Foxfire, on 07 September 2013 - 07:24 AM, said:
That is entirely your fault.
Had you made a thread saying 'Collision needs to be re-added to the game', you'd be getting a lot of concurrences and agrees.
Instead you made your post out to be a rant against light mechs and how unfair it is that light mechs don't get harmed from collisions(which is a false statement since any significant reduction in speed is easily a death sentence for a light in the heat of battle).
Sorry, but the tone of this post is entirely on you.
Collisions effected lights the most. Collisions were taken out cause they were not "new" light "player" friendly and the griefing part by people who understood collisions. So the influx of lights is due to the lack of skill of "watching your surroundings" due to no consequences (collisions). Who doesn't want to play a "fast mech" that can do = damage of and assault with little to no penalties?