Quinton, on 18 September 2013 - 06:57 PM, said:
Yet another game that holds its launch party on the coast instead of in a nice convenient place like Kansas City. You know middle of the country? sigh, everyone hates this place, even the folks who live here.
So what you are saying is "Yeah, PGI should have held their party somewhere in the middle of the US like Kansas City, but at the same time, this place sucks, and since this place sucks, every other major city in the middle of the US prolly sucks to, so I'm glad that they didn't." ???
miscreant, on 18 September 2013 - 06:41 PM, said:
What gets me is PGI acts like this launch event is for everybody.
I live 20 minutes from SF and wasn't selected. I can only hope the event is a bust.
If I am reading this correctly, you are saying, "Waaaaaahhhhh, I didn't get selected to participate in the event even though it's in my back yard, so I am not only going to be a big baby and cry about it, I'm going to be a sore loser as well, and hope it sucks balls for everyone that DOES go that spent money to get there because they got to go and I didn't!"
....... I love people.