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Current Implementation Of Queues And Your Vote!

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Poll: Do you like the current implementation of the 3PV in the game as it stands now? (649 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you like the current implementation of the game with 3PV in the game as it stands now?

  1. NO. (485 votes [74.16%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 74.16%

  2. YES. (88 votes [13.46%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 13.46%

  3. I'm not sure/undecided. (81 votes [12.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 12.39%

Do you like 1PV and 3PV queue mixed together as it is now?

  1. NO. I would like a seperation of the queues (440 votes [68.01%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 68.01%

  2. NO, it needs more work to make it better. (36 votes [5.56%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 5.56%

  3. Yes, but I would still like a seperation of the queues as 3PV only, 1PV/3PV queue, and 1PV only (Hardcore). (66 votes [10.20%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 10.20%

  4. Yes, keep it, but it needs some minor tweaking. (46 votes [7.11%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.11%

  5. Yes, keep it AS IS. (50 votes [7.73%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.73%

  6. I'm not sure/undecided. (9 votes [1.39%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 1.39%

What queue should Community Warfare be set to if it had to be set to ONE CHOICE/QUEUE ONLY?

  1. 3PV ONLY (2 votes [0.31%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 0.31%

  2. 3PV/1PV (74 votes [11.44%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 11.44%

  3. 1PV ONLY (565 votes [87.33%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 87.33%

  4. I'm not sure/undecided. (6 votes [0.93%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 0.93%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#21 Sean von Steinike


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 10:41 AM

It won't matter. You could have 5000 people saying no and 100 saying yes to 3rdpv and the 5000 will still be "in the minority" somehow.

#22 Tice Daurus


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 10:51 AM

Sean...as much as you might be right, I can't give up my moral and ethical obligation to try and do as much as I can to help PGI and IGP try to help them make the right decision and see that their current stance is the wrong one to take and that I do all within my power to help make some change. It's up to PGI and IGP to realize they are indeed wrong and if they do nothing to change, then at least MY CONSCIENCE is clear.

Be the change that you want to make within this world. At least I can say I did my best to help make that change, as insignificant as it might seem. Who knows, maybe PGI and IGP might change their minds seeing this poll and this causes them to make a reversal in what they are thinking now?
I don't know if that's possible, but I've got to try.

#23 Mechwarrior0311


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 10:57 AM

How come the new generation thinks its cool to hate video games, but yet they still play them. Every game that comes out and has a forums is filled with these kids making posts about how much they hate the game.

Also what I see done here is too many options to divide the votes up too much. Its clever but not clever enough that anyone with a brain won't spot it and dismiss it as bad information.

#24 Ransack


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 10:57 AM


I'm not sure

Not that it matters.

#25 Ngamok


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:02 AM

Again as I said before, this poll only gets the forum goers. There are by far more people who play games but never visit the forums which surprizes me. It's consistent across every game I've played. The only true poll is for PGI to make one where you have to make these options before you are allowed to hit the READY or LAUNCH button.

Otherwise, all you are getting is data based on the hard core forum people. You'll just get the same results as last poll(s). So when you say Community, you really mean Forum Goers Community. Regardless, I still voted.

#26 C E Dwyer


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:04 AM

View PostSean von Steinike, on 27 August 2013 - 10:41 AM, said:

It won't matter. You could have 5000 people saying no and 100 saying yes to 3rdpv and the 5000 will still be "in the minority" somehow.

I tend to agree with you but Op is correct he has to try..

I'd also like to point out that the only time PGI has come to the community about a balance issue and listend (SRM damage up to 2 pts, which has made srms viable, ballanced, and not over powered, and been one of the few successes in about a year)

As oppposed to ignore anything we say and have the angst in the forums and people leaving or buttoning up the wallet (3PV ,something that I think will in the long term hurt this game far more than it helps)

Edited by Cathy, 27 August 2013 - 11:06 AM.

#27 Tice Daurus


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:11 AM

View PostMechwarrior0311, on 27 August 2013 - 10:55 AM, said:

How come the new generation thinks its cool to hate video games, but yet they still play them. Every game that comes out and has a forums is filled with these kids making posts about how much they hate the game.

It's not that I think any of us hate Mechwarrior. I think what we hate right now is a couple of things which is the crux of the current issues.

- IMO, 3PV destroys the tactical advantages you would have by switching back and forth from 3PV/1PV viewing in order to gain information by seeing around objects and in some cases this can be used to gain tactical knowledge of enemy movements without exposing yourself to risk of getting shot. Thus this allows your team to know where the enemy is coming from and prepare for incoming attack. While with 1PV only mode, you have to expose yourself and thus risk getting shot to obtain that knowledge, which is what we liked from the game in the first place. This game was a 1PV simulation. Now with 3PV, the game is not what it once was anymore.
- PGI expressly said they would never force anyone to play against another person using 3PV, yet here we are now doing exactly that. True you could toggle it to start in 1PV, but you can still switch back and forth at will from 1PV to 3PV by hitting F4, which goes back to our original issue.

As for whether PGI lied in the past, that's for the 3PV View Feedback thread. I'll leave those arguments on that thread and I will not state my views here regarding that because I want to keep the integrity of this poll as unbiased as possible.

My goal is to get honest unbiased voting from all people's viewpoints and make this thread as unbiased as possible so PGI cannot ignore the thoughts of the people here in this community and take this poll for what it is.

I don't think anyone here hates Mechwarrior: Online. What we hate is the current problems we have now and we need to show PGI what people currently think. They can choose to ignore the poll or accept it for it's face value. It's up to PGI/IGP to decide if they want to do that or not.

View PostNgamok, on 27 August 2013 - 11:02 AM, said:

Again as I said before, this poll only gets the forum goers. There are by far more people who play games but never visit the forums which surprizes me. It's consistent across every game I've played. The only true poll is for PGI to make one where you have to make these options before you are allowed to hit the READY or LAUNCH button.

Otherwise, all you are getting is data based on the hard core forum people. You'll just get the same results as last poll(s). So when you say Community, you really mean Forum Goers Community. Regardless, I still voted

I will agree with you on this but at the same time, it's still a sampling of the community as a whole. What PGI and IGP are willing to accept is up to them to decide. If they choose to ignore this poll, that is their choice. But my conscience will be clear either way because I voted how I felt as did others.

#28 Pendraco


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 12:35 PM

View PostMechwarrior0311, on 27 August 2013 - 10:57 AM, said:

How come the new generation thinks its cool to hate video games, but yet they still play them. Every game that comes out and has a forums is filled with these kids making posts about how much they hate the game.

Also what I see done here is too many options to divide the votes up too much. Its clever but not clever enough that anyone with a brain won't spot it and dismiss it as bad information.

I don't think there is much hate for the game itself, whats really ******* people off is the fact that PGI does not seem to give a **** that the house is coming down around them.

Posted Image

#29 GonZo626


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 12:50 PM

Lets see, do I like the 3PV, no. Do I like the game, yes. Did I ask for a refund for anything, no. Will I give them another dime, not until the actually do something to make this game not so damn repetitive. Will I ever trust anything they say, thanks to the fact that I have been here since before closed beta a big NO. About the only thing that they said back then that has come true at this point is that I am playing a game of big stompy robots blowing **** up. Lets hoe they eventually get there **** together and quit messing around with stuff that the console crowd wants but they will never play the game anyway because as most console gamers I know don't use there PC for gaming. And I don't know why but I cant hit my enter button and start a new paragraph on these forums on my damn work computer. Rant over.

#30 Pendraco


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 12:59 PM

View PostGonZo626, on 27 August 2013 - 12:50 PM, said:

Lets see, do I like the 3PV, no. Do I like the game, yes. Did I ask for a refund for anything, no. Will I give them another dime, not until the actually do something to make this game not so damn repetitive. Will I ever trust anything they say, thanks to the fact that I have been here since before closed beta a big NO. About the only thing that they said back then that has come true at this point is that I am playing a game of big stompy robots blowing **** up. Lets hoe they eventually get there **** together and quit messing around with stuff that the console crowd wants but they will never play the game anyway because as most console gamers I know don't use there PC for gaming. And I don't know why but I cant hit my enter button and start a new paragraph on these forums on my damn work computer. Rant over.

I was having the same problem in IE, finally figured out how to get the enter key to work. You have to change editing mode...You will lose everything else, but at least your enter key will work again. Good luck!

Posted Image

#31 GonZo626


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 01:30 PM

View PostPendraco, on 27 August 2013 - 12:59 PM, said:

I was having the same problem in IE, finally figured out how to get the enter key to work. You have to change editing mode...You will lose everything else, but at least your enter key will work again. Good luck!

Posted Image


#32 Caviel


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:52 AM

View PostHeffay, on 23 August 2013 - 03:02 PM, said:

A poll that doesn't use a random sample isn't a poll. Sorry Tice, but this isn't going to help PGI understand the wishes of the player base.

It does provide PGI with the thoughts of the vested player base. Maybe not the entire player base since the poll only reflects the thoughts of those that are willing to participate as opposed to a scientific sampling, although it is still valid information.

#33 Caviel


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 08:11 AM

View PostNgamok, on 27 August 2013 - 11:02 AM, said:

Again as I said before, this poll only gets the forum goers. There are by far more people who play games but never visit the forums which surprizes me. It's consistent across every game I've played. The only true poll is for PGI to make one where you have to make these options before you are allowed to hit the READY or LAUNCH button.

Otherwise, all you are getting is data based on the hard core forum people. You'll just get the same results as last poll(s). So when you say Community, you really mean Forum Goers Community. Regardless, I still voted.

Even then you have to deal with nonresponse bias. What I don't understand is, it is so simple to pacify the anti-3PV crowd by implementing separate queues, of which there are already deactivated launch buttons, it is surprising it was not implemented. I understand the concerns of "splitting the playerbase", although only one of three things is going to happen:

1. The 1PV only queue suffers, indicating the 1PV only crowd is in the minority
2. Both queues are sufficient/thrive, allowing the best of both worlds and giving all players what they want
3. 3PV capable queue suffers, indicating 3PV use is in the minority/most players prefer a pure 1PV only environment.

I say split the queue as an experiment, with the added benefit of this pacifying the mob of anti-3PV players. The drawbacks being you will potentially completely isolate them to non-play if the numbers are insufficient, or provide vindictive fuel for their negative feedback.

View PostPendraco, on 27 August 2013 - 12:35 PM, said:

I don't think there is much hate for the game itself, whats really ******* people off is the fact that PGI does not seem to give a **** that the house is coming down around them.

I think you are being beyond extreme here, given we have no player numbers to indicate this is the case.

I am less concerned that plans changed and we all ended up in one queue, at least for now. Things change in development, "whatevs". I am concerned that the "3PV is OK" mindset often seems to be centered around continual use. This fails to take into account people using 1PV primarily and 3PV when it gives a clear visual tactical advantage to do so. It is not possible to implement 3PV without giving some sort of FOV advantage over those that do not use 3PV at all. Even a more "chase cam" type setup with transparency for your own mech can allow viewing around corners, and even obsoletes the 360 target retention module need for Assaults.

You won't lose matches because you are not using 3PV, although smartly using 3PV clearly helps you have a greater chance at winning, with little drawback. You may be able to see where my mech is from my single drone light, although I can periscope to see your team coming, you can't hurt me, and you still don't know where my other 11 teammates are. I can also shut down 3PV and move, removing the drawback entirely, tactical damage being done.

Not having a 3 monitor setup, I was absolutely floored when I saw the screenshot Whizz posted earlier. It is far worse than I had originally thought, even with my own single monitor observations. 3PV is currently a LOS seismic module with infinite* range, except I can identify mech classes.

I would much rather see 3PV positioned as a "beginner" mode, in conjunction with tutorials, with the option to disable it as a stepping stone to a "normal" 1PV only mode of play once the leg/torso control learning curve is passed. Presuming a 1PV only mode is never available, the option to switch views in match should be removed entirely to prevent the 95% 1PV and 5% 3PV play style that abuses the view mechanics.

*Based on rendering distance

#34 Nik Van Rhijn


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:55 AM

Hate to say it but this poll has been rendered irrelevant by the Devs comment in "September Update" where they say that numbers have increased due to 3pv and that they only want players who are happy with their new direction.
ie thanks for getting us off the ground but were not making your game any more. Also you now have so many C-bills we can't persuade you to drop real money so easily any more.

#35 Novakaine


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 11:02 AM

PGI dun circled the wagons.

#36 Scorpio Rising

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Posted 28 August 2013 - 12:46 PM

Very disappointed by the mixed queues. I really hope they reconsider and a 1PV only mode.

#37 Tice Daurus


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 03:25 PM

I just wanted to say I appreciate everyone that's voted so far. I know there is a lot of apathy on the forums and for the game at the moment so I do appreciate everyone that has voted so far. Thank you.

#38 ryoma


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:32 PM

PGI. They totally know what they're doing.

#39 Blood Skar


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 03:23 AM

The solo queue problem is a lot bigger than this 3pv imo - yet quite a few here are talking about leaving over such a small thing as 3pv? someone using 3pv is at a major disadvantage as they dont have a scanner - its certainly not a 'thats it, im leaving' issue... is it??

I'm absolutely pissed that they havn't dealt with the solo queue issue (solo pug's being forced game after game to fight a horde of mic'd up veterans...), but i would never flatly say 'thats it i'm leaving' because of it. I am playing far less now - but to leave over that would be silly.

Just like to leave over the 3pv 'issue' is silly.

IMO the 3pv has been added to give the game greater appeal and a far wider audience. Its also been implemented extremly well - in that using 3pv gives you no radar and therefore a major disadvantage as to tactical awareness (i.e. where the frig are my teamates).
Seems to me you guys are wanting to keep this game as a niche game, that will never be a major sucess.

Just for clarification, personally i always use 1pv because i couldnt play without seeing the triangle on the radar map - and knowing which way my enemy is facing etc.

Also i'm not getiting into a s**t throwing contest over this(in other words i wont bother to reply) - you either agree with my opinion or you disagree. Either way thats up to you. I'm just putting my opinion out there to be heard.

#40 Vullum


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 05:14 AM

Finally a comprehensive poll that can be used to gather the information PGi desperately need.

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