SkyCake, on 27 August 2013 - 05:45 PM, said:
and even this is too much... all AC's should have been laserfied as they are talked about in the lore, that is spread out DAKA, not pinpoint alpha..
if they ever fix ppc/gauss then AC20 will follow on the nerfing block the very next day
ppc's and gauss should be the only pinpoint alpha weapons and they a should have massive drawbacks as a result, ie long cooldowns, massive heat for ppc, tonnage and crit concerns for guass, they both explode when critted, basically they are good in support/sniping rolls or as part of a balanced build, but are terrible in brawls when boated... if you can achieve that balance i dont really care about pinpoint alpha...
but as it stands now, these weapons are the best in both brawls and sniping and that needs to stop... not to mention really good at killing lights
to be honest im sick and tired of hearing about how bad ppc/gauss are. there have been poles on the forums where poeple could vote for changes and and going off them the majority of people think ppc's are fine.
people need to quit the whining and complaining about ppc's!!they have already been nerf hard and the gauss is about to follow with even harder nerfs!!!!
its very simple if you stand in the open or on top of a big ******* hill and not move you are going to get shot.....alot and then die. try playing a little smarter e.g....don't stand in 1 spot like a *****, don't charge mechs front on, take cover as much as possible only revealing your self when a good opportunity to strike presents its self. if your pined down try flanking or send a decoy to the enemy base and try split their team up.
from personal experience %50 of the people in this game deserve to die because they are dumb and do stupid things. the only draw back to this is they come to the forums and call for nerfs and if it keeps on going we are going to end up with "mech warrior pillow fight online"
xenoglyph, on 26 August 2013 - 04:25 PM, said:
I just invested in a pitchfork factory.
ricardox, on 26 August 2013 - 04:39 PM, said:
I hear they are nerfing that down to 2 prongs and 1 will be desynced from the other
Edited by akpavker, 28 August 2013 - 06:14 PM.