rest are either anti-alcoholics.. OR TERRORISTS!!! wahahahahahahaa

#33 BigJim


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:15 AM

View PostExoth3rmic, on 19 July 2013 - 05:08 AM, said:

If you surround yourself with a good group of people to play with, which requires a bit of pro-active behaviour, you can largely ignore everything else that grates about the game.

You'll also meet other like minded teams across the field of battle in skrims and leagues where, in general, most groups are well behaved.

You've got to really love mechs to stomach the solo que pure lone wolf for any real length of time.

Plus - well, so many numbers I can't even count that high...
There's no way I'd still be here if it wasn't for the team I play with; I only really ever play solo either to level up a mech I want to play competitively, or to sharpen up skills in one I've not played in a while - I just don't (and never have) enjoyed solo drops as a thing on their own.

#34 Smokeyjedi


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 11:30 AM

Let the hatred flow through you.........come to the darkside........

#35 DEMAX51


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 12:51 PM

Personally, I've found this community to be pretty decent on the whole, especially particular parts of the forums like New Player Help where I'm pretty active myself. Perhaps the OP should seek out a guild to play with for a better experience.

Out of curiosity, Stuart, if you think this is bad have you ever played a game on Xbox Live? 'Cause -- holy hell -- if you think this place is a cesspool, I can't imagine what you would think of that playerbase.

#36 Werewolf486 ScorpS


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 02:11 PM

It would be nice to have the option to turn off the in game chat for those of us who don't even want to see it, or want our family to see that kind of behavior.

#37 SmithMPBT


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Posted 19 July 2013 - 02:30 PM

Werewolf486 ,I can sympathize with your situation, but just about all match based games are not kid friendly. Competition frequently brings out duchebaggery in young males. I haven't seen any non man on man sexual harassment ingame yet but I'm sure there would be a crackdown. I'm gonna sound kinda jerky here, but maybe not allowing your kids to interact with adult strangers online (in MWO) is the solution.

Edited by SmithMPBT, 19 July 2013 - 03:01 PM.

#38 PremithiumX


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 02:55 AM

I started running a Centurion a few days ago, my first medium since closed beta. I have noticed that in the low Elo matches people tend to be much more hostile. I think that in some cases it's veteran players dropping in a new weight class and being frustrated by new players making mistakes. Much more often I think it's "veteran" (i.e: players who have been around enough to know what they're doing, but aren't good enough to make it out of the lowbie bracket) players who are frustrated with their lot in MWO life.

There really should be some sort of easy ignore or block function, so you can either not see the unhelpful rude people's chat or not drop with them entirely.

#39 Warge


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 03:13 AM

View PostStuart Orland, on 17 July 2013 - 03:37 PM, said:

That being said, to date I have yet to experience a community as hostile, hateful, immature, violent and anonymity abusing as the MechWarrior Online community.

Man! Visit russian forums sometime. You'll find there all sorts of "hostile, hateful, immature, violent" behavior.

Edited by Warge, 23 July 2013 - 03:38 AM.

#40 Navy Sixes


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 03:24 AM

View PostWarge, on 23 July 2013 - 03:13 AM, said:

Man! Visit russian forums sometime. You'll find the all sorts of "hostile, hateful, immature, violent" behavior.


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