Doctor Proctor, on 20 August 2013 - 08:55 AM, said:
There's a fix already slated for a patch in September. So you might just have to learn how to shoot those side torsos.

It's not worth it. A lot of large CT based mechs that have been released for a bit (Blackjack, Quickdraw to name a few) are very XL friendly.
So even if they shrink the CT in the Kintaro, the mech is larger than a Jager... and a Jager isn't even that hard to core and side core.
Koniving, on 20 August 2013 - 11:18 AM, said:
Tourney? When you get more rewards for team-based play and aren't making dirt from playing solo? I think I'm failing to understand.
I play primarily team based play.. and making too much, but most of that style
unfortunately prefers tourney-style based play... where collecting assists to increase the score is effectively the same as collecting C-bills. With 12v12, there is much less control as to whether the team wins or loses from my efforts. If I deal obscene damage with a Hunchback and still lose, I'm generally ill-rewarded because my teammates dictate how much I would actually get. Considering how many games are lopsided (wins and losses are like 75% to me lopsided, with the close games being on the 25% average - all guessing and not scientific), it changes the gap drastically on my winnings and losses.
Just because "it appears" to support team play doesn't necessarily actually do what it is meant to do.