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Upset Or Happy With Mwo? Gauging Minority -10,000 Votes!

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Poll: ARE YOU UPSET WITH MWO? (853 member(s) have cast votes)


  1. I am Upset (586 votes [68.78%])

    Percentage of vote: 68.78%

  2. I am Fine (176 votes [20.66%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.66%

  3. I am Happy (90 votes [10.56%])

    Percentage of vote: 10.56%

Vote Guests cannot vote

#1 King Arthur IV


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:28 PM

The people who are upset are they the "minority", so how many are there?!?!

Over the past weeks their have been alot of discussion about rallying the community together in ways so MWO will lend a ear to us. Ideas ranging from boycotts, refunds, not spending money, global sync drops, unit partitions, playing other games, mass rage posting and more to come but i have yet to find a poll.

--Why use a poll?
each vote is unique and can not be duplicated in form of a reply.

--Why are the choices so vague?
we are only trying to create awareness for mwo and if not for them at least we as the community have some numbers to work with.

--How to reply to this thread?
To avoid Clutter I would appreciate minimal discussion or arguments. If you are "happy" there is no need to reply because you are happy with the direction of mwo. If you are Upset, please present your reason in form of a LIST.

--Why not reply if your happy?
if "im happy" is the majority vote, there should be no list of changes but please pass this thread to 3 other happy people.

--Everyones list should be respected,
I repeat, lets avoid clutter with opposing opinions.

--What will this poll achieve?
I hope to create Awareness to mwo and consolidate our thoughts of displeasure in a simple format.

--Reason why i made this poll?
some of the communal ideas to collaborate were to negative imo or difficult to preform. Currently the mwo forums is a place where ALL mech-warriors can access and remains one of our best tools despite the forum changes..... there are countless pages of discussion but no consolidation of ideas in a simple format. Another point is mwo is unwilling to communicate or give us facts, so lets create our own!
With a poll like this and a simple list to show your displeasure, we can no longer be accused of pulling facts out of our behinds.

As of May 25th 2014

upset: 560

fine: 156

happy: 76

time to update, refresh and/or edit your votes!

Edited by King Arthur IV, 25 May 2014 - 01:47 AM.

#2 FupDup


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:35 PM

I am upset. Reasons are (in no particular order):

*Bad weapon balancing where only a handful of weapons are "competitive"

*Utterly insane heat implementation (high capacity and low dissipation)

*Ghost heat's existence

*A mech's viability is decided by its hitboxes and model size more than what it can carry due to how PGI made the mechlab...

*Hit detection is wonky, even against heavy and assault mechs at times

*C-Bill nerf was completely unnecessary, especially because 12v12 matches already take longer by default (resulting in fewer matches/C-Bills per hour as it is)

*The fabled "design pillars" such as information + role warfare have been chiseled down to a stump or simply never constructed in the first place

*With things like CW and the Clans, it's clear that PGI has set their expectations a lot higher than their capabilities (or, to be a tinfoil hat, perhaps even lied since the beginning to entice founders)

*Severe lack of new game modes

*The top officials of PGI (such as Russ Bullock in particular) don't seem to have very solid reasoning behind the more recent decisions (also, Russ trolls too much for somebody who is supposed to be the CEO of Piranha Games)

*The dev's stubbornness to never back down from their self-invented ideas such as ghost heat, crit-seeking MGs, and hard-counter ECM as opposed to trying out some popular community ideas; basically it feels like their way or the high way

*The vast majority of MC items are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive (whales ahoy!)

*Nubcakes are routinely thrown in with hardened veterans, and without even going through a tutorial first

*I may add to this list later

Edited by FupDup, 26 August 2013 - 05:51 PM.

#3 Aerokii


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:38 PM

Things could be better. Things could be worse. But I'm not going to agree with this "If you're happy just leave" and "if you're upset give reasons."

No, you get reasons I'm happy, whether you like it or not!

Reasons to be happy:

It's a Mechwarrior game, the first new one in many, many years!

I no longer lag nearly so bad as I used to, and I've been having fun lately in the matches I've played!


I can play this game for free, without piracy! Isn't that nice?

Customization's looking great, one of my favorite parts of Mechwarrior

Community raised 100K for charity! Can't wait to take that Jenner out for a run tonight.

There's more, of course, but this is a decent start.

#4 Gizmoh


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:47 PM

I'm happy.
I'm piloting stompy robots
LRM's are balanced, finally.
I don't feel like I'm being stomped, even when I'm the first guy to die
I'm piloting stompy robots.
Even though I play from outside the USA, I don't feel like I have lag at all, except when hitting lights.
And I get to pilot stompy robots.

#5 Lootee


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:49 PM

Don't care any more. Just passing the time until Star Citizen, Elite: Dangerous, Halo 4, MGS 5 Phantom Pain comes out.

I only log in to troll around with some funny Centurion builds a couple games and then log out. I voted fine because it just doesn't bother me any more.

Try to think of it as a circus freak show. At first you're surprised, amazed, disgusted and stupefied all at once. Then you realize the spectacle is supposed to be horrifying to look at and accept it for what it is and move on.

Edited by PanchoTortilla, 26 August 2013 - 05:55 PM.

#6 One Medic Army


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:49 PM

I'm taking a break (War Thunder) while you all go nuclear over 3PV, gauss nerfs, kintaro's giant CT, etc...

#7 Dudeman3k


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:50 PM

I literally can not play more than 2 games in a day. (so why spend anymore $ on it? it's time to take up their server space for free)

diversity? what diversity? can it have a high pinpoint alpha? if not, it's not even worth playing in this current meta. This game has "jumped the shark".... and it's just bad.

do I still play, yes! (2 games). Do I pay? No! (but thats the issue)

If we dont pay, the game goes down... and this isn't a product worth ****... and the words of the developers are worth even less than that! so will I use the {Scrap} out of this game until it's officially bankrupt? YES! it's the ONLY modern Mechwarrior title out... and that is the only reason I can stomach play it (2 games).

I dont play it becuase it's fun: I play it becuase it's "free", and the only MW title around..... it should be, I play becuase it's fun, but wow did they F that up.

#8 ricardox


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:50 PM

I'm sort of OK with it.

I hoping some fundamentals get fixed soon. AKA Crashes and Freezes (nothing kills a game more than this), hit registration issues, hoping for some better match making (fairly atrocious at the moment but that's a big subject).

Others are annoyances, yep I wish weapons were better balanced, but I can still play the game and be effective. CBill "nerf" was rather unnecessary. If people enjoy a game and you give them an incentive, they'll spend money on it.

Other than aforementioned fundamentals, I'm mostly concerned that this game turns new players off... Sims are traditionally not popular in the first place. Lack of good tutorials and throwing new players to the wolves are particularly bad. They dont learn from experienced players in this game. They just get shot. New players are lifeblood of any game. Particularly if you want to make money. Message to PGI... there's only so much blood you can squeeze from a turnip you already have, the cbill "nerf" turns new players off as well as the old. Dont think it was such a great idea, all around.

#9 Snow Drift


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:51 PM

Don't forget a key ingredient of a poll: Your sample population. The people who participate on the forums are a lot more hard core than those who don't. Your data will skew towards those people and their opinion. Keep this in mind before making any sweeping conclusions.

#10 I C Wiener


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:54 PM

You won't get numbers with this thread telling you anything about the state of the community, because you will only reach people who:

a. bother to read the forums at all
b. bother to read another "Upset with MWO" thread
c. are most likely upset with MWO in the first place which might be the reason for a. and b.

#11 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:55 PM

I voted That I am "Fine", I ever become Upset, I will just uninstall and vanish from the forums.

#12 Kaldor


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 05:58 PM


See below. Pretty much my feelings on everything

View PostFupDup, on 26 August 2013 - 05:35 PM, said:

I am upset. Reasons are (in no particular order):

*Bad weapon balancing where only a handful of weapons are "competitive"

*Utterly insane heat implementation (high capacity and low dissipation)

*Ghost heat's existence

*A mech's viability is decided by its hitboxes and model size more than what it can carry due to how PGI made the mechlab...

*Hit detection is wonky, even against heavy and assault mechs at times

*C-Bill nerf was completely unnecessary, especially because 12v12 matches already take longer by default (resulting in fewer matches/C-Bills per hour as it is)

*The fabled "design pillars" such as information + role warfare have been chiseled down to a stump or simply never constructed in the first place

*With things like CW and the Clans, it's clear that PGI has set their expectations a lot higher than their capabilities (or, to be a tinfoil hat, perhaps even lied since the beginning to entice founders)

*Severe lack of new game modes

*The top officials of PGI (such as Russ Bullock in particular) don't seem to have very solid reasoning behind the more recent decisions (also, Russ trolls too much for somebody who is supposed to be the CEO of Piranha Games)

*The dev's stubbornness to never back down from their self-invented ideas such as ghost heat, crit-seeking MGs, and hard-counter ECM as opposed to trying out some popular community ideas; basically it feels like their way or the high way

*The vast majority of MC items are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too expensive (whales ahoy!)

*Nubcakes are routinely thrown in with hardened veterans, and without even going through a tutorial first

*I may add to this list later

#13 King Arthur IV


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 06:20 PM


feel free to push this along to happy people and get them to vote! the silent happy "majority" should let it be know that the game is Fantastic!! find a way to "can" the upset people so we can clear up the negativity in the forums and move along.

Edited by King Arthur IV, 26 August 2013 - 11:13 PM.

#14 Dudeman3k


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 06:22 PM

HAHAH!!!! they moved this to "off-Topic", where post come to die. These guys.

#15 MajorBorris


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 06:40 PM

MWO is a hamster wheel of content. Once you grind through the mechs there isn't anything left. Forced 3pv drop kicked me off the wheel, thank you pgi :)

#16 King Arthur IV


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 06:59 PM

key words for search since this got moved to far country

Edited by King Arthur IV, 28 August 2013 - 09:39 PM.

#17 Aerokii


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 07:24 PM

View PostDudeman3k, on 26 August 2013 - 06:22 PM, said:

HAHAH!!!! they moved this to "off-Topic", where post come to die. These guys.

What does this topic have to do with Gameplay Balance beyond "I'm unhappy because of the current gameplay balance"? This is a feedback thread (one that started off with a bias, mind you- I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but it did), and didn't really belong in that forum.

#18 StandingCow


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 10:58 PM

Not happy
Ghost heat
Lack of communication from devs

Edited by StandingCow, 27 August 2013 - 05:12 AM.

#19 soarra


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Posted 26 August 2013 - 10:59 PM

Not happy
Ghost heat
Upcoming gauss charge
Weapon balancing
Mech scaling
Match maker
Lack of communication from devs
No adddd game modes since conquest
Coolant flush debacle



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Posted 26 August 2013 - 11:07 PM


This would go in General Discussion, but that's not around anymore. I also thought of making a poll like this, but I suspect the forums are designed to make it hard to do this and not be put into off topic. Even though thread on MWO is pretty much 100% on topic.

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