Tayleron, on 01 August 2013 - 04:09 PM, said:
I always preferred mech designs like the raven, catapult, jagermech, and such... I like to know what I'm facing at a glance rather than looking for a specific identifying feature such as the quickdraw's head antenna. I'm not saying it's all that hard now, but with even more samey looking mechs coming out it's only getting harder.
It'd be a real shame to mistake a quickdraw and an even worse shame to mistake a highlander for the kintaro...
Well, it just means that one is going to have to pay attention...

Also, there aren't a lot of non-humanoid choices left, especially in the Light and Medium categories.
Light 'Mechs
The UrbanMech is a non-starter, as the engine it needs for the variants is below the threshold of what PGI has implemented at this time.
The Hussar has the hunched-over body type (and seems to alternate between forward-knee and reverse-joint, depending on which particular drawings one is looking at) and a sufficient number of variants (HSR-200D, HSR-300D, and HSR-350D), but those variants are very limited in where their hardpoints are located (e.g. only one has weapons anywhere other than the CT) and two of the variants are actually too fast for the game in its current state (30-ton 'Mech that starts with a Std 270 Engine, with a top speed of ~151 kph).
As such, what's left is essentially the very-humanoid Thorn, Hermes, Javelin, Panther (omitted from the above-linked post, but gets its third variant shortly (in 3051)), and Firestarter, along with the faun-like Mongoose.
Medium 'Mechs
The 50-ton Crab could be an option, if the Devs are willing to implement a non-Royal Star League Era variant (specifically, the CRB-27sl) alongside the CRB-27 and CRB-20 in order to reach three variants (as the CRB-27b is unlikely to be implemented because it is the Royal variant, and PGI seems to have been avoiding implementing Royal variants for other 'Mechs).
The 40-ton Sentinel (with its STN-1S variant, STN-3K/3KA/3KB variants, STN-3L variant, and STN-3M variant) is another non-humanoid option; it ndoes use a forward-knee leg design, but has only one fully-actuated arm and uses the "headless pill-body" design.
Everything else (Assassin, Clint, Hermes II, Vulcan, Whitworth, Vindicator, Wyvern, Dervish, Griffin, and Wolverine) is very humanoid.