tucsonspeed6, on 10 September 2013 - 10:26 AM, said:
You wonder why they don't post here and then one line later take the canary quote out of context to make them look bad.
I understand that there are legitimate concerns about the state of the game. Honestly my take is that they are in fact in over their heads, but I don't see that changing the final product in any way other than the delivery date. When they said that CW would come out this summer they didn't foresee many of the technical hurdles that were in the way. That's no reason to take it personally.
More disturbing, however, is the state of these forums. This place is a toxic waste dump of negativity. It's depressing to see grown men acting like irrational teenagers. At a certain point it stops being a reaction to any news from PGI but rather the whole situation reverses to where you know the reaction first ( outrage ) but are simply looking for the trigger. Brian could have used the metaphor of a litmus test, and you or someone else would have gotten bent out of shape over fantasies of being dunked in acid.
And here is my plea to all of those toxic elements here and to no one individual in particular:
Be adults for crying out loud. I know a lot of the players here are adult men with wives and kids, yet I can't imagine any man's children looking up to him if they were to see these public tantrums of "But...they LIED!" Or "I'm not giving them a penny until I get my way!" Have some dignity for Gods sake. It's embarrassing. A man this passionate about something should be able to keep his composure, or at the very worst be able to wash his hands of the game completely and walk away silently. Pick one. The hand wringing and melodrama is pathetic.
Let me ask you this. Why is a forum created? Feedback. No kidding. Ive read hundreds of posts by people with some amazing feedback and as this ship rolls on it seems to me these ideas and critiques aren't being taken seriously. At times just plain ignored. I have invested money into this game. Ive waited 10 years for mechwarrior to come back to life. Hell ya I'm passionate about it. So were all the other founders. Passionate. Don't mistake passion about something for what you are deluding. Im no robot that lives in pollyanna ville. I will give praise went its warranted. Right now its not. Period. There was a certain direction that PGI had insisted it was going and it conformed to my own vision of how Mechwarrior should play. It looked very much like we were going down a good development road in closed beta. Now? Whole change of story there. Just go back and re read some issues on how they were handled. Serious signs of LACK of communication and at worst just plain stupefying decisions. Let me make it perfectly clear. I WANT this game to succeed. So I will be vocal about that. What a forum is created for. That very vocal crowd has already made PGI think twice on 3 Pv. So this forum full of passionate people will continue on putting PGI under a microscope until we can meet in the middle and make MWO a huge success.