Situation: I am in my scout mech 3min into the game and I round a corner and bam a hunchback unloads everything into me. It's a good player so he has support and I get pretty much instagibbed.
Fact: Forcing a gamer to spend 50%-80% of his gaming time doing NOTHING (in addition to losing c-bils and not getting much XP) is not going to 'teach him to play better' It's going to frustrate him and congrats you're down a player. Be that gamer 12y old or 80y old you will quickly run out of people to shoot.
Solution: A WoT style 'back to mechbay' mechanic already has the punishment built in: Mech is locked for the duration of the match, repair bills and reduced XP (on account of not doing damage, spotting, etc.) For the most part this reduces suicide play to grind XP without ******* everyone off.
Evidence: The quote floating around is somewhat ambiguous unfortunately
All players in a match when it ends will get the match rewards, disconnected players will not gain any progression as rewards are handed out at the end of a match.
The first bolded part 'in
a match when it ends' seems to indicate that they need to be in the game spectating (although it doesn't state that specifically) but can be interpreted as just meaning all the players that played in that match will get rewards because the second bolded part specifically states which players will get punished (you have to look at the sentence as well as its component parts). The last bolded part states when the XP and C-bills are handed out and is correct because end XP can be influenced by the entire team and encourages team play (like spotting, NARC, etc.)
The biggest thing though is there is no confirmation OR denial of a 'back to mechbay' feature nor how such a thing would work. I think that if you say the MWO will use a WoT style game play then you need to have concrete evidence of important features like these before saying with certainty if they will be using it OR NOT.
But forcing me to spectate for 10min because other players were better than me or just plain lucky is a very, very bad idea. Go play a FPS and force yourself ot not respawn for 5min or heck just 2 min. I'm sure that will teach you to be a better player (or just to camp more yey)