Khobai, on 27 July 2013 - 11:52 PM, said:
1) Domination Mode on Extra Large Maps only.
2) Each team starts with 2000 reinforcement tickets, first team to get to 0 loses.
3) Five objectives spread out on the map, controlling an objective bleeds 1 ticket per second from the enemy. Each objective also gives a global bonus to your whole team (like controlling a satillite uplink might give your team vision of the entire map)
4) Destroying a mech bleeds 25 tickets from that team, but you respawn at your base after dying.
5) Bases protected by turrets/dropships to prevent spawn camping
I like the idea, but the tickets for a respawn should be based at weight, like weight/4.
And the timer must be upped a lot for this, 15 minutes is to short for a gamemode like this with 12 mechs on each side.
3) Objectives to hold:
- Generators/Powerplants (each is linked to a second objective, you need the generator 1 to activate the uplink or generator 2 for the repairbays, ...)
- repairbays (you can go in it every 90 seconds, if you stay 10 seconds in it, it repairs up to 10 armor on each part pf your mech and gives you 1 ton of each ammo. Maybe it uses tickets too? To prevent abusing you can enter it only every 90 seconds and after the repair you are pushed out of it.)
- sensor network (uplink to see the whole map is a bit to much, the network covers some space, maybe there are more then 1 of this thing and if you have all of them you see the whole map.)
- turretcontrol (a turretcontrol commands the 3 nearest turrets, its placed on strategic places. If forest colony would be larger, the tunnel exit would be a place, it gives the side controlling the turrets an advantage then)
- AMS Umbrella (like 2x ams with 300(?)m range that fires on all enemy missiles)
- Ammoshelter (you go in the thing then it needs 10 seconds to give you 1 ton of all ammo, you can use it only every 90 seconds. Maybe it uses tickes too)
- Barracks (Gives the lanceleader 4 elementals that follow and assist him, after they die, new spawn after 30 seconds at the barracks and go to the lanceleader. When the barracks change sides, the elementals attack the lanceleader they were following.)
- Airfield (Gives the lanceleader 1 airstrike every 180 seconds for some tickets.)
- Arti-Battery (Gives the lanceleader 1 arti-use every 180 seconds for some tickets.)
- Helipad (Gives the lanceleader a heli, that follows him, attacks his targets and works like a uav. After it dies, a new one spawns after 120 seconds at the pad and go to the lanceleader. If the pad changes the side, the heli will attack the lanceleader. May cost some tickets.)
- Mechhangar (second respawn point and 1 free (no ticket costs) respawn for every weightclass for the team taht holds it.)
- Storehouse (generates some extra cbills as reward for every second you hold it. Like 15 cbills for every second you hold it, 10 minutes holding will give every teammember 9000 cbills for it. )
About bleeding tickets:
Holding an objective 1 ticket, holding a generator 1 ticket, holding a combination of both 3 tickets. Maybe some objectives are more tickets worth then other? 2000 Tickets may then be a little less?
Can there be a factory, that gives you 1 ticket every 1 second, but do not bleed the enemys?
With all this objectives we need huge maps with landscape and a small city, what we have no its much to small, maybe 2 or 3 times the size of them?
Edited by Galenit, 03 August 2013 - 07:03 AM.