3PV, as has been implemented,is useless for newbies and gives unfair advantages compared to 1PV only.
You are a noob; first time starting the game.
1) No tutorial.. Meh.
2) Testing Grounds: How can i move? It's too hard to understand.. Oh yeah there is the third person view,i can see my Mech! Yeee! *press F4* WTF? I can't see my legs!

And there isn't the minimap with the arrows which say me where my legs and my torso are facing.. (true with,i think, every medium or heavier)
You are a competitive player:
1) I know there is someone near that rock..
2) *press F4* Well,now i can see beyond the cliff covering me without risking being hit!
So what is the point of 3PV?
Best implementation IMO: mixed queque, better avoid fragmenting the community. But if you want to help the new arcade players who cannot drive a tank (or a walking tank), you must do it in this way: the camera is low, you can see very well your legs and your torso. Doing this will prevent 3PV users to be able to see beyond cover so no unfair advantages (or at least they are reduced). Everyone is happy