OK, so is this the official 3PV feedback thread, rather than the one the big explanatory post sent us to (
So it's here. I didn't really want it, but I knew that PGI would put it in no matter what anyone said, so I wasn't hugely surprised.
I gave it a go. As some people have already pointed out,
it is not fit for purpose. The reasoning given in that impassioned screed above, the only valid excuse for including it in the game, was that it would help with the learning curve by letting people see where their legs were going... and yet the legs on my mech weren't in view. (OK, sometimes the very top of the thigh, but that was all.) So all it does is give you a slightly higher POV for seeing over things.
The drone rebalances any potential advantage nicely. Use 3PV, and we can see you even if you're behind a building.
Being able to shoot it down would be unfair, I suppose. But can we blind it with laser fire?
It's too quick to switch from one mode to the other. But if the transition is made slower, we'll end up with two completely different games in the same match: one a mech simulator game, with 1PV, a rich interface with the map, HUD elements, and other details, and an immersive experience; and one a console shooter, with 3PV, a really facile interface, and no immersion.
However, there's one thing about this that I
really hate, which no-one else seems to have witnessed yet...
I just spent the first minute or so of a match with some bozo Commando's 3PV drone
inside my Stalker's cockpit!
If I had a sidearm, I would have blown it to scrap. Unfortunately, all I could do was manoeuvre myself away from it.
I really want to know what the other pilot could see...
(Oh yeah, I hate the "change of position" prevarications as well...)