rahpowah01, on 20 August 2013 - 05:17 PM, said:
I can tell you haven't played in 3rd person long. If you backed away even further from that building You would have been able to see the entire map and then kill all the enemies from the sky with streaks. The next patch will give each drone 3 ppc's to spam without heat penalty or cool downs. However it's only available once you buy it with $100MC worth of MC.
You people who are absolutely angry over this are really amazing to me. Maybe it's because I wasn't around for the promises of PGI saying they would never have this in the game. Honestly though I don't see the huge problem especially with how this works in the game right now. This view has been in every official MW video game since MW:2. On top of this huge surprise that the creators would change their mind on something that was almost a no brainer to begin with (having a 3rd person view in a MW game). It's the worst third person implementation (from a tactical perspective) of any of the games. I will admit that after trying to play in this SUp3r L33t e4sy mode. I got 6 kills in my first match, with over 1000 damage after landing every shot my 3 UAC5 Ilya had packed with it. Then I used my 4g hunch and thanks to the buffs to them I murdered every atlas who didn't see me coming within their tiny cramped cockpit.
No actually that didn't happen. Because I could barely hit a ****ing thing and went back to first person to actually do some damage to my targets. So did pretty much everyone else I played with because there are very big handicaps to using the view. Let me list some of the ones in my short time of actually trying to play with it.
1. Your weapons bounce around as you walk or run in 3rd person.
Yes they do. As your walking around looking at your mech (or the entire map if you want to exaggerate). Your weapons are bouncing along with you. They go up and down just like your mech does in it's walking animation. The cockpit view doesn't do this. Try it with lasers in the testing ground if you don't believe me they'll illustrate the effect the greatest. This reduces how accurate your weapons are while you're moving. The greater the distance to your target the worse it's going to mess with your aim. If you want completely accurate fire you have to stand still in third person view to get it. That's always wonderful idea in matches right? Just standing there, just like one of those testing ground mechs. Collecting aggro with every well placed shot you make.
2. The view.
This is honestly the worst part about using third person. Not only (contrary to many opinions) does it not give a huge view increase in many situations. It is directly behind the mech. How am I supposed to know where I'm hitting my target (or even target a location) when i can't see my enemy because my fat *** mech is in the way BLOCKING MY VIEW. This seems to affect some mechs more than others. Either way, It doesn't do what anyone who put it in (or wanted it in) wanted. It doesn't let noobs see their feet. If the camera was low enough to do that; with the same FOV it has now. Third person would be completely unplayable. It's also in a fixed positon, so you can't really look at your mech and be in awe of how good your mech's camo looks on your favorite map.
So, In order to cater to the very vocal people who were vehemently against the idea because they thought it would destroy the first person mechanics AND to try to make the view at least usable for casual players we have the worst possible view that everyone can complain about. The small instances where the view does increase your situational awareness gives justifications to all the people who didn't want it and froth at the mouth and apparently rage quit about it. All the while they discount or refuse to acknowledge it's disadvantages. Also, at the same time, the noobs and those who wanted the view to see their mechs in battle occasionally or all the time get a crappy view that doesn't let them orient themselves or see the mech in an appreciable or adjustable angle.
The camera is fixed nearly directly behind the mech, maybe 10-15 feet feet from it's rear torso. High enough to be able to see where you're going, too low to be able to see targets directly in front (except if they are far away and above you) and too high to see the legs to orient the noobs or help the disoriented.
The biggest issue with third person is not how everyone who uses it is going to be an omnipotent god to those who don't. It's that it isn't good enough to do anything well and was a waste of time if this as good as it gets. It could have been done better and possibly made into a cool game mechanic but it wasn't. Maybe it will be, maybe MWO will turn into mech assualt online. Either way, at this time, it will probably be a little trinket I use once in a while to look at the back of my big wonderful mech once in a while. I don't see using it at all for combat purposes. Which brings me to big disadvantage number 3
The poptart/ridge hump mechanic may work a little better in theory. But there's a problem that complicates trying to use the extra FOV that is there in third person. You see how that little brightly flashing drone that's able to seen from maybe half way (if not more) across the map is above your mech. Guess what everyone will see before they even glimpse the K2's Jager's Highlander's, Stalker's and especially the Cataphract's sniper weapon points. If they are trying to snipe in third person (a bad idea IMO because of number 2). Many people are going to be able to see you come up much earlier before you can fire. This means I can prepare for your inevitable PPC/Gauss fire earlier by either twisting away or moving to close by cover. Some may even be able to get a shot on you earlier as your coming up and then twist away from your potential alpha to the chest, head or weak points before the sniper shoots. The only way to avoid this is to be MUCH higher than your targets so they can't see the drone and even then you can't see what exactly what you're shooting at (your own mech is in the way) unless they are VERY FAR away.
If you snipe in third person, not only are you going to have to deal with potentially not being sure which part of the target mech you're hitting you could also be giving an advertisement that you're about to do so if your enemy is facing you. Telegraphing your actions to the enemy doesn't usually win battles even if it is only a second or two of notice. If they are facing away from you and they are on their own. Then yes third person is the evil devil giving you a slight view advantage to set up your shot in first person. However someone else you are not able to see may be able to see your drone and could be waiting for you to pop up so they can grab their own shot.
For example, In the picture ice gryphon displayed. Yes he is able to see around the building and a decent portion of the map. This is one of the few instances where third person does give a good advantage. In fact in this particular instance you can indeed see a {Scrap} load more than the cockpit view. However how is he going to shoot anyone he can see? If he poptarted up. The mech would block his view once he was high enough to get a shot off of anything in front of him. Sure he could just aim for the center of the targeting reticule but what if there is no reticule? What if the mech turns while his view is blocked by his own mech. That and the delay between switching perspectives hampers the poptart mechanic for third person users. Also anyone else ahead of him who is facing his direction now knows there's a mech there because they can see the drone. He maybe scouting or even about to poptart on a target but anyone who is looking his way will know he's there. He's also not able to see literally everything. What about the big section of the map to the right of the view. The other side could already be there lining up a shot at the mech underneath the drone. Waiting for it to step into view if they don't have LOS already.
The big point I'm trying to make under all the sarcasm and admittedly trolling snarkiness is that the third person view has more disadvantages than advantages. I don't even like playing in third person simply because i'm not nearly as accurate in it and many of my builds (non-sniper and sniper) depend on landing as many shots into the vital areas of the target as I can. I have over 60% accuracy in all of my weapons and most (especially ballistics) are over 75% When I do awesomely in a round (4-6 kills is on the very high side for me) i don't do 1000 damage. I only do 600-700 because they are all focused into either stripping assaults of weapons, CT killing or legging. Third person kills my accuracy and many others have already encountered the problems with third person and stay in the cockpit. If they haven't made the setting adjustment already. Other non-new players hit F4 within a minute of starting the match.
It's still early, and I could very well be wrong, but i think everyone who is saying that third person view is going to be this uber easy mode that everyone will use it to become internet famous and kill the first person mechanics of the game are making this a far bigger deal than it needs to be. Maybe the third person will be a harbinger of doom. From what I'm seeing i don't think so.
I will concede that are you able to see much better in some situations. But this is countered with terrible on the move accuracy and poor visibility when actually trying to take advantage of it. Being able to see over ridges and buildings will help more coordinated teams direct their fire but you still have the problem of being seen and flushed out of position. But, and I haven't examined this for viability myself (so it's a hypothesis), perhaps instead of the apocalyptic vision of everyone running around in third person trying to hit the broadside of an atlas by ridge humping and poptarting (something that i think wouldn't work well anyway) A scout could use third person to help coordinate team efforts. Then these cursed snipers, who would work in first person because it is better for shooting and wouldn't give their position away as quickly, could get into better positions to lay down fire at the right time. My God...third person view? A game mechanic with advantages and disadvantages? In my mechwarrior? BLASPHEMY!!!
If you've read this far, I commend you. I hope my rambling made sense and If you were personally offended by anything. I'm sorry, i didn't mean it or whatever. Just don't be mad bro.
[may edit for content]
What you describe has some base in truth but is not a complete picture. first you assume game play stays the same, some snipers,brawlers,scouts and supports. If you were around back when we had collision damage and knock downs, you would have seen hoe dragons were like bowling balls knocking everything down insight. When this is turned back on as it was stated 3pv will gain the advantage over 1pv. Should melee enter be added again as stated advantage goes to 3pv . At this point it is too easy to just build the flavor of the month and roll over the enemy. any disadvantage you see in 3pv today will be rendered moot.
I know speculation,but if you were around from closed beta to now you can see patterns and then look too what is planed and see whats coming. 3pv is a prime example say one thing then do another, say something else and yet do something different again. Mistakes happen. forum rage happens, but the all over the place development and statements PGI boast is dragging down the game. No lobby,voip usable chat options and 4 weeks from launch. Instead lets argue and put in 3pv and not get some fixes in, or our we to believe they are secretly testing them and will patch on the 17th and all is good ?