Matta, on 04 August 2013 - 01:38 PM, said:
Dear sir, there can be only 4 things:
1. You exaggerate A LOT (I don't want to say that you're lying but MG Spider standing still in front of you and taking your SRMs off while you shoot at him with those SRMs and AC2s ? C'mmon...)
2. You can't aim at point blank;
3. Spider was actually moving and not standing still;
4. That never happened.
Win button ? Are you f*u*c*k*i*n*g kidding me ?!
I never said Spider doesn't have hitbox issues but what about Jenner, what about Commando ? If you can't hit them too then I suggest aim better and stop telling fairy tales on the forums.
Well i don't care if you believe me or not, it happened.
As for hitting lights, in my Raven i can easily hit them. In fact i'd go 1-on-1 with anything in the Raven. I haven't played the other lights since CB so i don't know what they're like, i just feel almost invincible unless someone gets a lucky shot with a big weapon.
But when a light is circle strafing me in one of my heavies, which are not made for fighting lights, it takes a hell of a lot of hits to damage them and as they are doing constant damage they outdamage and destroy me.
Actually, half the time jenners don't even bother strafing but just sit there firing away directly in front of me. In fact it happened twice today.
That's probably partially why PPC/Gauss builds are so common, it takes a good whack at a light instead of trying to hit them over and over with smaller weapons. If you don't have the speed to keep up with them you need to hit them hard when you do hit.
But believe whatever you like. I know i hate lights for spoiling the majority of matches i'm in, and my wife quit playing because, as she put it "I'm sick of playing lightmech online".