Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
Yes, convergence makes everything better, that is a given. But why is it the only time convergence becomes a noticeable issue is on boats, particualrly the PPC/Gauss or ac2/UAC5 varieties?
Because boats are, to reiterate, more adept at exploiting convergence than non-boats are due to not needing to deal with projectile speed and reload time differences. The PPC/Gauss varieties have very few valid counters other than fighting fire with fire, and AC/2 ones shake the crap out of the victim's screen and kill them slowly (dying slowly makes it more annoying and torturous for the victim than a quick-and-clean impersonal kill). I don't think I've seen any complaints about UAC/5 boats other than folks who don't like 3rd party macros (same applies to AC/2).
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
No once cries about how OP my dual ac10 mechs are, or my HBK-4G with AC20, 2 MG and 2 Mediums. (despite those mechs representing the absolute most deadly builds I own, several boasting 1000 pt matches and score over 110, and scoring 6-800 with regularity)
The AC/10 itself is a rather "meh" weapon (weighs too much for what it does, thanks again FASA), and medium mechs in general are fairly easy to kill (Hunchbacks get de-torso'd especially fast).
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
Because the convergence in those instances doesn't allow people to essentially one shot someone, from across the map. Mind you I am NOT in favor of set vergence on any weapon, as the whole point of things like arm actuators, and the weight o the weapons is the gear needed to make corrections in movement. I am for the removal of INSTANT convergence, and have the vergence occcur like it did in CB, where rapid shift in aim points could take a second for the weapons to comp for, and you would often have crossing shots.
And because dual AC/10 doesn't do enough damage to 1-shot anything outside of a Locust (assuming MWO's double armor).
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
You mention the individual weapons, but when I look at each weapon individually, which one is OP? The Gauss gets anymore fragile, it'll break when you walk. Minimum rage on ballistics are idiotic.
The fragility of the Gauss doesn't seem to do much of anything to discourage any of the Highlander, Cataphract, or other metarapers. And if the Gauss is really such a liability, why would you consider a dual-Gauss Victor variant to be metarape? After all, if one Gauss is a big bomb, then two Gauss makes an even bigger bomb.
Something to keep in mind that the hillhumping playstyle tends to reduce the likelihood of getting one's Gauss blown up, and by the time people get in close they're usually at low enough health to finish off quickly (the second point also applies to PPCs).
As for minimum range, I think we need to remember here that Battletech in general is idiotic. Why does shooting an Atlas's fist rip off his whole arm? Why does a STD400 engine take up half the space of an XL 100 while carrying up to four times as many heatsinks inside of it? Why are we driving giant robots when tanks are more efficient in nearly every way except for not looking as badass? Why does an AC/20 have less range than an AC/5? Why don't ER energy weapons deal more damage than standard ones? Why can we load ammo from our feet to our arms while running at over 100 KPH?
The way you achieve balance is by either making a weapon really good for one purpose and sucking at another (i.e. SRMs good up close but useless at range), or by making it average at everything and good at nothing (i.e. LL beaten by PPC at range and SRMs/Autocannons up close, but still very general purpose). You can't have a weapon that is good for every single possible niche or else you're going to see people metaraping the crap out of that weapon like what we see right now. I think that result is far more idiotic than defying a few laws of physics in a giant robot game that already takes a hot steaming dump all over Isaac Newton's face.
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
THe PPC/ER PPC? Pretty stiff heat penalty for those, balanced by decent damage for weight.
High heat isn't as much of an issue in MWO as it is in TT because of how heat works here. For one thing, MWO doesn't penalize you for hovering just under 100% threshold. Hell, most of the time when I overheat I don't even take internal damage at all. Another thing is that our dissipation is slow as balls, making it so low-heat per shot weapons actually run very hot themselves when in TT they would be heat neutral. This game's heat scale is designed to limit how often you can fire weapons, not the quantity of weapons you can fire at once (opposite of how a low-capacity, fast dissipation system would work). This game makes brawlers run almost as hot as PPC snipers.
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
But take ANY of them INDIVIDUALLY? Show me the single Gauss HBK or Centy that people run from. Or the Single PPC Dragon? Even the 2 PPC/ER PPC K2, while effective, is hardly game breaking.
When you compare a mech with one weapon to a mech with multiple weapons, then of course the mech with only 1 gun is generally going to not do so well unless the single gun is really really huge (or the multiple weapons are really small). If every single mech in the game was only allowed to use one weapon, then I can bet you dollars to donuts that the top-tier mechs would be single PPC, single Gauss, and single AC/20. Those weapons don't spread out their damage at all (as opposed to things like lasers) and don't require one to stay exposed for ~1 second (just shoot and run).
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
But when you COMBINE a Gauss or 2, with 2-3 PPC/ER PPC? Or simply slap 4-6 PPC on a mech? Suddenly you have a perfect storm of events that allow for a ridiculous amount of instant damage in one location, from across the map. any possible range.
I fixed the last three words there.
Bishop Steiner, on 13 August 2013 - 10:19 AM, said:
The problem is not the weapons themselves, not the heat itself, not the hardpoints, themselves, or vergence. The Problem is the crossroads where all meet. So a variety of fixes in each area are need to truly address the problems, THEN if there are minor individual weapon imbalances (or egregious ones) they can be addressed without screwing the balance of everythign else in the process.
So now you agree that boating isn't the issue? (Your list doesn't contain it

Edited by FupDup, 13 August 2013 - 12:15 PM.