KingCobra, on 08 August 2013 - 04:22 PM, said:
HUH!!!! what? another fine post of the blind leading the blind!!!! TO all who post on this thread here is some news for you!!!---->>>PGI will do as they please and no matter what I say or any of you say only the decisions of the devs will come to pass. I personally play both FPV and 3rd person view have played both views since MW2 and a lot of other players have also. So to all those FPV only players I say to you (GET OVER IT) and just play and support the game. Hellll I have said this is not true MechWarrior yet but maybe it will be and that keeps me interested enough to still play a few games a month. If they ever have private matches and leagues and lobby launchers I will play it 24/7 no matter what views are available.

Telling us to "Get over it" is not very constructive.
If I cannot trust a company to keep their word or deliver what they promise, I do not give them my money.
Not only will I never spend a dime on MW:O again if the queues are merged, I will never spend a dime on ANY game associated with IGP, PGI, Russ Bullock, Bryan Eckman, et al.