Rascula, on 06 December 2013 - 03:54 AM, said:
Just to throw this one in as it confused the heck out of me for a while:
0-7 ..This apparently is an honourable salute, and not as I thought for a long time an arrogant way to predict the scoreline!
O/0/o is the head, 7 is the arm.
There is a thread in the barracks(?) where a more real-world military man is trying to replace it with <o (or other round letter/number of your choice) as o7 (from looking
at him) has you saluting with your left arm (in many militaries a rather wrong thing)
Many people counter that it is meant to be looking from behind the guy, and thus it is his right arm, or that some militaries use the left arm for saluting.
Likewise, o/ or \o is either someone waving at you, or a {Godwin's Law} salute, depending on which direction it is meant to be viewed at.