Upset Or Happy With Mwo? Gauging Minority -10,000 Votes!
Posted 28 August 2013 - 04:41 PM
-The current implimentation of 3PV offers advantages that can be exploited and I can't play in a 1PV only server/game.
-Hit detection is frustratingly flawed and seems inconsistant.
-Weapon balancing is still very slow, unbalanced, and becoming needlessly convoluted.
-Lobbies (even the simplest of first drafts), an ingame primer/tutorial, and built-in functioning voicechat (so everyone jumping together is automatically in chat, with the option to mute single offenders and even the mic-less can still receive directions) should've been opening priorities.
Some lesser concerns:
-The grind, coupled with the possible desparity between better/worse players/builds, is fairly fun-draining. If it were somehow easier to be competitive with less modified builds, or earning the Cbills for important upgrades was a bit faster, this wouldn't be a problem.
-The current information about how CW will be iterated has me fairly worried that it won't really fix how I feel about the long-term playability of MWO..which is both a lack of immersion and lack of incentive to keep playing (enough incentive to balance out against the "grind" of the game).
Some positives:
-The game LOOKS really nice. The movement looks really lumbering and real. The weapon hits look brutal and the visualized damage texture is a great addition to the already sweet limb-breaks.
-Betty is fun, and the future of music looks pretty bright.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:06 PM
well it was a good try.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:26 PM
I dont know what to say anymore regarding how PGI/IGP continue to handle the "whole situation".
Moving thread that isnt insulting and all it is asking is an opinion from the community and it gets moved to the "jettisioned communications" 2 days after the thread is created.......
Wow..... i am speechless now.

Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:21 PM
Now I can use Bad Haiku
But This Makes me Sad.
Posted 28 August 2013 - 10:44 PM
jettison with no reason
curl up in corner
thats my haiku
Edited by King Arthur IV, 28 August 2013 - 10:57 PM.
Posted 29 August 2013 - 04:23 AM
Pfifel, on 28 August 2013 - 02:42 AM, said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there a basic ELO rating that factors into matchmaking? So I'd assume that people with a much higher win/loss and kill/death ratio are duking it out using almost identical builds, whilst poorer players in the mid-field or the lower end of the scale would have less powerbuilds in their matches...
Posted 29 August 2013 - 01:55 PM
Pfifel, on 28 August 2013 - 02:42 AM, said:
From what I'm reading, one of the bigger problems is PPC/Gauss loadouts. I rarely see more than 1/2 mech with such a loadout in a game. Where do you get such matches? The amount of people complaining over them is ridiculous, considering I've never had any problems with that. You mention competitive play. AFAIK there isn't a really large competitive scene as far as MWO is concerned or am I wrong? The troublesome loadouts & lack of brawling might happen in these competitive matches but me playing with randoms has always been fun, filled with brawlers, and with varied builds.
It seems kinda funny that so many people complain about PPC/Gauss and the ghost heat mechanics when I've never had any trouble with them. Is my MM bracket too low? I would call myself an average player which means that most people should be in my bracket. Never seen someone ingame complain either. Sometimes I wonder if we're talking about different games. The forums make the game seem like a hellhole, while the game itself is fun to play.
I do agree with you about the technical problems and I hope they get fixed by launch.
TL;DR: I am happy and I do not know where people find the troublesome PPC/Gauss builds. I guess im just that lucky =)
Get a group of 12 people together and drop a few times see what happens. Or push your W/L ratio up to 2/1 and you'll start to see the problem.
K-towned ? great.
Posted 29 August 2013 - 02:22 PM
Ghost heat
Weapon balancing
Posted 29 August 2013 - 06:57 PM
1. They have demonstrated no vision
2. They have demonstrated no insight
3. They have demonstrated a complete lack of critical thinking
4. They have demonstrated a complete lack of problem solving
Everything complained about (ghost heat, ghost delay, stagnant metagame, weapon imbalances, etc.) are but symptoms of the greater problem that is PGIGP's total lack of competence in their decision making and game design. They made a good game by accident and then ruined it.
Posted 29 August 2013 - 08:51 PM
Posted 30 August 2013 - 09:50 AM
Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:26 AM
First started in early January (started from scratch again-thought it would make me a better pilot grinding untweaked mechs all over-it did but man! bad call-el grindo maximus) and have ridden the roller coaster weapons tweaks along the way. Fixing of the 3L monstrosity cured the issues I had the most problem with. Now they are back with the spider.
I hate to even say anything about lights. We need them and they deserve any advantages they have. Earned them. Stationary Spider, point blank ERPPC LLas and SRM hits not registering. I can hit what I aim at. That is not my weakness. I have tried to adjust lead like we did with the 3L but it does not work. Spectated a Spider getting chased by 5 mechs on River City for over 3 min the other day. Pilot was very good but there was the almost continuous sickening laser impact audio the whole time (well done that). One was a decent Jenner pilot too. If they were getting 5% damage/hit an Atlas would be dead.
Disconnects are back with a vengeance. I can have 5 matches in a row with 1-3 DC's per. I even crash 2 desktop on occasion myself again. i7 GTX-660 12g 30M/sec isp. This is a real game breaker. I don't want to win because of DC's.
The website is very unresponsive most times. You know the quickest way to lose traffic is to have a poor site. Google proved this and you know more about these things than I. UI is better. At one point in 8v8 the UI used more than a match, in a very unstable manner too.
You mitigated ECM some which was good. There are counters now ppc/bap. Not a missile pilot so there never was much effect on me but that whole setup was wrong. The invincible 3L covering his/her whole team blocking lock and prevent enemy launch in proximity. Give all those powers individually maybe but jeez-god powers much? A team without ECM is still at disadvantage but not like before. It was a sure loss at one point. And with 12 less likely but does still happen. I would be OK with ECM if it added some fun. Only fun for the limited chassis that use it.
Weight imbalance. Not sure the fixes are worth the cost yet. Long Queues not worth it. Move along, nothing to see.
The Holy Grail. 3PV. You earned some disdain with this move. Vacations/new player help/COD tweets. Bologna factory was on back order status due to your order. 1PV for me all the way. I don't really care about 3PV much. I'll go 1v1 with them without reservations. Give me good 1PV pilots and we will clean up. Seismic evens this very well.
You could have just said- Look, we have to include 3PV. The economics dictate it/the big money says do it/long term game health demands it/insert more reasons. Give everyone a week to pick out a free camo color as a thank you for being loyal. We are adults, most of us. Straight up and honest bad news with a token gift goes a long ways. The gift? It's the little things in life sometimes.
I am holding off on the Pheonix and will slow my MC use a bit. Not because I am mad. These issues are killing the joy for me. This is a very good game when the stars align and there are no code issues in a match. You have not run me off nor will you so don't worry about that. (You buffed then nerfed machine guns instead of fixing hits. I know it's not linear with development with several tracks running. Illustrates my point. Hire people or w/ever it takes before launch.)
edit: As others have said, the lack of ingame voice is perplexing. You push the "Team Up to Win" idea then don't offer any solutions not 3rd party. If I have an hour to play I will not spend 20 minutes grouping up on teamspeak or mumble. Why you allowed this to be usurped I don't understand and I think you might regret it. A very minimal mutable voice option should have been your first UI feature. And to make it worse the txt commo is buggy as all get out. Not even going to go into map repetition and modes here.
Edited by MicroVent, 30 August 2013 - 01:12 PM.
Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:38 AM
Most confusing is why in the world would they steer THIS game toward accommodating a 10-year old player (according to the "Apology" Command Chair post). I think the average player's age here is much higher than most video games. Personally, I don't see a big deal with 3pv (I understand the argument against it though). Though there are a lot of things that aren't perfect with this game, what bothers me is the alienating arrogance of PGI posts (Russ B's mostly). I can live with disagreement, I won't abide with insults.
I bought Elite Founders as a show of support; I bought Overlord with high hopes. Then the patch hit.
Now I log in and play 1 game every couple of days or so. I find no joy in the game anymore.
I will wait until 1 day before the Overlord delivery, then if my enjoyment hasn't improved I will request a refund. The fun factor must outweigh PGI's condescending attitude though. Awesome work, if your goal was to drive away a part of the player base that existed prior to MWO. It's not like you need a core minority anymore now that you are off and running, I suppose.
I humbly suggest a new vector for management:
- Don't insult your core (sometimes fanatical) player base
- Don't reneg on promises
- When problems arise, communicate
- Stop looking at the short term bottom-line
I wish you good luck finding those 10-year old kids with 80 bucks to spend on a pastime.
Edited by Columbo, 30 August 2013 - 10:51 AM.
Posted 30 August 2013 - 02:38 PM
I´m upset because i have many friend very angry because never solve a ticket. And they go to another game untiel this game go open or pirhana change the think for recieve the feedback of the gamers.
only that... come on guys! you need listen the gamers.
But the way, please check this team mate say, and share opinions:
Posted 02 September 2013 - 05:20 AM
For the Greater Good!
Posted 02 September 2013 - 01:02 PM
-Ghost heat
-Failure to communicate
-Slavish devotion to mechanics of tabletop for certain things, yet an obvious willingness to discard them in other places, with an end result of keeping a great deal of 30-year-old problems without rational reason.
-Failure to address glaring problems in anything remotely like a timely fashion.
-Failure to deliver on a number of promises.
-Willingness to engage in heavyhanded tactics when dealing with dissent.
-Unwillingness to accept mistakes and own them.
I'm still here because the failure has yet to reach a point where the game cannot turn around quickly. Remove Ghost Heat entirely, revert PPCs to the pre-HSR values for heat and recycle, balance from there; remove 3PV either entirely or make it actively detrimental -i.e. a "Pilot-training drone module" that uses an otherwise-valuable module slot or some such. Say "Welp, guess those decisions didn't pan out, but we've learned from them.", and you'll once again have my full, rapt attention, and, moreover, some of the contents of my wallet. Until the, just holding out hope that things turn around.
Posted 03 September 2013 - 04:32 AM
Posted 05 September 2013 - 07:21 AM
Posted 06 September 2013 - 03:14 PM
Never heard it put so succinctly until just now. This is pretty much exactly how I feel right now. I *want* to spend money on this game, because I *want* it to be awesome, because it's MechWarrior. But it's not awesome... not yet. For now, it's the only show in town, if and until worst comes to worst and the whole thing fails, I'll continue to play, and entertain hopes of someday buying into it in a way I feel makes sense.
Right now, the only way I feel makes sense is buying all the Heroes, and all the bays I need to keep every variant I buy, and I simply don't have that kind of cash laying around. I suspect buying anything less at this point is just going to subject me to a horrible case of buyer's remorse, and I simply am not willing to risk it until I feel sure my money will be well spent.
Posted 08 September 2013 - 05:20 PM
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