Mwo Intelligent Zoom - An Enhanced Zoom You Can Bind To Mouse Wheel [5.0 27Th Apr]
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:13 AM
The purpose of the basic pixel is not to define a zoom rate, but to tell the code that it can see the zoom indicator and to try and work out what it says. If Basic is NO, it will not bother looking at the other pixels.
I have just done 1920x1080 and will post the coordinates in the second post.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 09:28 AM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 11:05 AM
evilC, on 05 February 2014 - 09:13 AM, said:
The purpose of the basic pixel is not to define a zoom rate, but to tell the code that it can see the zoom indicator and to try and work out what it says. If Basic is NO, it will not bother looking at the other pixels.
I have just done 1920x1080 and will post the coordinates in the second post.
Yeah, I get that. My point is that threshold didn't seem to be doing what it was expected to do, which was making it difficult for me to test the actual zoom triggers, not just basic. In any case, I'll try your new 1080 values.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 01:25 PM
Get the coordinate and colour right and 10 is plenty.
What method are you using?
Download GIMP, paste each picture in as a layer. Zoom in so readout fills screen and individial pixels are big.
Then stack them in order - 1 at top, 3x or 4x at bottom.
Find coordinate of pixel for basic (part of the . or x), use the pipette tool to select the colour, then click the colour tool and find the value for that colour.
(Make sure the correct layer is selected, else you will get weird results with the pipette tool).
Set MWO to full window, set zoom mod to always on top and calib mode.
Enter the coords and colour for basic, go into MWO and verify Basic is OK.
Go into GIMP, hide the 1x layer and find a unique pixel for 1.5x (hide/show the other layers to help).
Rinse and repeat...
Posted 05 February 2014 - 01:45 PM
It's really just 3x that's the trouble, since I use toggle minmax. Once I gave up on the same color, I got it to work. Here's what I'm using successfully now:
basic: 1322 779 FFBD3C 10
1.5: 1310 776 FFBD3C 10
3.0: 1300 777 EAAF4D 10
Adv: 1300 778 FFBD3C 20
Adv in calibration mode wasn't consistent; upping the threshold did seem to improve it, but it doesn't seem to be an issue in practice either way. It always responds to input.
My gamma and brightness are very slightly elevated, hence the colors.
edit: spoke too soon. I've had to recalibrate my 3.0 in a couple of matches now. The quest continues.
Edited by deathlord, 05 February 2014 - 02:25 PM.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 01:48 PM
Posted 05 February 2014 - 02:31 PM
Povilas, on 05 February 2014 - 01:48 PM, said:
We are working on it at the moment, it may take a little time to find good numbers and we will need feedback from the people using 1080p. For now, try the new numbers in the second post and let us know how you get on.
deathlord, on 05 February 2014 - 01:45 PM, said:
You don't need special software to take a screenshot. ALT+PrtScr will copy the screen to the clipboard.
Posted 05 February 2014 - 04:57 PM
This allows finding a pixel that is HUD colour only in one of the zoom modes.
You do not have to learn any of the advanced stuff, all you need to know is paste in the 3 images (When you paste in layers after the 1st, they will show in the layer list as "Floating Layer". Right click it and select "To New Layer".)
Then just use the eye symbol next to each layer to turn it on and off. What I usually do is zoom right in to the area of interest, and put my finger on a prospective pixel. I then toggle the other layers to make sure that pixel is part of the background on other layers.
Edited by evilC, 05 February 2014 - 04:58 PM.
Posted 07 February 2014 - 03:20 PM
Rework of the readme file, tried to make it simpler to follow.
Added hotkeys to copy colour value from "Current" to "Target" box. - enables you to quickly set colours once you have good coordinates.
Behind the scenes, debugging is also much better, so if people are having weird issues, the logs should help work out what is going on a lot better.
The code in general is a bit leaner, and makes less pixel checks. Plus I fixed a few edge-case bugs.
New default coordinates are in for 1080p and UI2.0, create a new profile to get these.
I have changed the default tolerance to 40. I am using this value myself now and seeing a marked improvement in reliability (it seemed to "miss" occasional commands before, not seen it yet now).
Please let me know how it works for you guys.
Posted 07 February 2014 - 03:51 PM
Posted 09 February 2014 - 11:45 AM
A minor fix, but the big news is that I have an experimental Coordinate Detection system in!
Enable Calibration Mode and click the button that appears.
Please try it out and let me know if it works, I am especially interested to know if it works in resolutions > 1920x1200.
Multi-monitor, again, will probably not work, but I am interested in working with people to remedy this, I have some ideas...
Once it detects the coordinates, you may need to recalibrate each colour (Easy if you set the Calibrate Basic/1.5x/3.0x/4.0x hotkeys for it in the bindings tab)
Posted 10 February 2014 - 06:51 AM
I have put your coordinates for my resolution and disabled Aero theme, binded mouse wheel up and down and also calibrationa nd toggle hotkeys but it seems to never work. I hear a beep when i press the toggle hotkey but nothing more. What may i do wrong?
Posted 10 February 2014 - 08:52 PM
It is not finished yet, but the current version will help work out what is going wrong, and may even fix any problems you are having.
Quit Zoom if running.
Fire up MWO, and make sure it is in "Full Window" mode (Settings>Video Options)
Download this file, and replace your existing zoom.exe with it:
run zoom
Then tick "Calibration Mode" and "Always on Top".
Tab back into MWO and you should be able to see MWO and zoom at the same time.
Make sure the zoom window is not covering the "Zoom Readout" (The part of the MWO HUD that shows what zoom you are in).
You should see something like this:

Notice the picture of the "3.0" from the MWO HUD inside the Zoom window, where it says "SnapShot"
Do you see something similar?
If not, what is in the "SnapShot" box?
To everyone else
Feel free to try this beta version, tell me what you think.
The new method grabs the Snapshot (takes ~50ms to grab the whole box), and then examines pixels in the snapshot (very fast)
The old method examines pixels on the screen (takes ~30ms per pixel)
To detect which zoom you are in takes 1 if it cannot see the zoom readout, plus another 2-3 to work out what zoom you are in.
So that's ~80 - ~120ms to detect zoom with the old way, and <50ms with the new way.
Plus with the old way, the screen could change between checking each pixel, with the new way, it can't
Posted 14 February 2014 - 02:50 PM
Now you can use a GUI to tell the program where to look for the HUD zoom readout.

Once you have done that, it will cycle through the zoom modes and pick the best coordinates to use.
beta version available here
Posted 24 February 2014 - 12:06 AM
4.3.1 24th Feb 2014
= Oops, had left a debug message in ADHD
Posted 27 February 2014 - 07:53 PM
I've used a couple of odd resolutions due to having a dual monitor setup with a 4:3 and a 16:10 monitor.
Here's my working UI 2.0 coordinates for 1280x768 and 1680x1050:
Bas: 881,543 ___ 1142, 737
1.5: 875, 541 ___ 1146, 732
3.0: 865, 542 ___ 1138, 730
Adv: 864, 541 ___ 1137, 735
I've only recently acquired the Advanced Zoom Module, and I was a bit surprised by the way it worked in your macro.
In normal mode I expected the Adv Zoom to be tacked on as the next level up from 3.0, ie if at 3.0 and I mwheel up, I thought it would go to 4.0 zoom.
The only way I can get Adv Zoom functionality within your macro is when using Min/Max mode with up being max normal zoom and down being adv zoom. Is this by design, or is something broken? Yes, the enable box is ticked...
If it is by design, is there any chance of adding Adv Zoom to the normal zoom mode as described? I like the intuitiveness of just mousewheeling in and out without diverting my attention from the action outside the cockpit.
Edited by Mad Katt3r, 27 February 2014 - 07:54 PM.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 07:03 AM
This is mainly due to the fact that PGI, in their infinite wisdom, decided that when you exit adv zoom, you should not go back to the last zoom you were in before you entered adv zoom, you should always go back to zoom 1.
So if you had it as you asked, you would be at zoom 3, zoom in once to adv zoom, zoom out once and you would end up at zoom 1.
There is also the fact that if you are in zoom 1 and wish to go to adv zoom via zooms 1.5 and 3, that would involve 4 sets of pixel checks. As each one takes ~50ms, you would be waiting 200ms for adv zoom to activate.
Finally, it is to do with the way myself and all my friends use the mouse wheel. We do not tend to click it one step at a time, but roll it an arbitrary number of times - if we wish to zoom in, we just roll the wheel up a bunch.
I tried to train myself to only click in once, but in the heat of combat, it just does not tend to happen.
I could maybe try coding it in for you, but I think other options would probably be more desirable. Maybe if I added a hotkey binding for adv zoom, so you could do bindings like CTRL+Wheelup = adv zoom?
Posted 28 February 2014 - 07:06 AM
Out of curiosity, have you tried the new Calibration Mode that I released the other day?
I didn't announce in the patch notes that it is in, but it is there

Put the game into "Full Window" mode, click the "Calibration Mode" button, and a new window pops up inside which you will see a snapshot of the MWO HUD.
You can use the buttons to resize the snapshot so that it just surrounds the zoom readout in the HUD.Make sure you are in zoom 1, then click "Proceed to the next step..." and it should automatically detect valid coordinates for you.
Edited by evilC, 28 February 2014 - 07:08 AM.
Posted 28 February 2014 - 05:06 PM
1280x768 failed, so those coordinates were found manually using Gimp as I was having trouble recognising Adv Zoom mode.
In 1680x1050 the Calibration Mode worked perfectly first time. I don't even know which pixels it is watching!
I'm kinda getting used to the up-3.0/down-4.0 thing now anyway, but thanks for the offer

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