(To be edited later when I have more time.)
Stock Awesome 9M, 20 DHS.
After trading armor and going for a bigger engine, I was able to fit in a total of 23.
23 DHS Awesome 9M
But in order to achieve that better efficiency, he lost his third ER PPC, and cools 0.6 points per second faster as his return. If it fit 24 total DHS, then it'd be 0.8 points per second as a return. Though he'd be generating 15 heat less per firing due to not having that ER PPC to put down range. Less firepower for more heat efficiency. Seems fine to me. It's why the thread is titled that heat neutral mechs (as in mechs that generate x amount of heat and cool it down as soon or almost as soon as it can fire again) are perfectly fine. After all what can accomplish that which isn't already in the game and doing it with even better ease now? They are significantly weaker and traded firepower for thermal endurance.
To use the analogy I've been using for some time: "The turtle and the hare." The turtle is endurance, slow to kill but doesn't stop. The hare is high damage attacks, fast to kill but gets tired quickly. Battletech and Mechwarrior has always tried to be a balancing act between these two factors.
Also, unlike those with lower thresholds, it will take longer for this version of the Awesome 9M to get cold than it would for say a Victor (30 threshold) to go from 28 to 0.
The mech-variant-specific hardset threshold It was a secondary concept to try and encourage PGI to roll with it as an additional balancing mechanic. After all PGI's thrown out so many potential balancing mechanics that they are about picked clean of acceptable ones and the only things left to do now is create things much worse than ghost heat. But if the thresholds are hardset, they can be used to better balance mechs that need it and to help diversify them a bit more. (From something I read, Mektek tried this to balance out MW4's cluster-duck, but still kept thresholds way too high).
So let's roll with an example of the problem that concept was trying to fix here: At the moment the Victor is in every way superior to the Awesome.
- Because of the 'limited tubes', the Victor's LRMs concentrate heavily on CT damage and pinpoint accuracy. The Awesome's LRMs take a shotgun approach and about 40 to 80% of every volley misses. The 80% misses are from when it could fire 4 LRM-20s at the same time. Thus, Victors make deadlier missile boats in MWO.
- In terms of PPCs, the Victor can carry up to 3 + a Gauss Rifle. The Awesome can carry up to 6, but it cannot manage the heat due to significantly smaller engine sizes and the requirement of using an XL engine. Yes, the Victor must use an XL engine to carry the gauss + the PPCs, but with its larger engine it can better handle the heat, and the gauss generates only 0.25 heat (basically nothing it's gone as soon as you notice it). Thus, Victors are superior with PPCs in MWO.
- PPCs are supposed to be what the Awesome is good at. That and ranged combat support.
- The Victor is supposed to be a close-in fighter, relying on missiles, ballistics, and low-end lasers.
And so the thought was how to go about that. If everyone got 30 threshold it'd be fair and heat management would truly matter. But the Awesome... would still be in the same boat it's in now. Except it'd be even worse as now it wouldn't even be able to engage enemies quickly enough to prevent them from getting close. Beyond simply asking for escorts, the Awesome would essentially become completely useless. So I had a thought: What if the typical energy Awesomes got a bit more threshold?
If everyone had 30 threshold, and PGI's pilot skill Heat Containment adds 20% when mastered (10% basic skill x2 when all elites are unlocked), then in the end everyone gets 36. Just enough to fire 3 PPCs at once and walk on normal maps. Or on lighter snow maps, to fire 3 PPCs at once and run.
If the Awesome 8Q got, say 38 for its starting threshold, it'd be able to do the "oh the Awesome can fire 3 PPCs at once" thing that everyone believes in (even if we do know that in reality they chain fire from 0 seconds onward in a system of averages -- MWTactics realized this and I'm sort of proud of them; pity the mechs are uglier than sin). After firing those 3 PPCs it'd take 12 seconds for the stock 8Q in MWO to return to zero heat. Though it'd be able to fire all 3 PPCs at once within 10 seconds.
It'd gain better efficiency firing one at a time, and can ride the heat pretty well doing 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1.
After heat containment + 20%, it'd beef up to 45.6. Just enough to use 3 ER PPCs at once and shut down if it's moving in the slightest or just 'vaguely warm' outside. Or enough to fire 4 PPCs at once while moving, with
this build allowing it to cool off at 3.6 per second meaning it'd have 11 to 12 seconds cool off from 40 heat. Of course, not alpha-striking it'd get far better efficiency and we do want to encourage that fact.
Then, I had the Awesome 9M in the example start at 45, which after skills goes up to 54. However, the 9M cannot equip more than 3 PPCs of any sort (I did think this one through) and literally has to choose between a 2 chest hardpoints of energy or 2 chest hardpoints of missiles.
I've done several examples of the concept with one underlying rule: No matter what's done to the threshold, under no circumstances can anyone fire more than 3 ER PPCs at once without shutting down.
And yes I think it's problematic but at the same time it's still far more under control than PGI's core heat system of rising thresholds per heatsink. The concept specifically targets the "worthless" mechs to give them some value to compete with the superior mechs of the same weight class. Only two variants of Awesome were targeted.
I did an example with stalkers; semi unnecessary but it's for the two least-favorite variants, the 3H and the 4N. The 3H after skills winds up with 40.8, starting from 34. Basically enough for it to be able to play itself as a glass cannon or LRM spammer (twin LRM-20s its supposed to come with generate 12 heat without ghost heat). Higher thresholds do take longer to cool off although if chain-fired it'll hold a bit more endurance. Still needs an escort. The 4N only got 32 threshold, bumping it to 38.4 which is enough to alpha strike its lasers only without shutting down (before or after). If perfectly stationary under a map with normal heat, it could alpha strike its 4 ML, 2 LL, and 2 SRM-6s literally ride 98.958333333333% heat. With this
mock-up it'd cool at 3.6/sec in 10 and a half seconds.
Now granted, I didn't throw in the 15% cool run in for those builds, because if I did the skill tree I would not have cool run available to mechs with enhanced thresholds. Although if I designed this game from the beginning, Heat Containment would raise your 'premature shutdown risk' threshold, and not the overall heat capacity of the mech. But working with MWO's skill system, that's what I came up with.
The obvious goal is that for an alpha strike it'd take nearly or over 10 seconds to recover. But for those who chain fire, the risk is significantly less.