Viktor Drake, on 18 August 2013 - 02:53 PM, said:
The need to sustain firepower is largely dependant on playstyle and the role of your mech. I run alot of skirmisher type mechs. These types of mechs are constantly in the battle weaving in and out of the fray. You have to be ready and able to fire when and if an opportunity presents itself and be able to sustain your firepower to survive. You can't be standing around for long seconds waiting for your mech to cool or heaven forbid deal with an Overheat.
So, in other words, you
were in fact using the PPCs in a playstyle doesn't mesh very well with the pros/cons of the weapon.
Viktor Drake, on 18 August 2013 - 02:53 PM, said:
I have time and time again posted why LLs are at the very least equal to a PPC. They offer numerous advantages offset by only one single disadvantage, this instant fire and application of damage. However this ONE advantage doesn't trump all the LL advantages, not by a long shot. Prime example, my Quickdraws.
I can mount either 2 LLs, 15 DHS and a 330XL engine or I can chose 2 PPCs, 14 DHS and a 300XL engine. When you compare the two, the LL version runs significantly cooler which in turn means I can fire the LLs alot more times than the PPCs. It also is 10 kph faster. Which is better? Lets just throw this out for giggles. LLs fired 5 times each vs PPC fired 3 times each. This is about the pace I can fire two builds over a given 30 second time frame. That is 90 potential damage vs 60 potential damage in that timeframe. This means I can "Spread" 30% of my LL damage and still equal the same concentrated damage as the PPC build and that spread damage is still damage which may kill or cripple the enemy mech I am targeting.
As to the question of which is better against lights, I don't see a difference. Sure IF you hit the light mech you going to be doing full damage with a PPC but it has been my experince through use, spectating and the operation of a light mech that most people miss more often than hit with a PPC. However when I am using a laser I am always going to get at least partial damage. Sure I might only do 2-5 damage per shot on the light mechs legs, but that is consistant every shot. Again I ask you to do a little math. 5 shots with a PPC with a 60% miss rate vs 10 shots with a Laser doing 4 damage per shot. PPC = 20 damage, LL 40 damage.
The point I am making here is not that one is better than the other but rather they are a hell of alot more comparable than the vast majority give credit and this was before the added PPC/ER PPC heat. Now we have a situation where heat is making them a worse choice than LLs for alot of builds rather than a comparable but different choice.
Before I would agree with you, now not near as much. Sure you can still use them and in fact I still do use them myself on a few builds. The problem and my complaint is that now with the heat increase, the mech builds they are useful in now is very limited compared to being fairly open before. I use to run ER PPCs and PPCs on 8 of my 18 mechs. Now only 3-4 use them and most of the 3-4 that use them only use one single PPC, not multiples.
The heat increase didn't make PPCs a downgrade to the LL, even if using more than one. There are still plenty of reasons to use the weapon (see previous post for recap).
Viktor Drake, on 18 August 2013 - 02:53 PM, said:
This is also my biggest issue with the change. It limits the use of the weapon in a game that, lets face it, has little diversity to begin with. As far as it being a "only" a long range firesupport weapon, who says? You? Seriously who determined such a thing because I have been playing Battletech and related game for almost 30 years, not to mention having read nearly all the novels and not once do I recall any of the source material refering to the PPC as solely a long range weapon. It has always been a weapon that is effective in most situations which is why it was one of the most popular weapons in the IP. Just because someone like you wants it to be only useful as a sniper weapon, doesn't mean the PPC was every intended solely for this role.
Here's a an ancient Chinese secret about game balancing. The two options for balancing most equipment are:
A. Very very good at a specific task but sucky at all others. Example: SRMs are good up close but useless beyond 270 meters.
B. Decent in many tasks but excels at none--"jack of all trades but a master of none." Examples: ML and LL are pretty versatile but get beaten at long range by sniper weapons and in close range by things like AC/20.
What you're asking for (or at least what it looks like to me) PPCs to be is a jack of all trades and a master of
everything. Can you not see the issues that arise from such balancing? No weaknesses means that there's no effective counter. Maybe I'm on an island here, but I'm pretty sure that it's bad for a game if a player can mindlessly choose one single loadout option and roll over everything in his path without worrying about being countered.
I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be able to be rock, paper,
and scissors all at the same time. It completely wrecks competitive PvP games and turns them into "metarape" fests of spamming the best build.
Viktor Drake, on 18 August 2013 - 02:53 PM, said:
Well your right, I wasn't forced. Nothing prevents me from building a mech that explodes the second it fires all its weapons except for the fact I actually would like to use a competitive and effective build. Under those constraints, combined with my playstyle, I am definately force to re-evaluate the PPC as a useful weapon in my builds.
You only explode from firing due to ghost heat's effect of 3+ PPCs being alpha'ed. Firing only 2 at a time (which is a necessity now due to ghost heat) won't ever make you explode unless you deliberately try to make it happen.
Viktor Drake, on 18 August 2013 - 02:53 PM, said:
Yep. Did alot of reading on how to use the Quad PPC Stalker before the test and did my best to follow that advice. However often your forced into close range engagements against your will. Also there are times when your not able to fire once then go hide for 10 seconds. When that wasn't the case, when the stars aligned, I found the build better than average though never clearly overwhelming although I could see with the proper support and coordination how it could be effective in competitive teamplay. My test was about PUGs though. Also it was limited to one build, the Quad PPC build. A 2/2 Split would have fixed some of the issues while causing others but since I didn't test that out, I can only speak theoretically about it.
In most of my experiences the close engagements don't usually start happening until ~4-5 minutes into the match, when most people have taken some damage and some mechs are dead. Up until that time, most mechs are exchanging potshots from behind hidey hills. The ones that survive that long are often wounded enough to finish off easily, or they lack enough support to take you (a PPC Stalker) down. The key is to cripple as many enemies as you can before people on both teams get impatient and start boxing matches. Having a fast mech like a K2 (I go 86.4 KPH) can help you run away from most enemies if you sense that things are about to get bad.
One very anecdotal case I remember was being stuck with an enemy AC/40 Jagerbomb and Wang (prior to ghost heat) with a 2/2 Stalker at the Frozen City dropship. I was able to kill the Jagerbomb and get one or two shots on the Wang before dying. Unfortunately I can't remember what healths were at before it happened, but what I do know is that the Jager and Wang (and myself) were in pretty decent condition before it happened.
Another less dramatic case was more recent with my K2 on Tourmaline. Basically, my CT was at orange exposed internals and I then got stuck in a duel with a Hunchie who had his AC/20 gone and 3 Medium Lasers still functional. The instant-fire nature of ERPPCs meant that I only need to look at him just long enough to squeeze a shot off. With a duration weapon, I would have died to CT laser fire due to having to stare directly at him for a moment for each shot. I'm also lucky that he was stupid enough to waste his ML shots on my fresh rear armor like I baited him into doing (I mooned him for most of the duel) instead of being smart and waiting for me to twist for him to fire.
Edited by FupDup, 18 August 2013 - 03:41 PM.