nitra, on 28 August 2013 - 02:02 AM, said:
With the current stance and targeted demographic statements along with information and a lil research from the
it is revealed they are using "a third-party implementation called STLPort"
in the discussion thread it was questioned on why they are doing this ?
and its speculated they could be doing it for cross platform compatibility
doing more research into this you find out that on a windows system stlport is not even necessary .
they could just use stl and save them selves a whole lot of trouble .
what this speculation explains .
1st. it explains 3pv . console player base would demand a 3pv view.
2nd. it explains targeted demographic they are projecting that the console base will be larger than the pc base and thusly they need to target the console market rather than the pc market
3rd it explains the delays as they are working on two code bases instead of one.
4th explains pip mode being such an issue ? (its expensive consoles dont have the resources for expensive effects)
looking at their reactions lately this theory puts thing in a more understandable context.
i hope its not true.
This could be totally valid, I would imagine since PGI has not had the best of history with PC titles.......They would want to make a quick jump to another demographic where attention to detail and exceptional tolerances will be lost forever. Way to lower your standards PGI (after The Duke Nukem incident.) you'd think they should be @ rock bottom already