Should the game say in the first download:
Join a clan, or group, friends because while you can go solo this game is intended for team play and you will not succeed nearly as much if you are solo vs a premade group?
You will need voice comms to really be decent in most matches for enjoyment and winning outcomes?
While this is a solo game, with the added 12 v 12 battle concept we encourage team play with plans and loadout premade group focus fire and strats.
I ask this because I have done both... and without a doubt whatsoever, being in a group is key now to winning more then ever and not being destroyed in 10 seconds.
I had a couple friends join the game... (you know, trying to expand the population...) I have played since last year and love the game but they are newer... do not have a group, do not have a clan.. (I didnt join one yet either).. and now the premade grouping seems more imbalanced with the elo system than ever.
SO -- if you are first time or even a 20 battle later type player.. unless you are in a premade group your odds of winning are even more in the hole. I have done groups and solo and hands down the group rolling of a pug is a joke. If you have coms, (vent or TS, skype etc..) and you focus and talk, also know where and what your teamate is doing it is hands down cake to roll a pug..
And that pug could be a new potential player and money giver to the cause.. yet he is going to play 10 times and think, "Well all these premade folks have it made, I may as well not even bother to continue"... AND this has happend to some gaming friends of mine already.
So I really think somehow some way this concept of choosing a "premade battle vs pug battle" thing needs to be figured out before we lose too many newer people that want to feel better and successful at least in the first couple months of the game vs 2 days and call it quits due to imbalance.
Again... DO not think of yourselfs... put yourself in the mindset of the new people.. that just downloaded the game and or took your advice into playing it. I see now more than ever the issues this is headed towards with the 12 v 12. 3 , 4 man teams are flat out nasty.... period.
I say let them farm other 4 man teams and let the newer people play solo and have a bit more of a chance.
OR AT LEAST warn them as they download how this will go down if they do not clan up -- or group up.
Edited by Iskareot, 09 August 2013 - 08:38 AM.