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Need Help- Dx 11 To Dx 9

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#1 copaceticsmokey


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 06:36 AM

i need dx 9 instead of 11, to improve my fps in game.
when i try to install 9, i get a msg that a more recent version is installed & finishes.
how do i install 9 ( would like to keep 11 if i can, is useful, lol ).
thanks & enjoy

#2 EyeDie I


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 07:12 AM

from my understanding most games even dx10 or dx11 are built on the dx9.0c architecture,and your dx11 has it built in (i could be wrong) if your game runs but has slow fps you have dx9 already which isnt utilizing the full power of your vid card and is doing prosses with your cpu that the vid card would do with dx11.you can upgrade your vid card to improve fps(i just did) but i would wait for the dx11 release to see if that improves it.

#3 Shamous13


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 09:14 AM

What version of windows are you running? you should be able to force the install. clear all temp files using CCleaner,restart system then run the web installer as admin. also make sure you have Microsoft .NET Framework 4 installed prior to DX9

** 1) .NET: http://www.microsoft...s.aspx?id=17851
** 2) C++: http://www.microsoft...ls.aspx?id=5555
** 3) DirectX: http://www.microsoft...ails.aspx?id=35

#4 copaceticsmokey


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 05:12 PM

thanks for the responses.
EyeDie l.... upgrading not in budget ( 4 a game ), IF mwo goes 11 ( only talk no firm date, maybe the 17th, maybe) is toooo long...need to play NOW, lol
Shamous13...love CCleaner been using it for a few yrs...have framework & the low-end work around from this forum, just seemed to miss the Dx9/ 11 thing ( head slap ), did'nt know i could force the change, thought i had to turn-off/ remove the 11 first, then load.
using win.7. drivers & software updated ( courtesy driver booster by IObit & my researching... even the BIOS is current, lol ).
gonna try again...i'll post again
really appreciate the imput thank you

#5 copaceticsmokey


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Posted 29 August 2013 - 05:50 PM

ok, did the admin. no change same msg, even ran compatability, no joy.
this is down-right %^^&&**(().
and did i mention @#$%^&*(
seriously, there must be some way to change this

#6 Shamous13


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 03:14 AM

can you post your dxdiag when you get the crash, It will give us some info that will help.
** To access it, press the Windows key + R, type Dxdiag and press Enter. Save all information locally

#7 EyeDie I


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 07:12 AM

i didnt say buy a card, i bought 1 with birthday gift cards ; )

#8 copaceticsmokey


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 10:30 AM

Shamous13, not having crashes, just low frame rate due to Dx11 ( only thing not done yet ), tried the admin. option still got msg about a more recent version & finish.
any other way u guys can think of , to change from 11 to 9 ?

#9 Hennessey


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 11:15 AM

I don't want to rub salt in the wound, because I know how frustrating this is, but... If I'm not mistaken the DX11 install includes drivers for DX9 in the same package (i.e. your system already has, or already thinks it has DX9). That being said, there are certain games, WOW for instance, where you can force the use of the DX9 drivers through the console or even through the in game graphics settings. Other games will not have this feature, or like MWO will natively use DX9 anyway.

Also, and you probably already know this, there are many things that can affect your FPS like how much space/speed/fragmentation on your HD, amount of RAM, a badly seated graphics card, background processes, your video card settings (I generally put every option to 'Use Application settings'), and even your internet connection. My FPS in MWO goes to $#%! when all of my kids get online at the same time.

That all being said, DX11 and DX9 have very little difference between them, and as far as I know, DX11 is supposed to simply render the same as DX9, but with better ability to utilize the graphics processor (i.e. you should get better framerates with similar settings with DX11 versus DX9). The only reason I mention this is to ask what makes you think that DX9 will work any better/faster (i.e. did the change happen after you installed DX11, did you recently upgrade OS/Graphics cards?). Or, is it just not letting you even play games that are DX9 only?

I would suggest dropping all of the settings down to default on the graphics card and in game (if you haven't already), check that you have a good internet connection with low ping, and check the task manager to see if any processes are hogging your systems resources. Other than that I did manage to get DX9 installed once after manually deleting DX11 from the system and even scrubbing it out of the registry (there are how-to guides somewhere on the great interwebs for this), but wouldn't you know it, I installed DX11 shortly afterwards to play a different game, and BAM DX9 was 'gone' having been assimilated into DX11.

TL;DR: Graphics problems suck, been there. Please explain why you think DX9 will solve the issue, and try all the usual regarding graphics problems before you start hitting the computer with a hammer.

Edited by Hennessey, 30 August 2013 - 11:18 AM.

#10 Lycrius


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 01:59 PM

1st of all you should list your processor and graphics card. 2nd dx11 has dx9 drivers in it and this game only runs with dx9 so...
If your game ran ok before 12v12 thats probably your culprit not some mysterious directx change.
Also deleting the Cache folder under \Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\USER\Shaders might help.

#11 copaceticsmokey


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 03:18 PM

i don't know that Dx9 will fix the FPS in game, it's just the only thing left to change/ update/ upgrade short of spending $$$.
all graphics set compliments of the low-end usercfg. by Col Prada Vinson from this forum.
guess i'm just not gonna be able to play this game, real shame when a 2yr old comp is too old to play a game, MWO is missing a huge chunk of the gaming market i bet.
most gamers i know don't have new, game specific comps, just standard use comps with not to many bells or whistles.
i really like this game, but i've spent alot of time & effort with no joy.
wish that MWO would try to help ppl like me, but the players r the only help i've found .

#12 Hennessey


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 04:25 PM

I hear ya! Well, that being the situation, I can tell you that DX9 will not be worth the effort of trying to force (as you're already using it basically), but it's true the 12v12 is causing issues for a lot of folks, and there should be (SHOULD be) some relief once DX11 gets into the game.

That being said, you really should post your video card/processor for folks to look at.

Not that it's related, but I once had a game (can't remember which) that would drop down to 4-6 fps what seemed like completely randomly. Turned out to be a (expired btw) Norton AV trying to update itself. Killed that prog, and never had the slow-down again. Not that that is your issue, but sometimes things as simple and overlooked as that can make a difference. But, people here won't be able to give you any better ideas unless we know what you're working with.

#13 Alekzander Smirnoff


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 05:22 PM

What kind of computer do you have, self built, brand name? How much did it cost? If you have a bargin PC ($5-800) its not going to run MWO smoothly due to the hardware OEM's cram into cheap computers, the best you can hope for is lowering settings to bottom, then lowering resolution.

Due to the nature of DirectX being mostly backward compatible, an application will either A. use the highest code path available to the hardware and disable incompatible features (ex: a DX11 game on a DX10 card) or B. run the applications' requested code path (MWO currently only has a DX9 code path).

#14 copaceticsmokey


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 06:04 PM

Toshiba Satellite 655, AMD Catalyst 13.8 ( Beta ) drivers updated courtesy of IObits Driver Booster , i even have the latest BIOS, Comodo AV with built-in firewall & gaming option, power set to performance & low-end usercfg., CCleaner & IObit Advanced System Care for cleaning & optimizing (lol).
be happy to add the dxdiag. except i don't know how to send it here.

#15 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:59 PM

All, I believe you may have misunderstood what Copaceticsmokey is asking, and it is dependent on what I read from the OP 1st post.

Copac, you are currently playing MWO? That is what I see when you said you wanted to find a way to IMPROVE your FPS, correct?

On the directx 9c, if you are playing MWO your system, one way or another had the most recent DX 9c modules installed, or you would not be able to play MWO.

In the future, if you wish to reinstall DX9c, use the redistribution package DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)

As for other ways to increase your FPS, more system details are needed.

DxDiag.txt - This file is generated through the DxDiag application accessed through Start -> Run: dxdiag -> Save All Information, and the .txt file will be saved where desired.

#16 BeezleBug


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 01:27 AM

Hennessey is right. You dont have to install direktX 9. just install the latest direktX from MS. DX11 includes direktX 9.

The Toshiba Satellite 655 is not able to run this game properly. you need a better rig,sry.

#17 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 10:30 AM

View PostBeezleBug, on 31 August 2013 - 01:27 AM, said:

Hennessey is right. You dont have to install direktX 9. just install the latest direktX from MS. DX11 includes direktX 9.

The Toshiba Satellite 655 is not able to run this game properly. you need a better rig,sry.

Partially incorrect with regards to DX 9c, as many others have been proven incorrect with that line of thinking each time when Vista, W7 and W8 went live. Vista and newer OS includes a base version of directx 9 but does not include all the directx 9c modules, many which are needed by a number of directx 9c driven games, from Everquest to Planetside 2 to WOW to MWO. A few pre-made manufacturers will install the full direct 9c package, as well as most of the newer games, especially those on CDs, that rely on those files.

MWO started to do the same but there is the MS installer certificate issue, but there are workarounds for it til they get it taken care of.

And to clarify both the dxwebsetup or the redistribution package is all about directx 9c.

Edited by Tarl Cabot, 31 August 2013 - 10:33 AM.

#18 Hennessey


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 11:31 AM

View PostTarl Cabot, on 31 August 2013 - 10:30 AM, said:

Partially incorrect with regards to DX 9c, as many others have been proven incorrect with that line of thinking each time when Vista, W7 and W8 went live. Vista and newer OS includes a base version of directx 9 but does not include all the directx 9c modules, many which are needed by a number of directx 9c driven games, from Everquest to Planetside 2 to WOW to MWO. A few pre-made manufacturers will install the full direct 9c package, as well as most of the newer games, especially those on CDs, that rely on those files.

MWO started to do the same but there is the MS installer certificate issue, but there are workarounds for it til they get it taken care of.

And to clarify both the dxwebsetup or the redistribution package is all about directx 9c.

I didn't even think of that. Good point on the difference between the baseline DX9 and the DX9c on install.

Unfortunately, it doesn't solve OPs issue either way.

Sorry copaceticsmokey... The Toshiba's even with the integrated video cards have a rough time with MWO. I tried to play it on my wife's a few months back, and it just couldn't handle it. Your only gleaming hope, short of some graphic setting that you may have overlooked, is that the DX11 update makes it just better enough to be playable.

#19 Hennessey


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 11:37 AM

Oh, one last thing that you may or may not have tried:

Turn all of the Windows Aero features off (Aero? Is that right?). Basically windows will look like garbage, but it does free up some resources. You probably won't notice a whole lot of improvement, but just enough to be playable maybe?

Really just a shot in the dark, and the only other thing I could think that could help and be (slightly) cheap is to increase your RAM, though again that may only help nominally...

Again though, probably just wait to see how it is with DX11, and then start saving! A 300-500 dollar desktop should snag you enough to play the game smoothly if you buy it right.

#20 Alekzander Smirnoff


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Posted 31 August 2013 - 12:58 PM

Its the core i3 CPU with the intel HD 4000 thats the problem. Not nearly enough OOMPH to run MWO at satisfactory frame rates, best option is to lower full screen resolution down from whatever the native is, which looking at the specs is slightly above 720p. Might see if you can drop the resolution one step lower if it even will go lower.

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