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Solo Vs Premades Has Got To Stop! Along With Elo!

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#41 nitra


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 10:15 PM

Not trying to troll but i cant resist this .

has one of the silent majority actually spoken ?

ok now seriously .

ill skip the founders stuff as thats rather touchy.

yes elo is irritating at times and you get stuck in some pretty screwed up situations

you have to understand that your not going to get rid of 3rd party voice comms it has changed the way we game we have to accept it . may not like it, but you cannot get rid of it. it just logistical impossible.

but this does not mean you can not have a good game . it does however mean you have to change your play style.

It starts with sticking with your team and making and effort to make a difference.
I know it sucks i hate sticking with my team . waiting to engage staring at the map in disbelief that over half the team is still in base. but you have to .

because you need your teams fire power and the team needs your targets. this is where the fun actually begins as you maneuver around trying to find a unprotected target to rain death upon .

Its about probing the enemy lines and keeping that soft target locked up till hes dead.
but you have to be judicial about how you maintain that lock and keep your exposure limited at the same time.

its a fine balance of keeping your fire power on the enemy while minimizing your profile to theirs.

they are times this fails horrendously and your left screaming at your team wondering why they are at section x doing jack and your over here with what you thought was your team getting hammered by 12 mechs .

other times this works really well and you get to see the effects of mechs melting in a hail of lrms, large lasers, gauss, and ppc's
its even better when it becomes the domino effect and its one right after the other.

alll this happens with working with, and playing with your team it comes with experience and effort at trying to preserve your mech.

While this may not always be fun to play it is the way to have more enjoyable games and lessens the frustration.

also believe it or not, the in game chat works really well also, while it may play second fiddle to 3rd party chat it still is useful at conveying info to your team and harassing the other team .
Also if used tactfully its a really good way at providing tactical misinformation.

regardless the game is what you make of it .

I dont really play well with my team, i like to run about and get involved in small skirmishes that usually end up getting me torn to shreds or utterly destroyed by a rolling blitzkrieg of enemy mechs, but hey i have fun and i expect it . if i get my kill or kills im happy .

However it does not promote healthy team play. Overall when i do play a game with a good team and i play the part of a good team player i have fun

thats what it is about ultimately is fun

find what works for you , it may require you change your game play but im pretty confident you can find some role on the field that amuses you .

for instance just for giggles its fun to pull out a gimped lrm boat and just spew missiles half the game who cares about kills its great fun watching all those missiles follow some poor sap around the battlefield.

it also lets you harass your team in chat with repeated .. hold your targets guys !! i cant kill these people unless you martyr your self for me !!

see theirs just no end to the fun that can be had.

Edited by nitra, 27 August 2013 - 10:19 PM.

#42 New Day


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:14 PM

So much QQ. You are pathetic.

#43 Johnny Reb


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:20 PM

I agree, in so far that new ppl get matched up with us long time players. That is bad for both groups. Easy kills on my end and frustration on the other. Heh, though that was the reason to make elo and match maker. Still the same, 4 man or 8 man sync rule, unless countered by same!

edit: 12 man is great in my experience, however so little of us use it.

Edited by Johnny Reb, 27 August 2013 - 11:22 PM.

#44 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:34 PM

View PostPEEFsmash, on 27 August 2013 - 09:49 PM, said:

Hmmm...Its almost like working as a team helps you perform better in a team game...Weird.

You should bring up this possibility in the next Ask The Devs and see if they know about this phenomena.

lol... really.....

no on is saying people should not play with friends. What I am saying is there needs to be a que for people dropping in groups and people who solo.

Your just mad if it does happen you will have to work for your CB, and the people like me who only drop solo and dont have the TS crutch will own you and make your ego explode. So you make excuses... Its silly really we all know how old you founder grandparents are.

#45 Thorqemada


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:39 PM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 05:52 PM, said:

Your founders are NOT going to carry this game into the future...

Good luck with the retention in September. :)

Why do you blame Founders for (unwanted) decisions only PGI is responsible for?

Know you enemy!

#46 Scandinavian Jawbreaker


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:42 PM

I like playing solo against the evil Premades (that spawn from the depths of Hell and are blessed by Lucifer Himself - so I hear). It gives you challenge to face these Premade demons and I like it. I do not want separate queues, rather would like to see the Matchmaker adjusted. Perhaps even with some Matchmaking options in the options menu.

#47 Johnny Reb


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:42 PM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 11:34 PM, said:

lol... really.....

no on is saying people should not play with friends. What I am saying is there needs to be a que for people dropping in groups and people who solo.

Your just mad if it does happen you will have to work for your CB, and the people like me who only drop solo and dont have the TS crutch will own you and make your ego explode. So you make excuses... Its silly really we all know how old you founder grandparents are.

Peff is a good player who has an exaggerated sense of what makes a good player and even worse helpful player in this game. I would recommend disregarding his elitist and snopish comments verbatim.

#48 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:45 PM

View PostThorqemada, on 27 August 2013 - 11:39 PM, said:

Why do you blame Founders for (unwanted) decisions only PGI is responsible for?

Know you enemy!

because its predominantly the founders that are against solo and premade ques.

#49 Johnny Reb


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:47 PM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 11:45 PM, said:

because its predominantly the founders that are against solo and premade ques.

Isn't sad they then they say you should group up in the pre-match screens! Heh, so which is?

#50 Scandinavian Jawbreaker


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:48 PM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 11:45 PM, said:

because its predominantly the founders that are against solo and premade ques.

It might seem that way since the Founders dominate the forum. Lots of nonfounders against separate queues out there.

#51 Funkadelic Mayhem


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Posted 27 August 2013 - 11:49 PM

View Postnitra, on 27 August 2013 - 10:15 PM, said:

Not trying to troll but i cant resist this .

has one of the silent majority actually spoken ?

ok now seriously .

ill skip the founders stuff as thats rather touchy.

yes elo is irritating at times and you get stuck in some pretty screwed up situations

you have to understand that your not going to get rid of 3rd party voice comms it has changed the way we game we have to accept it . may not like it, but you cannot get rid of it. it just logistical impossible.

but this does not mean you can not have a good game . it does however mean you have to change your play style.

It starts with sticking with your team and making and effort to make a difference.
I know it sucks i hate sticking with my team . waiting to engage staring at the map in disbelief that over half the team is still in base. but you have to .

because you need your teams fire power and the team needs your targets. this is where the fun actually begins as you maneuver around trying to find a unprotected target to rain death upon .

Its about probing the enemy lines and keeping that soft target locked up till hes dead.
but you have to be judicial about how you maintain that lock and keep your exposure limited at the same time.

its a fine balance of keeping your fire power on the enemy while minimizing your profile to theirs.

they are times this fails horrendously and your left screaming at your team wondering why they are at section x doing jack and your over here with what you thought was your team getting hammered by 12 mechs .

other times this works really well and you get to see the effects of mechs melting in a hail of lrms, large lasers, gauss, and ppc's
its even better when it becomes the domino effect and its one right after the other.

alll this happens with working with, and playing with your team it comes with experience and effort at trying to preserve your mech.

While this may not always be fun to play it is the way to have more enjoyable games and lessens the frustration.

also believe it or not, the in game chat works really well also, while it may play second fiddle to 3rd party chat it still is useful at conveying info to your team and harassing the other team .
Also if used tactfully its a really good way at providing tactical misinformation.

regardless the game is what you make of it .

I dont really play well with my team, i like to run about and get involved in small skirmishes that usually end up getting me torn to shreds or utterly destroyed by a rolling blitzkrieg of enemy mechs, but hey i have fun and i expect it . if i get my kill or kills im happy .

However it does not promote healthy team play. Overall when i do play a game with a good team and i play the part of a good team player i have fun

thats what it is about ultimately is fun

find what works for you , it may require you change your game play but im pretty confident you can find some role on the field that amuses you .

for instance just for giggles its fun to pull out a gimped lrm boat and just spew missiles half the game who cares about kills its great fun watching all those missiles follow some poor sap around the battlefield.

it also lets you harass your team in chat with repeated .. hold your targets guys !! i cant kill these people unless you martyr your self for me !!

see theirs just no end to the fun that can be had.

le sigh.....

View PostIV Amen, on 27 August 2013 - 11:48 PM, said:

It might seem that way since the Founders dominate the forum. Lots of nonfounders against separate queues out there.

only the founders with more then one account. :)

#52 Thorqemada


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 12:02 AM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 11:45 PM, said:

because its predominantly the founders that are against solo and premade ques.

Imho you are misinformed - being in this game since CB there are for sure some guys that like to roflstomp PUGs but that is a minority of douches.

Everytime Solo-Queues were brought up by Founders PGI neglected this with the sentiment that the current size of the playerbase does not support this and that it will be included in later game stage when CW and UI arrive and the Playerbase has grown accordingly and development ressources can used on the implmentation of it.

I Play exclusive solo in PUGs only bcs all my friends have left the game a Long time ago almost perfectly predicting where this will end but with >8000 matches solo (CB+OB) i had no PUG-Stomp experience since the introduction of 12vs12 (a few hundred matches) though i did only 4 matches since 3PV went life to judge it myself and of 4 wins 3 were roflstomps.

It may be possible that the matchmaker can not balance matches anymore in a reasonable skill window but that also would only be PGIs fault!

Edited by Thorqemada, 28 August 2013 - 12:35 AM.

#53 Larec


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 01:02 AM

I strongly disagree with the OP (and yes, I am a founder, sue me!).

I play both in groups and solo regularly. I have to admit, on 8 man teams it really did make a difference, but in the new 12 man teams, it really doesn't. It all comes down to the individual players skill, since there's only so much a coordinated 4 man group can do (this is already assuming that groups always play coordinated - which is not the case, I can assure you).

As for the ELO System: I like it. Since its implementation, I've been seeing MANY more even games than before. Or in other words: My K/D Ratio fell from somewhere near 2.3 to 1.9 - and it still continues to fall.

So yeah, I pretty much disagree with everything you said. Furtheron, for your benefit, I assume that your suggestion about banning TS was a joke.

#54 Budor


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 02:54 AM

Matchmaker is a joke. As soon as I see playernames on my team I know and don't recognise anyone on the opposite side its a 90% win. When I group with 1 guy on voice we win the majority off matches. 3-4 competent players on voice is a 9/10 games win.

#55 Screech


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:23 AM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 11:45 PM, said:

because its predominantly the founders that are against solo and premade ques.

Not really. Please show me the numbers to prove your bigotry.

#56 Feetwet


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:46 AM

I may be biased because I drop in US primetime, but I think it is pretty rare that only one side has a premade...4 man or otherwise. I'm guessing that each side has at least one and probably more.

I have played both ways, PUG and premade, and can tell you that stomps happen to both sides. One mistake, the other teams strategy, anything can tip the scales. And once tipped, a loss and a collapse are not very far apart.

If the queues are separated...I may still drop with premades...even when I pug. I really like to win...but I also really like the challenge.


#57 627


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:48 AM

besides senseless founders bashing, im with you in some parts. Yes, teamplay is OP, you don't even need voice for that.

Get some players on your team that know how to play as team and you're set on win.

On the other side, even teams don't play that good. I play 50/50 solo or with my friends and we loose more often than we want. We are no tryhards who "train" this game, we play for fun after work. And not even organized, one runs away in a spider, i try to level those hated quickdraws and the other guy pilots an awesome up the hill and works on his spectating skills after that.

And limiting group play to 2-3? thats no solution. We had this very same discussion before with up to 8man teams.

Different queues could help but you won't see em for some time. Too few players to split us up, thats why we have no hardcore queue.

Oh and btw, there're not much people who are against different queues. But they and me too are against it, that we can't play with our friends. Even now it is bad if you have more then 4 people (but not 8). Yes you can sync drop and everytime we do that we hope to land in opposing teams because everything else would be unfair.

Don't blame the players for playing the game. Give us a balanced way to play with our friends and there won't be anyone against it.

This community is so desperate because it sees their beloved game fall down the stairs, it would take anything.

#58 Syllogy


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 06:51 AM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 05:52 PM, said:

Its whats going to prevent new people from sticking around. Its whats going to force solo people who have been playing a while from sticking around.

Your founders are NOT going to carry this game into the future! They are the vocal minority but not the future! (Yes founders thanks for getting this game going, but your "QQ because we want to lolerstomps on 3rd party comms in OP builds have got to go")

The elo as it is set up now is ridiculous! 1 Person can carry a team and everyone else on the team will get higher elo because of it. Then get put in brackets they have no business being put in.

3rd party voice needs to be banned and a MWO voice system needs to be put in place.. Or at the very least, give a voice chat option that connects everyone on a team with each other IN GAME!

J*C the list goes on and on. Stop trying to balance for the QQ founders and balance the game for the majority! If the founders are the majority, you need to think twice about how long this game is going to last and how great it can really be.

LOLERstomp after LOLERstomp.... being a solo player, winning lolerstomps IS JUST AS BORING AND FRUSTRATING AS LOOSING THEM!

Good luck with the retention in September. :angry:

Loose the QQ Founders who can carry a team!

#59 Asakara


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:51 AM

From what the Devs have said so far it seems to me that solo players will be either part of a faction, dropping with groups and other solo players of their same faction (or allied player-run unit personnel) ... Or they will be lone wolves who will be used as filler for a side when there are not enough people in that faction (or allied player-run unit) to make a 12 team.


Will faction affiliated players be able to play with lone wolves in the "random matches" at will? –That Guy

[PAUL] Yes. The faction players will have their ranks filled with lone wolves in the event that not enough players can be found for a given match.

How will it still be desireable for someone, to play as a Lone Wolf when there is no special content to be earned that way, or is there going to be other stuff which only a Lone Wolf can acquire? –Sesambrot

[BRYAN] While Lone Wolves do not participate in the faction aspect of MWO’s community warfare, they will play an integral role in lending their services to faction and merc units. Post launch, we plan to give lone wolf players a broader set of roles in the univers


Naitsirch: Will there be a no-premade / solo-drop mode or not.
A: We’re looking at it. Currently most MWO players actually play in groups.


irony1999: How do you see the Play button working with the launch of CW? Will the players be routed into one of several dozen queues, or will the 1st/3rd person and match type preferences be set in the lobby to keep the split to a more manageable level?
A: We’re still deciding the final execution, early thoughts are to make all matches Faction matches A vs B, with each team being made of up Faction players + solo or small groups (2-4) merc corps and/or lone wolves who have pledge allegiance to a faction.


MegaZordTrololo: From the sounds of it, community warfare will need the matchmaker to generate teams of players all from a single faction to start a match. Have you considered the effects on waiting times for matchmaking that this will cause? Especially considering that the future player base may be split into 1st person and 3rd person queues.
A: Yes, we do not anticipate an increase in wait times due to Lone Wolf and aligned solo Merc Unit players filling the ranks.

#60 PEEFsmash


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Posted 28 August 2013 - 07:58 AM

View PostFunkadelic Mayhem, on 27 August 2013 - 11:34 PM, said:

Your just mad if it does happen you will have to work for your CB, and the people like me who only drop solo and dont have the TS crutch will own you and make your ego explode.

First of all, do you think I care about cbills at this point?

Second of all, if you would like to duel me 1v1, let me know. My username is PEEFsmash and I play basically every evening. Until then, don't claim you will "own me" unless you're willing to be publicly embarrassed in a streamed 1v1.

Edited by PEEFsmash, 28 August 2013 - 07:58 AM.

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