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Lowdown On Launch From Bryan Ekman (Reposted From Reddit)

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#121 jozkhan


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:33 PM

View PostStrayed, on 05 September 2013 - 12:07 PM, said:

To Original Poster, where is the link to your source?

This is the NGNG88 podcast I dont know why the NGNG guys havent posted this up themselves that's what they are paid for


I believe someone else posted the reddit link already

Edited by jozkhan, 05 September 2013 - 12:34 PM.

#122 Dawnstealer


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:41 PM

View PostWarHippy, on 05 September 2013 - 11:46 AM, said:

Don't worry you have only been playing since April so you haven't been waiting for that long to get some of these shiny bobbles, but in six months or a year from now after the goal posts have been moved for the 17th time you to will join the dark side.

I won't: I'll be playing something else.

Don't get me wrong, I love the BT universe and have been playing since FASA was a Traveler universe mod. But seeing an occasional slightly different stompy robot will not keep me amused for long.

Does the missed deadline bother me? Sure. I was looking forward to bouncing towards the Periphery, or watching as worlds went quiet at the rim while stomping over some Kurita mechs.

I still think they're coming. Is it guaranteed to happen? Might PGI miss one too many deadlines? Might they get panned and then just get dissolved?

Sure: this is a business and this is a game that you can play for free - it will live or die on word of mouth, and friends talking other friends into firing it up, and by glowing reviews. There's a lot of competition out there, and even if PGI delivers 100%, the chances this game lives more than a year or two aren't great.

My point is that I probably won't stick around forever. No matter where this game goes, I'm going to eventually lose interest and push on to the next shiny game.

Because of my love for the BT universe, this one will hold my interest longer than most, but it won't be forever. At this point, it's just a race between the features and my interest.

For you, and many of the more vocal posters, this time has obviously already passed. You're right: you have more time in this game than I do; more time and maybe more money invested into "the Big Plan."

But when I burn out, you won't see me posting here for months on end about how the whole thing's doomed, about how "these noobs don't get it," about how I was lied to, about how poorly made and run the game is, etc, etc. I might lay down a parting shot about what I had hoped the game would be, if CW never materializes, but that will be it.

Then I'll go do something else, and play another game.

#123 Novakaine


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:42 PM

This is worst than US Space Command without any spaceships.

Tales of the Space Command.
"General the alien fleet have taken positions in high orbit"
"Dang, scramble all available fighters now!"
"Er sir we don't have fighters capable of flying that high."
"Dang, then fire all available missiles now!"
"Ah begging the General's pardon but non of our strategic assets will reach them either."
"Dang-it again how many shuttles do we have?"
"Decommissioned sir."
"Dang-it for all major just what exactly do we have?"
"Well sir they say we have some promising stuff on the drawing board!"
"Drawing board?"
"Next year will be a really exciting time!"
"Next year.........seriously?!"
"Yes sir very exciting stuff."
"Hmmmm alright then do we at least have some shovels?"
"Shovels sir?"
"Yes man shovels and send to those exciting stuff boys - their gonna need em."

Edited by Novakaine, 05 September 2013 - 01:08 PM.

#124 Bront


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:47 PM

View PostSean von Steinike, on 05 September 2013 - 03:14 AM, said:

Founder's Cat is the most owned mech......so.....not too many non-founders out there? And 50% of Founder's play monthly? One match in a month?

No, Cat is the most owned mech if you include Founders. Mech, not Variant.

Also, crouching? Really? Why?

#125 Redshift2k5

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Posted 05 September 2013 - 12:51 PM

View PostJason Parker, on 05 September 2013 - 03:17 AM, said:

What I find baffling is that retaining over 50% of your most enthusiastic supporters is seen as a good thing that is worth to be made public. The flipside is: They managed to alienate at least 41% of those people in about one year's time.

A lot of people bought founder packs without being "enthusiastic supporters", there were many people back in early closed beta who had never played a MW game before, we still see new founders show up a whole year later who bought a pack and never actually played the game at all until now.

#126 Wolfways


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:01 PM

View PostDawnstealer, on 05 September 2013 - 12:41 PM, said:

Then I'll go do something else, and play another game.

And there are those who actually care enough about the game that they will stick around, even if only on the forums, in the hope that MWO will get better.
To me, saying you'll just move on to something else means you don't care whether MWO succeeds or fails.

Oh, and people aren't going to another restaurant because there isn't one.

#127 Vila deVere


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:02 PM

View PostGalen Crayn, on 05 September 2013 - 10:26 AM, said:

Oh, i will love to read all the reviews of an unfinished game...

Remember Battlecruiser 3000AD?

#128 Orcish Librarian


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:09 PM

One patch to restore my faith, directly followed by one podcast to shatter it once and for all. This is no launch - this is peeling the sticker saying "Beta" off the product, smiling in the camera like a drunk ***** and saying: "Lunch!"... followed by a light salad. There is NOTHING happening on launch that wasn't happening before. Besides throwing out stuff that can be bought with real cash. That is why we earn less and less c-bills - to get people say "SCREW IT!" and drop over 20 bucks for a Mech to shortcut to ownership.
Yo, PGI: A little hint - if you're game would have a game - besides running around, shooting {Scrap} and spending money - maybe, just maybe some more diehard fans would drop regular cash on you! Just saying...
I started loosing my faith over the 3PV/1PV-fiasco and was pondering a refund request on my Project Phoenix Package ever since. This? NOT HELPING YOUR SIDE PGI!

Thunder out!

#129 WarHippy


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:09 PM

View PostDawnstealer, on 05 September 2013 - 12:41 PM, said:

I won't: I'll be playing something else.

Don't get me wrong, I love the BT universe and have been playing since FASA was a Traveler universe mod. But seeing an occasional slightly different stompy robot will not keep me amused for long.

Does the missed deadline bother me? Sure. I was looking forward to bouncing towards the Periphery, or watching as worlds went quiet at the rim while stomping over some Kurita mechs.

I still think they're coming. Is it guaranteed to happen? Might PGI miss one too many deadlines? Might they get panned and then just get dissolved?

Sure: this is a business and this is a game that you can play for free - it will live or die on word of mouth, and friends talking other friends into firing it up, and by glowing reviews. There's a lot of competition out there, and even if PGI delivers 100%, the chances this game lives more than a year or two aren't great.

My point is that I probably won't stick around forever. No matter where this game goes, I'm going to eventually lose interest and push on to the next shiny game.

Because of my love for the BT universe, this one will hold my interest longer than most, but it won't be forever. At this point, it's just a race between the features and my interest.

For you, and many of the more vocal posters, this time has obviously already passed. You're right: you have more time in this game than I do; more time and maybe more money invested into "the Big Plan."

But when I burn out, you won't see me posting here for months on end about how the whole thing's doomed, about how "these noobs don't get it," about how I was lied to, about how poorly made and run the game is, etc, etc. I might lay down a parting shot about what I had hoped the game would be, if CW never materializes, but that will be it.

Then I'll go do something else, and play another game.

Can you explain why exactly people shouldn't voice their frustrations? I'm still here because I have some distant glimmer of hope that the Devs will come to their senses, but myself and others are not going to sit here in silence as they dangle the carrot in front of more doe-eyed players that haven't realized they are being duped. It is less than two weeks to launch, and all the game is going to have is what we have now. Sure CW may someday come, and so might UI2.0, but we haven't even given the courtesy of letting us know what to expect in those often alluded too yet never materialized features.

#130 Henry Pride


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:10 PM

This game is atm the Multiplayer of MW4... with less Maps and less Mechs... and a Itemshop.... Nothing more, nothing less.

Release this game, without ANY Content, without a working Tutorial, without working hit detection, just with **** loads of Mechs, u can buy for a lot of money if u want to.

I support this game, cause i love Mechwarrior, Battletech and the whole franchise, but ill give this game a small amout of time after launch to show if PGI is able to bring it, where they should bring it... otherwise, ill play Star Citizen....

#131 torgian


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:19 PM

View PostCaemric Thunder, on 05 September 2013 - 01:09 PM, said:

Just saying...
I started loosing my faith over the 3PV/1PV-fiasco and was pondering a refund request on my Project Phoenix Package ever since. This? NOT HELPING YOUR SIDE PGI!

Thunder out!

I started losing it last year when they started talking about cool shot.

View PostHenry Pride, on 05 September 2013 - 01:10 PM, said:

This game is atm the Multiplayer of MW4... with less Maps and less Mechs... and a Itemshop.... Nothing more, nothing less.

Release this game, without ANY Content, without a working Tutorial, without working hit detection, just with **** loads of Mechs, u can buy for a lot of money if u want to.

I support this game, cause i love Mechwarrior, Battletech and the whole franchise, but ill give this game a small amout of time after launch to show if PGI is able to bring it, where they should bring it... otherwise, ill play Star Citizen....

Is Star Citizen coming out this year? I thought it was next year.

#132 WarHippy


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:28 PM

You know the more I think about this the more I am reminded of something... What was that game that they added some sort of shop to... I think it was called an auction house or something, and then they left out features that were a big part of earlier games in the series causing great anger on the forums... Diablo something... but hey at least it had a lobby... er no wait that was Diablo 2.

#133 Thunder Lips Express


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:32 PM

Ok, i have been as staunch of a defender of pgi as anyone, my armour is as white as possible... But what is the point of having a "launch" if ui 2.0 or cw isn't introduced? Maybe they will surprise us, i like surprises, but I'm guessing they couldn't get the deposit back on the hall or refund their plane tickets. I hope I am wrong... My first critical post, i feel so dirty. How do you trolls do this every day lol

#134 Pendraco


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:41 PM

View PostEcliptor, on 05 September 2013 - 01:32 PM, said:

Ok, i have been as staunch of a defender of pgi as anyone, my armour is as white as possible... But what is the point of having a "launch" if ui 2.0 or cw isn't introduced? Maybe they will surprise us, i like surprises, but I'm guessing they couldn't get the deposit back on the hall or refund their plane tickets. I hope I am wrong... My first critical post, i feel so dirty. How do you trolls do this every day lol

Remember, the game actually launches 9 days BEFORE the launch party. So the actual game will not even launch with a ...er...party.

My bet is...maybe they will surprise everyone with a really great....uh, sale.

Posted Image

Edited by Pendraco, 05 September 2013 - 01:42 PM.

#135 Hellcat420


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:42 PM

View PostForestGnome, on 05 September 2013 - 12:29 PM, said:

What's strange is that the "norm" is news being presented on reddit/twitter/NGNG before their own website in general.

well they have to get their monies worth out of ngng somehow, igp isnt paying ngng to sit arond and look pretty.

#136 Dawnstealer


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:45 PM

View PostWolfways, on 05 September 2013 - 01:01 PM, said:

And there are those who actually care enough about the game that they will stick around, even if only on the forums, in the hope that MWO will get better.
To me, saying you'll just move on to something else means you don't care whether MWO succeeds or fails.

Oh, and people aren't going to another restaurant because there isn't one.

Care enough to talk about how horrible the game is, how horrible PGI is, how they were lied to, how this game will fail, how anyone who disagrees with them is clearly ignorant? That kind of caring? That's a special kind of caring, right there.

Also quoting one sentence out of a multi-paragraph point is a phenomenal way to make a point. Well done.

And yeah: there isn't another Mechwarrior game out there, is there? So...what? You just hang out here?

It's like a party where all the guests are dead and you're screaming at the cake. Congratulations.

#137 Sidekick


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:46 PM

View PostDawnstealer, on 05 September 2013 - 12:27 PM, said:

No - that's not at all what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that the rather vocal few that have been harping on this game as long as I've been active on these forums are...


If you threaten to leave and threaten to leave and threaten to leave, and then just keep posting and playing, you're just blowing steam. If you're going to leave, pack your bags and go. I'm tired of reading the constant, petulant whining.

It's a computer game. A GAME. I mean, if this is your one social outlet in life to come here and type furiously at developers, rarely saying anything constructive, and just going off for paragraphs about how you were lied to, and then doing that over and over and over.

Give it a rest? Or go away?

I know if I went to a restaurant and they spit in my food or ignored me for two hours while I sat there, I wouldn't sit stubbornly at the table and scream obscenities at the other patrons and servers; I'd go to another restaurant.

Go to another restaurant, Sidekick. Or at least stop posting the same thing over and over.

I am really sorry, but you have just activated my trap card.


I am not a regular poster. If you would care to check my post count and activities, you would get the conclusion that I am active "in waves". Several days of activity followed by weeks, if not months of silence. Concidering that I am active since more than a year, this would mean that I´m averaging 10 posts a month. In gaming terms: I´m highly inefficient as a poster.

So: No, I am not "threatening to leave". Fact is, when it comes to enjoyment of games, I have already left. Like many others, I wanderd off to WarThunder, others keep praising StarCitizen.. heck, some are even salking about WoT. World frigging Tanks!

But yes, it is true. Some are just blowing off steam. But face it: They aren´t doing it for long.

I may not be posting a lot, but I am really reading alot. The flamewars are utmost enjoyable.

I suggest you to visit the archieves. Go back a year. Go read the huge stuff that was hot a year ago. The 2nd LRMcalypse, the openbeta-debacle. Go back, read those old threads.

Notice some familiar faces? You will find some, but a large part of these "ancient" regulars will be unknown to you. Founders, Golds, that lost their patience and faith a long time ago.

You tell the angry players to leave... well. Too bad. They are leaving. I am even recognizing a shift in the populus after the 3PV-flamewar. To you, this doesn´t matter. You are just talking like all the other "angry nerds" here, but you have other stakes. You are not part of the old "Wow, this is gonna be awesome!"-Founders-Generation. Those who blindly put money into a project that was never clear to be launched at all.

You... tell people to leave. The worst thing that yould happen is that people follow your demands, loose their little faith they have left and just head out to greener pasteurs. So, if any angry fans reads your "shut up and leave" statement and takes it too serious and leaves... you are factually costing the game you are "defending" money. Even more money if he/she had already invested, since the economy of a F2P-Game is dependend of those who invest regulary.

F2P-Games have a rather complicated economy. You don´t kill your "Whales", you farm them as long as the project is running. New customers are always fine, but it is easier and way more profitable to milk those who have invested once.

#138 Hellcat420


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:50 PM

View PostEcliptor, on 05 September 2013 - 01:32 PM, said:

Ok, i have been as staunch of a defender of pgi as anyone, my armour is as white as possible... But what is the point of having a "launch" if ui 2.0 or cw isn't introduced? Maybe they will surprise us, i like surprises, but I'm guessing they couldn't get the deposit back on the hall or refund their plane tickets. I hope I am wrong... My first critical post, i feel so dirty. How do you trolls do this every day lol

its easy if you love battletech and dont give a **** about pgi anymore due to how they are handling the ip.

#139 WarHippy


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:52 PM

View PostDawnstealer, on 05 September 2013 - 01:45 PM, said:

Care enough to talk about how horrible the game is, how horrible PGI is, how they were lied to, how this game will fail, how anyone who disagrees with them is clearly ignorant? That kind of caring? That's a special kind of caring, right there.

Also quoting one sentence out of a multi-paragraph point is a phenomenal way to make a point. Well done.

And yeah: there isn't another Mechwarrior game out there, is there? So...what? You just hang out here?

It's like a party where all the guests are dead and you're screaming at the cake. Congratulations.

Well that was certainly a whole lot of pointless drivel. He cares because it is Mechwarrior, but that doesn't mean he can't be critical of this version of Mechwarrior, or the Devs invovled. Perhaps if you don't like what he or others have to say then you should just go to another thread much like you insist he and others go play something else when they don't like how a game is being handled.

#140 SmurfOff


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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:53 PM

View Postjozkhan, on 05 September 2013 - 03:04 AM, said:

  • Bryan talks a bit about PGI's approach to Clan Tech balance and how to avoid a mass exodus to the Clans because of superior everything Clantech won't follow the lolOP model from tabletop/lore; PGI doesn't want to obsolete IS mechs with the release of clantech.
I think that the small hope I had for this game just died... The whole #@$% point of the clan "invasion" was to introduce strife. IS desperately stemming the tide from the clans.. Additionally, it doesn't sound like they plan on following the star point lore, or pretty much any canon from IP they paid for.

PGI, you could have saved all of us some money if you just made stompy shooty robots online instead of promising a mechwarrior universe.

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