Kenok, on 13 August 2013 - 09:59 AM, said:
There hasn't been much communication lately as there's always a protest for everything they do. In this case I agree with them. We have members that have over 200,000,000

I agree with you though, the people who don't have that kind of time will likely suffer until those upgrades come. I think they could have done this a bit closer to the real deal. Or said something first.
It's been said to be upcoming rewards for commanders and those that follow the commander's orders. There's upcoming rewards for doing what lights and mediums are supposed to do. All in all, it's a first step in a long term goal.
The alternative is repair and rearm. No cheers? None? Well then.
That said, I'll be back in my little alcove planning attack after attack on PGI's heat system until Paul sees reason, because unlike the cash system, this heat crap really is killing the game and all the flare it had. Between our insane abilities to alpha strike due to high heat capacity and b.s. penalty systems that are supposed to punish you for alpha strikes -- but also PUNISH AC/2 users for chain firing (I'm serious you can fire 6 at the same time just fine for over 14 seconds, but you fire 6 back to back? Shutdown in less than 2 seconds), and Flamers for running more than 3 seconds.
There's a real issue. O.o; It isn't so much a simulator anymore. Hasn't even been close to one since double heatsinks, xl engines, came around and repair and rearm died out. The fact that our capacity ranges from 40 (stock / trial build) to 50 (minimum for 10 engine double heatsinks) all the way beyond 88.56 capacity. It's just been alpha strike warrior. Ghost heat? Band-aid.