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Dev Blog 0 - Reboot


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#21 Azmodan


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 12:58 AM

good luck with the game

i dreamed of a MW online game for 10 years now.

the F2P model can be VERY successful. Look at World of Tanks http://worldoftanks.com/.
They have an awesome model for multiplayer online freemium combat that would work great with MW. Ever since i started playing WoT i said to myself, what a great setup would this be for a battletech game.

hope the quality/polish/balance is just as good as WoT and than this game will be a big hit!

#22 Pvt Chill


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:00 AM

This is awsome!!!
Just like i remember it from 1997, when Mech Warrior 2 was my first shooter and had a lot of fun playing.
Keep on going, nice trailer.

#23 Fixxxer 117


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:15 AM

I've been a fan of the MW franchise for a while, and after MA i felt kind of let down and forgot about Mechs for a while. But then my mate and I started talking about them and today he told me about the development of the online game and I signed up straight away, so excited that after all these years I would be able to experience a Mech Warrior game again.

PS. Get out of here Stalker

#24 Tiranui


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:17 AM

I started playing the franchise around MW2 and really enjoyed the gameplay in the mercs series of MW games. I am looking forward to seeing and testing this project.

#25 metro


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:25 AM

View Posthabokku, on 31 October 2011 - 09:19 PM, said:

Firstly, thank you for your continued effort and long-standing dedication to bring Battletech and Mechwarrior back to the legions of fans who still hold on to hope and wait patiently for the revitalization of a game that, in my opinion has few equals.

I salute your dogged persistence, and offer my humble respect to everyone at Piranha, and IGP. I look forwards to watching the development process grow and to finally be able to play a new, fresh and above all else FUN game set in what is probably one of the most interesting and diverse science fiction universes ever created.

Stay the course, and know you've got at least one Mercenary watching your back, ready to bring a Battlemech to bear on any who would try to stop the completion of this game.

Thank you once more, and Godspeed all of you.


A.K.A. Habokku

Well said, and worth repeating!

#26 Maximus1


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:33 AM

oh i remember the times when we played MW tabletop and later all the MW computergames.

Piranha bytes do me a favour and do a good job to bring back the old MW feeling.

so long

#27 Cyron


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:34 AM

Where is the RSS feed for the dev blogs?

#28 Tyrant


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:42 AM

View PostAzmodan, on 01 November 2011 - 12:58 AM, said:

good luck with the game

i dreamed of a MW online game for 10 years now.

the F2P model can be VERY successful. Look at World of Tanks http://worldoftanks.com/.
They have an awesome model for multiplayer online freemium combat that would work great with MW. Ever since i started playing WoT i said to myself, what a great setup would this be for a battletech game.

hope the quality/polish/balance is just as good as WoT and than this game will be a big hit!

While WoT is a good game, it has some niggling issues that I believe will not make a good transition into mech, such as tier differences between tanks, gold ammo, gold consumables, limited party size (open games only tho)

WoT is also the primary reason why a publisher decided to back MWO, they want a piece of the WoT pie and rightly so, I just hope that MWO is the game we are all hoping for and not just another gimmick cash cow.



“One of our core pillars is what we call ‘information warfare,’ which basically boils down to controlling the flow of information on the battlefield, whether it be your own information, or the information of your enemies,” Ekman says. “We want to make gameplay be less about an arms race, where you start in a light Mech but you really want to get into an assault Mech, because it’s the best thing there is.”

I read that as a clever radar system and a leveling system from a light mech into an assault, this sounds like tank tiers to me.


Ekman also promises that while players will be able to buy items with real money, nobody can buy anything that will confer a tactical advantage. “Anything that would affect or give you a tactical advantage, you can’t purchase with real cash. You have to earn that by playing the game,” he says.

Define earn please. Do you mean grind / level?


MechWarrior online features multiple upgrade paths, both for Mechs and pilots, but it should not be too complicated. As Bullock says, “If someone has played a combination of Mechwarrior, Call of Duty, and Diablo in their gaming life, they’re going to have seen everything that we’re offering for the most part.”

^^ Whats the drop chance on a unique ERLL with a 5% crit proc or the unique ERLL with 10% less heat?

Will my character feats affect my mechs statistical performance? Is it exponential (endless leveling) or top limited (skills cap at level 5) like EvE:Online?


But big difference from previous games will be urban combat. “One of the things we can do these days that previous games weren’t able to do well is urban combat,” Ekman says. “And it’s a cornerstone of MWO, this ability to actually fight in detailed urban settings.”

Please play Big City or Inner City then play Lunacy or Frost Bite and tell me whats more fun. just because you can do something does not always mean you should.

Edited by tyrant, 01 November 2011 - 02:05 AM.

#29 schurem


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 01:59 AM

I hope you guys also take a good look at World of Tanks and what makes that game tick. Its similar in many ways to a mech game. What is good about it and what bad. What should be different in a MW game.

Marketingwise its a huge success, so that is worth looking at too. The economy of that game is finely tuned to be free-to-play but not pay-to-win.

I wish you guys the best of luck and have high hopes for this game. O7

#30 Candid


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 02:18 AM

My favourite MW game was always MW3, because it was the least arcadey and the most like a simulator. I hope that's the direction you've decided to go in, because MW4 was dreadful.

That concern aside, I'm hyped.

#31 Dozer


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 02:34 AM

As a long time fan of the entire BT/MW Universe I am happier than a Black Widow Merc neck deep in a firefight to see this pull through. A monumental battle to get this far, and the war to get to release is well underway. Sign me up folks, I am locked and ready to rock... now where did I put my Atlas?

Seriously, great work to all involved. Your commitment and dedication to the cause bodes well for its emergence on the online battlefront! /salute

... anyone seen my Atlas? Anyone?

Edited by Dozer, 01 November 2011 - 02:35 AM.

#32 kamikaze09


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 02:43 AM

this game is awesome !!! :)

#33 Kain


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 02:48 AM

Good luck on rebooting this fantastic franchise!

#34 Duncan Idaho


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 03:00 AM

This has been the high-point of my day. I'm generally not a fan of F2P gaming, or even of PC multiplayer (Mechwarrior 2 Merc. campaign is, for me, where the heart of MW is), but by no means am I sitting this one out.

Good luck in the comming months and here's hoping for a smooth release.

#35 metro


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 03:06 AM

View PostDozer, on 01 November 2011 - 02:34 AM, said:

As a long time fan of the entire BT/MW Universe I am happier than a Black Widow Merc neck deep in a firefight to see this pull through. A monumental battle to get this far, and the war to get to release is well underway. Sign me up folks, I am locked and ready to rock... now where did I put my Atlas?

Seriously, great work to all involved. Your commitment and dedication to the cause bodes well for its emergence on the online battlefront! /salute

... anyone seen my Atlas? Anyone?

Nice to see you Dozer!

#36 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 03:14 AM

Sounds pretty interesting. I'm really looking forward to the game.

#37 Ratu


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 03:20 AM

If this project woks you'll all be hailed as the 'Heros of Battletech'. If it doesn't, you'll likely be hounded out of business by crazed fans. No pressure and good luck :)

#38 Hellgardia


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 04:08 AM

I really hope it becomes a great game! I've been playing MechWarrior since '97 and got thrilled when i found out about MechWarrior Online! :)

Cheers all

#39 Trulaw


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 04:11 AM

I can't believe Mechwarrior is back. Next I hope they make a new single player Mechwarrior.

#40 Amarus Cameron


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Posted 01 November 2011 - 04:13 AM


I bring you greetings from the Kerensky Cluster, those of us who have waited and watched are now whipped into a frenzy of debate. With the receiving of your signal from Terra, broadcast on the beams of Comstar set to wide band the question is not whether to Invade...indeed it is now when. You have broken the Great Debate that has stalled the most aggressive of us in our tracks, now that we have a catalyzing moment there will be no stopping us.

I write to you from New Andery, the Golden Fangs Sibko...to thank you. Prepare the forces of the Inner Sphere for our arrival because we wish for a good fight, an honorable fight. As the Children that bear his name we will bring the Light of Kerensky back from the void, and illuminate those who have willingly plunged themselves into darkness. We are the Clans.

Cadet Amarus

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